Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 239: Holding the body of a Bodhisattva and doing devilish things!

In fact, at this moment, Wu Tian also had a similar realization.

However, his pattern is a bit small, limited to the relationship between Buddha and Demon, and is not as broad or complex as Meng Fan thought.

Wu Tian thought before that Buddha is Buddha and devil is devil!

He also knew that he did not have the potential to be a Buddha, but his personality and behavior were somewhat demon-like.

Although he doesn't care about these and is not afraid that he will really turn into a demon, if he has a choice, he naturally hopes that he can be a glorious Buddha instead of a demon that everyone shouts about.

Just now, he had a new understanding!

It seems that Buddha and demon are not necessarily so clearly distinguished. He came up with a genius idea from Meng Fan's sword.

That is to merge Buddha and demon into one body...

Hold the body of a Bodhisattva and do the things of the devil!

Thinking about it, it seems quite touching.

"I can continue to practice Buddhism and practice the Golden Body, and I can also practice other things as I like. As long as I don't have any scruples, then nothing will be a problem!"

Wu Tian's father and Mr. Lin brought Wu Tian to Jiange just to help Wu Tian cultivate his moral character and get rid of his demonic nature.

That's why Mr. Lin gave Wu Tian a copy of the "Bing Xin Sword Sutra", with the intention of getting rid of Wu Tian's violence and murderous intentions.

Who would have thought that such a sword scripture could be used by this boy to cultivate his demonic nature and become a demonic sword.

So this kid is really hopeless!

To be honest, if Wu Tian had not come to Jiange and met Meng Fan, he might not have been so extreme.

This is what fate does to people!

Whether it is a blessing or a curse is unpredictable.

It’s a blessing, not a curse, but it’s a curse that cannot be avoided.

The next day, after Meng Fan continued to absorb the spirituality cultivated by the old monk, he went to the Si Guo Cliff Qianjun Falling Formation to practice as usual.

Then he went to Liu Yanping's yard to teach Ye Qingyu and Liu Yehan how to practice their sword skills.

Now these guys all have the same goal, they all want to perfect their sword skills!

If nothing else goes wrong, Yang Shishi should be the first to master the sword technique.

For the next eight days, Meng Fan thought about his fulfilling life at Guoya, Alchemy Hall and Jiange.

Although he wasted some time, his cultivation level still broke through and reached the seventh level of Tianyuan Realm!

The distance to the realm of condensation is getting closer and closer.

In the morning of this day, Meng Fan opened the door of Jiange Pavilion and was about to go to Siguo Cliff as usual when he met an acquaintance outside the door of Jiange Pavilion.

Li Xuerou!

This girl has been in seclusion all day long, and has been in seclusion for several months. Meng Fan has not been seen for a long time.

"Sister Xuerou, you are finally out of seclusion!" Meng Fan said with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

To be honest, it is their right to practice in seclusion, and it is also a good thing to be able to concentrate on practicing.

But Meng Fan always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find anything wrong.

At the same time, Meng Fan discovered that Li Xuerou’s cultivation level had actually reached the sixth level of Tianyuan!

This... is a bit outrageous.

Last time he went to visit Li Xuerou who was in seclusion. This girl was only on the fourth level of Tianyuan.

How long has it been since you upgraded two levels to become the sixth level of Tianyuan?

Such an exaggerated speed has already surpassed Meng Fan!

Theoretically, Li Xuerou has the best spiritual root, while Meng Fan has the miscellaneous spiritual root.

It is natural that Li Xuerou's cultivation speed exceeds that of Meng Fan.

But that's not the case. Meng Fan's cultivation speed has nothing to do with the miscellaneous spiritual roots. He has turned on a cheat!

"Brother Meng Fan, I'm going to go down the mountain and kill a few people." As soon as Li Xuerou opened her mouth, Meng Fan was caught off guard.

If she remembers correctly, this girl has never killed anyone before!

That is to say, when I was in the demon realm, I killed several monsters.

Killing people is not the same concept as killing monsters, nor is it the same feeling.

A girl who has never killed anyone before opens her mouth with the intention of killing someone...

"Who to kill?" Meng Fan asked in a solemn tone.

He knew very well that there must be a reason for Li Xuerou's sudden words.

"I heard that there is a town called Jianyun three hundred miles west of Shushan Mountain. Recently, disciples of the Sky Eagle Demon Sect have been doing evil and poisoning the people." Li Xuerou said with a serious face.

It is common for demon sect disciples to do evil, it is not uncommon.

The key point in Li Xuerou’s words is the [Sky Eagle Demon Cult].

The village where Meng Fan and Li Xuerou were originally was massacred by the Sky Eagle Demon Cult.

In the entire village, only two of them survived.

Meng Fan had traveled through time, and his hatred for the Sky Eagle Demon Cult was not as deep as imagined.

But Li Xuerou was different. The words "Sky Eagle Demon Sect" were her nightmare. She dreamed countless times that people from the "Sky Eagle Demon Sect" would kill her relatives, or even herself!

Every time she woke up from the dream, she would tremble all over.

Fear, anger, despair, sadness, irritability, madness...

All kinds of emotions tortured her!

And these are things that Meng Fan doesn't know, and they are things that he has never felt before.

Perhaps the original host of Meng Fan's body had felt it, but Meng Fan had no real empathy!

Meng Fan frowned. He hesitated, considered for a moment, and then said: "The people of the Sky Eagle Demon Sect deserve to die, but your cultivation level is still weak now. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years!"

From Meng Fan's point of view, this kind of blood feud must be avenged.

But you have to have enough strength, otherwise, wouldn't it be death?

For a behemoth like the Sky Eagle Demon Cult to seek revenge even though they are in the Tianyuan realm, it is nothing more than a dream.

And if you just kill a few minions, it's pointless and you won't get the pleasure of revenge at all!

Meng Fan had a vague feeling that something went wrong with Li Xuerou while practicing in seclusion.

That's why as soon as he comes out of seclusion, he can't wait to kill people and take revenge!

"Brother, I've waited long enough!" This time, Li Xuerou did not call Meng Fan brother, but directly called Meng Fan "brother".

"When I'm not practicing, I'm waiting; when I'm practicing Qi, I'm waiting; when I'm practicing martial arts, I'm still waiting!

Now that I have cultivated Tianyuan, and am at the sixth level of Tianyuan, I don’t want to wait any longer.

As far as I know, the evil-doing disciples of the Sky Eagle Demon Cult near Yanyun Town are only in the Tianyuan realm.

If I can't even kill them, then I don't deserve to live in this world anymore.

Brother, I've been waiting for too long. If I wait any longer and don't let it out, I will go crazy! "

Li Xuerou's eyes widened and she looked directly at Meng Fan.

She thought Meng Fan could understand her and understand her feelings.

But looking into Meng Fan's eyes, she was disappointed.

Because she didn't see hatred in Meng Fan's eyes!

Her brother Meng Fan had forgotten his hatred.

"Brother Meng Fan, don't you remember how the third aunt died? Can you really forget the scene of the third uncle being beheaded? And Niuya, Goudan..."

Listening to Li Xuerou's words, the memory of Meng Fan's body's original host emerged in his mind, as if he had experienced it himself.

"Forget it, I'll go with you!"

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