Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 261 Swordsmanship that is expected to surpass [Tianpin]

Meng Fan turned back and glanced at Hu Qingshi, the elder of the Sword Temple, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

"Why, didn't you gain anything this time?" Hu Qingshi looked at Meng Fan's expression and asked curiously.

Meng Fan shook his head and said helplessly: "I have gained something, but it has not met my expectations. If I continue to comprehend the Sword God Monument, I should be able to meet my expectations."

"Then continue to understand the Sword God Monument." Hu Qingshi looked indifferent.

"We don't have enough spirit stones. Elder Hu, can we give you a loan on credit?" Meng Fan asked shamelessly and with a smile on his face.

"No credit!" Hu Qingshi refused without leaving any room.

"If you don't have any spiritual stones, go to your master and ask for them. Don't listen to your master crying about poverty. He has a lot of spiritual stones. If you take out a little bit, it will be enough for you to comprehend the Sword God Monument for a few days."

Meng Fan smiled bitterly. Although he was thick-skinned, he was really embarrassed to ask Mr. Lin for the spirit stone.

I am just Mr. Lin’s disciple, not his son!

What's more, even a son can't live happily ever after, right?

Meng Fan touched the only two top-quality spiritual stones left in his arms and left the Sword Temple helplessly.

Two top-grade spiritual stones are two thousand low-grade spiritual stones, which is actually enough for him to comprehend the Sword God Monument for another two days.

But he wouldn't work so hard that he would be penniless.

What's more, according to Meng Fan's calculation, even if he comprehends the Sword God Monument for two more days and two nights, it will not be enough for him to merge the three styles of ten thousand swords into one sword.

I estimate it will take at least ten days and ten nights!

Just this day and night, Meng Fan was able to figure out the direction of integrating [Sword Come] and [Destruction from All Directions], and he was a little bit sure.

To truly integrate, it is estimated that it will take at least three days and three nights to understand the Sword God Monument.

Moreover, after these two styles are fused, there is still a third style [Heaven and Earth Unkind] that needs to be fused. Another seven days and seven nights is a conservative estimate.

"It's so difficult to just integrate the three styles of Ten Thousand Swords Guizong Sword Techniques into one, let alone the four Heavenly Grade Sword Techniques and hundreds of other sword techniques..."

There’s still a long way to go!

But Meng Fan can imagine that if he really integrated all his knowledge into one sword, then this sword technique would be absolutely terrifying!

There is even hope of surpassing the [Tianpin] level.

As far as Meng Fan knew, even for a powerful sect like the Shushan Sword Sect, which was extremely righteous, its strongest swordsmanships were only [Tianpin] swordsmanship.

There seems to be no swordsmanship beyond the heavenly level in Shushan!

Of course, it is possible that there is, but Meng Fan doesn't know.

Anyway, the most powerful swordsmanship in Shushan, "Sword God", is only a "Tianpin".

Thinking of this, Meng Fan suddenly became more motivated.

Perhaps this process is troublesome and the cost is very high, but once it is completed, it will be timeless.

Many years later, the name Meng Fan will become the legend of Shushan Sword Sect!

No, it’s a myth! !

"Thinking too far, now even the two sword techniques of "Sword Come" and "Ten Directions Are Destroyed" have not been successfully integrated." Meng Fan muttered to himself on the way back to the sword pavilion.

"I'm still short of spiritual stones!"

For other sword cultivators, what they may lack in practicing swordsmanship is talent and time...

But for Meng Fan, all he really lacked was spiritual stones.

As long as he has enough spirit stones, he can always gain enlightenment at the Sword God Monument.

Nothing else matters!

After returning to Jiange, Meng Fan began to think about how to continue earning spiritual stones.

Looking at the spiritual sword in Manjian Pavilion, he actually had the same thought as Wu Tian.

If I could get a few swords and sell them, wouldn't I have spiritual stones?'s a bit outrageous to guard and steal!

"It's all my fault that bastard Wu Tian was almost influenced by him." Meng Fan put the blame on Wu Tian's head.

He felt that with his own character, it was impossible for him to have such a ridiculous idea.

There is no thought!

The sword in the sword pavilion must not be moved, there is no doubt about it.

"Let's continue teaching others swordsmanship." Meng Fan already has experience in earning spiritual stones in this area.

However, this is not a long-term solution, because Meng Fan's tuition is relatively expensive, often costing five hundred or even a thousand spiritual stones. There are not many Shushan disciples who are so wealthy.

"Senior Brother Meng, let's discuss it?"

As soon as Meng Fan returned to Jiange, he saw Wu Tian impatiently stopping him.

It seems that Wu Tian has made some breakthroughs in swordsmanship.

There is a saying that although Wu Tian's swordsmanship is not comparable to Meng Fan's, this kid is indeed a swordsman genius.

When I went to Vajra Temple to practice Buddhism, I was indeed delayed.

If only I had joined the Shushan Sword Sect earlier...

No, this kid should join the Sun Moon Demon Sword Sect to truly be at home.

In the Northern Territory, the Right Way has three major sword sects, the Shushan Sword Sect, the Wuji Sword Sect and the Kunlun Sword Sect.

But in the Demonic Way, there is only one top sword sect, and that is the Sun and Moon Demonic Sword Sect.

Wu Tian is indeed suitable to be a sword cultivator, but he is even more suitable to be a demonic sword cultivator!

Even Meng Fan had to admit that this boy was born to be a sword demon.

The "Bing Xin Sword Sutra", which was obviously about being upright and calm, was forcibly cultivated into a magic sword by him.

How about sending this kid to the Sun Moon Demon Sword Sect as an undercover agent?

"What's the point of competing with me? You can't beat me!" Meng Fan rejected Wu Tian with no interest.

"Meng Fan, are you scared?

The sword I have mastered is earth-shattering and unparalleled. It is normal for you not to dare to compete with me.

To be honest, I'm really afraid that I'll kill you if I don't stop, and then Uncle Lin will still cause trouble for me! "

"You're right, I'm scared." Such a low-level provoking method was naturally useless against Meng Fan.

"Senior Brother Meng, Brother Meng, Master Meng..."

Wu Tian pestered Meng Fan relentlessly, insisting that Meng Fan see his newly created sword.

In fact, deep down in my heart, to put it bluntly, I still want Meng Fan to give him some guidance!

Meng Fan was helpless, so he agreed to Wu Tian.

The two came outside the sword pavilion. Wu Tian drew his sword towards Meng Fan and slashed it down.

A bright golden sword light rose into the sky, exuding astonishing brilliant power.

The sword's intention soared into the sky, and Meng Fan could feel the magnanimity, immeasurableness, and compassion within it...

There is no doubt that this is a sword that Wu Tian combined with the Buddhist teachings he learned at the Vajra Temple.

But when the sword fell and the sword soul burst out, Meng Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Because in this sword soul, there is no such aura as magnanimity, boundlessness, and compassion, but only coldness, domineering, and murderous intent...

This kid actually merged Buddha and demon into the same sword soul.

To put it bluntly, this is actually a feat!

Even Meng Fan was a little shocked.

People like Wu Tian are destined to become the pinnacle figures of the sect.

If placed in any top sect, it would be regarded as a treasure, and no one could compare with him.

It's a pity that this guy happened to meet Meng Fan!

Being tortured by an inhuman monster like Meng Fan made a proud man like Wu Tian gradually lose his self-confidence.

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