"This sword is not bad!" Meng Fan nodded, with a rare hint of admiration for Wu Tian on his face.

Then he raised his hand, without using the Hongqi Sword, but stretched out two fingers.

The index finger and middle finger point together as a sword, and point one finger in front of you.


I just experienced the Sword God Monument in the Sword Temple for a day and a night. Although I haven't completely integrated "Sword Comes" and "Destroy in All Directions" into one sword, Meng Fan has a deeper understanding of "Sword Comes".

Now Meng Fan's [Sword Coming] can not only bring swords, but also sword souls!

Opposite him, Wu Tian's expression suddenly changed.

Because he found that with Meng Fan's finger, he actually lost control of the sword soul that he had slashed out.

He clearly felt that his sword spirit actually changed its direction and slowly slashed towards him.


Litian Dapu!

Wu Tian looked at Meng Fan with a horrified expression. This method was simply outrageous.

You can actually steal other people's sword souls and use them for your own use. How can you fight this?

Wu Tian couldn't help but feel despair!

In this case, no matter how powerful the swordsmanship he creates in the future, he still cannot be a match for Meng Fan.

The idea of ​​hanging Meng Fan up and beating him was probably hopeless.

Meng Fan used [Sword Come] to control Wu Tian's sword soul, and he quickly understood its secrets.

Although he has never practiced Buddhism, he has a peak understanding of swordsmanship.

It is said that "good and evil cannot coexist".

From Wu Tian's sword soul, Meng Fan understood a method of integrating good and evil.

In the future, he can more easily integrate the demonic swordsmanship and demon swordsmanship such as "Seven Absolute Demonic Swords" and "Eternal Night Swordsmanship" into his Ten Thousand Swords Sect.

In a sense, Wu Tian's sword was somewhat helpful to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan said to Wu Tian in a good mood: "Xiaotian, your sword is indeed good, but there are still flaws.

I know you came to me to discuss, because you want me to teach you this sword.

Your sword is half good, half evil, half Buddha and half devil, it is indeed extraordinary.

But you should remember one thing: evil cannot prevail against good.

You can be possessed, but you cannot be possessed! "

After saying that, Meng Fan waved his hand, and the sword spirit dissipated, and he turned around and walked back to the sword pavilion.

Wu Tian frowned and carefully chewed on what Meng Fan had just said.

After a moment, he came to his senses and chased Meng Fan and shouted: "Meng Fan, who do you call Xiaotian? You can also call the word Xiaotian?"

Meng Fan ignored Wu Tian's cursing behind him. He went back to his room and closed the door.

This kid Wu Tian does have some talent.

The sword blow just now did give Meng Fan a little insight.

After returning to the room, Meng Fan sat cross-legged on the bed and started a new attempt.

Although he did not comprehend the Sword God Monument at the moment, Meng Fan possesses the supreme talent of swordsmanship and his understanding of swordsmanship is at the peak level in the world.

He began to try to fuse the "Seven Absolute Demonic Swords" and "Thunder Sword Technique".

The Qijue Demon Sword is the secret skill of the sword demon that Meng Fan originally obtained from the memory of Mo Yunjian's sword demon.

This is a completely demonic swordsmanship, ruthless and heart-rending!

Even if you are as strong as a sword demon, once you use this sword technique, you will become possessed and find it difficult to control your mind. You only know how to kill and not recognize your relatives.

In a sense, this is a sword technique that is more terrifying and extreme than the Supreme Ruthless Sword.

Therefore, after acquiring this sword technique, Meng Fan never used it. First, he was afraid that he would not be able to control this sword technique, and second, he was afraid that it would affect his mind and make him go crazy!

Now that Meng Fan has cultivated his divine soul, he has less worries.

Coupled with the existence of [Yuanshi] Avenue and [Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect], Meng Fan has the confidence to "submit" this sword technique.

The most important thing is that he gained some insights from Wu Tiangang's sword.

This is when the idea of ​​​​merging "Thunder Sword Technique" and "Seven Absolute Demonic Swords" into one!

"Without the help of the Sword God Monument, it would be difficult for me to completely integrate the two sword techniques, but at least I can find a direction and start the process."

Meng Fan closed his eyes and began to integrate the two sword techniques wholeheartedly.

This is an attempt and a beginning.

He wants to integrate all he has learned into one sword, the most powerful sword and the peerless sword, so integrating these two swordsmanship is an attempt.

If two sword techniques cannot be combined into one sword, how can one combine the hundreds of sword techniques he has learned into one sword?

The real Wanjian returns to his clan...

A sword comes out,

The immortal kneels down!

The next day, Meng Fan opened his eyes, slightly helpless.

Even with Meng Fan's amazing talent, he couldn't merge the two sword techniques into one sword overnight.

Fusion of two sword techniques is actually much more difficult than creating two sword techniques!

During the day, Meng Fan did not try any more cultivation or fusion.

He has more important things to do!

Make money...

With the spirit stone, go to the Sword God Monument to comprehend, and with the help of the [Yuanshi] Sword Avenue, the efficiency can be ten times, or even a hundred times better than pondering alone.

Meng Fan came to Liu Yanping's yard and prepared to continue the "teaching" plan.

"Senior Brother Meng, I have been thinking about it recently and I feel that you are lying to me." Liu Yanping saw Meng Fan and her face was obviously filled with resentment.

"What's wrong?" Meng Fan asked a little strangely.

"You said before that I was in the True Martial Realm and could not cultivate the Sword Movement, but Yang Shishi was also in the True Martial State and had not entered Tianyuan. Why did she develop the Sword Movement?" Liu Yanping waited for Meng Fan with a dissatisfied look on her face.

It was obvious that Meng Fan was deceiving himself.

"Yang Shishi has a better foundation than you. Your grandfather is the elder of the Alchemy Hall, and her grandfather is the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall. The training and influence you received since childhood are different!" Meng Fan was indeed a bit deceptive.

"Thank you for treating me as my friend. You are just teasing me and don't want to teach me!" Now that Liu Yanping has figured this out, she will naturally not listen to Meng Fan's lies anymore.

"Don't you believe it? Did Yang Shishi step into the realm of true martial arts before you did? Did she cultivate her sword intent one step ahead of you? Moreover, her sword intent was cultivated by herself, but your sword intent was cultivated by me. Just learned it!”

"You mean I'm stupider than her? Do you think I'm not as good as her?"

To be honest, Meng Fan did feel that way, but it was difficult to say it clearly because it was a bit too shocking.

Liu Yanping couldn't help but become even more angry when she saw that Meng Fan didn't refute, as if he agreed with her words.

"I don't care, I have to cultivate the sword power anyway! I have been cultivating the sword intention of the Blue Sea Tide Sword for so long, why can't I cultivate the Blue Sea Tide Sword Power?"

Meng Fan looked confused: "It is indeed very difficult for you to master the Blue Sea Tide Sword Power, and..."

"And what's more, if others can cultivate it, so can I! Others will give you a thousand spiritual stones, and Liu Yehan will give you two thousand spiritual stones. If you can help me cultivate the Blue Sea Tide Sword Power, I will give you three thousand! "

The rich woman's skills were activated again.


Meng Fan couldn't bear it as always.

"make a deal!"

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