Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 260: Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect, Taking the Wrong Path

Go to the West to see Buddha?

There is no such thing as the Western Heaven in this human world.

For Buddhist disciples, although the Western Heaven is a holy land, in a sense, it is a place that can only be visited after death.

When the old monk heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

Good guy!

Is this a plan to kill the donkey?

You have just finished grinding the beans, but the bean juice has not yet been poured out. Now you can’t wait to remove the grinders?

"Benefactor Meng, I now share weal and woe with you, and have even become one with you. I have no longer been the slightest threat to you, so why do you still want to get rid of me?" The old monk said helplessly.

Meng Fan's soul said to the old monk expressionlessly: "I just made it very clear that you are no longer of use."

The old monk said with a bitter smile: "Donor Meng, your behavior is not like that of a righteous person, it is simply the behavior of a person in the demon sect. The Shushan Sword Sect is a well-known and upright sect, how can you be dishonest in what you say?"

"Believe your words? I didn't mean to target you. If you don't believe me, you can ask Wu Tian. He also feels deeply." Meng Fan said calmly.

The old monk looked at Meng Fan's calm expression and gradually understood.

These days, he followed Meng Fan, observed Meng Fan's actions, and gained some understanding of Meng Fan.

He knew that Meng Fan didn't really want to kill him at this moment, but simply wanted to get some benefits from himself.

This kid likes to pick people's wool the most!

The old monk said helplessly: "Donor Meng, although Miss Hongqi has cultivated a soul body, her soul body is not strong and is still very fragile.

Lao Na can continue to guide her in her cultivation, so that her soul can reach the strength of a normal person, or even be stronger than a normal person!

In fact, Miss Hongqi's current soul body is still a remnant soul to be honest, but with the help of Lao Na, she can reach the level of human soul as soon as possible.

It even impacts the level of earth soul and even heaven soul.

Once she reaches the Heavenly Soul level, she can take away others and be reborn as a human! "

Meng Fan's spirit fell silent for a moment after hearing this.

Let Hongqi be reborn, this is an idea he has long had, but it has always been too far away.

However, the old monk proposed to seize the body, but he was not satisfied.

His idea was to reshape Hongqi's body, not to seize her body!

However, it is necessary for Hongqi's soul to reach the level of Tianhun.

The soul is divided into three levels: heaven, earth and human.

Beings like Meng Fan who have just cultivated their divine souls are the lowest level [human souls].

As the soul improves and becomes stronger, it will gradually reach the levels of [Earth Soul] and [Heaven Soul].

Hongqi has now cultivated from a spirit body to a soul body, but in fact she has not yet cultivated a complete soul. As the old monk said, it is just a residual soul and has not yet reached the true [human soul] level.

The old monk has been in the soul body for so many years and has been living on his last breath. He has indeed done in-depth research on the soul body.

He comes to give Hongqi guidance, which can indeed make Hongqi's soul and body grow twice the result with half the effort.

"It's a bit tempting, but if it's just that, it's not enough!" Meng Fan's spirit still said to the old monk expressionlessly.

The old monk was so angry that he couldn't help but take a breath of air.

There are such greedy people in the world!

He really wished he could die together with Meng Fan.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to burn together at this moment, so he can only burn himself!


Take a step back and the sky will be brighter.

He continued to say to Meng Fan: "There is still a lot of magic power in my relic, you can use it to practice. However, there is no spirituality in those magic powers, so you cannot practice normally, and I can continue to provide you with spirituality!"

In fact, spirituality is also very important to the old monk himself.

But with Meng Fan as a vampire, he could only reluctantly give up his love and give the spirituality he cultivated to Meng Fan.

Thinking of the fact that I, a great monk of the generation, almost succeeded in overcoming the tribulation and ascended to the immortal world...

How could he be so humiliated?

But after experiencing it once, it doesn’t seem so difficult to accept it a second time.

After all, life is more important than spirituality!

Meng Fan nodded: "Very good. Since you are still valuable, it is better to go see the Buddha later."

Hearing this, the old monk felt bitter in his heart.

He is dignified...

Meng Fan walked out of the room and left the sword pavilion.

Now that Liu Bu has left Shushan, there is no need for him to huddle in Jiange.

He first went to Li Xuerou's residence to take a look. Just as he expected, the girl was still in seclusion with no other distractions.

Then he went straight to the Sword Temple, handed over a thousand spiritual stones, and prepared to comprehend for a day and a night.

Theoretically, if you comprehend the Sword God Monument for one day and one night, you should hand over 1,200 spiritual stones.

But Meng Fan is already familiar with Elder Hu of the Sword Temple. The last few times he has comprehended the Sword God Monument, he has only handed over a thousand spiritual stones.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the Sword God Monument, Meng Fan placed his hands on the Sword God Monument.

The longer he understood the Sword God Monument, the more Meng Fan was able to feel the majesty of the [Yuanshi] Sword Avenue contained in this Sword God Monument.

Before, Meng Fan thought about fully comprehending this [Yuanshi] avenue, but as Meng Fan's cultivation level became higher and higher and his vision became wider and wider, he knew how difficult it would be to fully comprehend this [Yuanshi] avenue. .

Even if he had the supreme talent of swordsmanship and divine connection, it would still be difficult to do so.

Unless, he can have unlimited insights in front of this Sword God Monument, and remember it for years, or even decades!

And secondly, his cultivation level must also reach an extremely high level.

Otherwise, his cultivation level is too low and he is hindered by his realm. Even if he comprehends the Sword God Monument for a hundred years, he will not be able to truly comprehend the [Yuanshi] Sword Dao!

So now Meng Fan no longer aims too high. His current goal is to rely on this Sword God Monument to build a true Ten Thousand Swords Sect.

What does it mean to truly return to the clan with ten thousand swords?

That is to combine all the countless swordsmanship skills he has learned into one sword.

Including "Heavenly Sword", "Ten Thousand Sword Art", "Xiaoyao Divine Sword" and "One Sword to Open Qingming", which are four heavenly swordsmanships.

Only when all these sword techniques are integrated into one sword can it be regarded as the true return of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect!

But there is no doubt that it is difficult! ! !

For the current Meng Fan, being able to integrate one of the Heavenly Grade Sword Techniques into the Ten Thousand Swords Sect is already a huge breakthrough.

No, the top priority is to merge the three sword techniques of Wan Jian Gui Sect "Sword Come", "Destruction in All Directions" and "Heaven and Earth Are Unkind" into one sword!

Now, as Meng Fan's understanding of swordsmanship becomes deeper and deeper, he has realized that his previous path was wrong.

Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect, as the name suggests, Ten Thousand Swords Return to One.

In the end, he came up with the three-style swordsmanship of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Clan. This was naturally wrong!

This time, Meng Fan realized the Sword God Monument for a day and a night because he wanted to use the Sword God Monument and the [Yuanshi] Sword Dao to integrate the three styles of Ten Thousand Swords Guizong Sword Technique into one.

By then, the power of Ten Thousand Swords Guizong will be even more terrifying, not weaker than those of Shushan's top-grade swordsmanship.

One day and one night later, Meng Fan opened his eyes.

As usual, he would be woken up by Elder Hu when the time was up.

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