Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 401: Shushan Elder Descends from the Mountain

"This matter is not simple!" Yang Ling pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Where did you find this woman?"

Meng Fan said: "It's a place called Shishan Town not far to the west of Shushan Mountain.

"Okay, I understand." Yang Ling nodded.

Then she used her cultivation skills and began to heal the woman's injuries.

The so-called healing is just the simplest way of getting rid of evil spirits.

It's not a sophisticated method, Meng Fan and the others can actually do it.

It's just that the demonic aura in this woman was too strong, and Meng Fan and the others couldn't get rid of it.

After a while, the evil spirit on the woman's body was driven away by Yang Ling. Her brows moved and she slowly woke up.

"Did you save me?" The first thing she did when she woke up was to ask with confusion on her face.

Before she fell into coma, she clearly felt like she was going to die.

Her body knew best. When she encountered that kind of misfortune and strangeness, she thought she would not survive and was doomed.

"This is the Shushan Sword Sect. I think you should have heard of the Shushan Sword Sect. It was indeed us who saved you. Now I need to ask you some questions." Yang Ling asked with an indifferent look.

For such a mortal woman, there is no need to ask for help. Only by remaining cold can you get the answers you want to know more effectively.

As an elder of the Shushan Sword Sect, Yang Ling has experienced too much, and she is actually very experienced in this kind of thing.

"Shushan Sword Sect?" Upon hearing these four words, the woman's eyes suddenly lit up and she quickly exclaimed: "Thank you, Master Immortal, for saving my life!"

Shishan Town is not far from the Shushan Sword Sect, so these people have naturally heard of the Shushan Sword Sect.

In their eyes, Shushan is a fairy mountain.

The Shushan Sword Sect is the Immortal Sect, and the members of the Shushan Sword Sect are naturally the Immortal Masters.

"Let me ask you, where does your demonic aura come from?" Yang Ling continued to ask with a cold face.

Hearing this question, the woman's eyes showed a trace of panic. Obviously, this incident gave her great fear, and she still has lingering fears.

She swallowed, was silent for a moment, and then began to say: "I don't know what evil spirit is, but some incomprehensible changes have indeed happened to me in the past few days.

And it all started because I went fishing in Qingtian Lake a few days ago.

I am a fisherman and make a living by fishing. Qingtian Lake is a place where I often go fishing.

But a few days ago, I fainted for no reason at the Qingtian Lake. When I woke up and returned home, my body started to have problems, and it became weirder day by day. "

She didn't understand the evil spirit that Yang Ling was talking about, but she could understand the logic of what happened to her.

Obviously, all this is definitely related to Qingtian Lake.

"Qingtian Lake?" Yang Ling frowned and her eyes gradually turned cold.

To be able to corrode this woman to this extent, there must be a big demon in Qingtian Lake!

No, it should be said that there must be a demon king. Even the most powerful demon does not have this ability.

"Feiyan, you go back first. If you go down the mountain privately this time, the master will definitely punish you if he finds out. Go and admit your mistake quickly!" Yang Ling turned her head and said to Lin Feiyan.

Lin Feiyan was helpless, she knew that Elder Yang deliberately sent her away.

She actually wanted to go to Qingtian Lake, but now it seems she has no chance.

And Elder Yang was right. He went down the mountain privately, and now he will definitely be scolded by his grandfather when he returns to Shushan.

It should be difficult to go down the mountain again!

"Senior Brother Meng, my swordsmanship has not advanced yet. Don't forget to continue to teach me my swordsmanship later." Lin Feiyan was about to leave and said to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan nodded and said calmly: "Don't worry, don't forget, you haven't given me your spirit stone yet!"

He will definitely have more contact with Lin Feiyan in the future. Apart from anything else, this girl is quite capable and trustworthy.

It's definitely not because of the sword talismans on her body!

After Lin Feiyan left, Yang Ling stared at Wu Tian again and said, "You don't seem to be a disciple of the Shushan Sword Sect, right?"

Wu Tian quickly said: "I am preparing to join Mr. Lin's sect. When Mr. Lin comes back, I will join the Shushan Sword Sect."

Yang Ling nodded, and then said: "Then you go back to Jiange first and wait for Lin Bianyun to come back!"

After hearing Yang Ling's words, Wu Tian returned to Jiange helplessly.

Meng Fan, the only one left here, was feeling a little embarrassed at the moment.

Yang Ling took away Lin Feiyan and Wu Tian, ​​and the purpose was obvious.

Are you taking me to Qingtian Lake with you?

To be honest, he didn't really want to go.

Because judging from Yang Ling's reaction, this matter is not simple and may be dangerous.

And Meng Fan has never liked taking risks!

But it seems that Elder Yang Ling likes to take herself on adventures.

Could it be that the last trip to Baihua Sect made Elder Yang misunderstand him?

"Meng Fan, come with me to Qingtian Lake." Yang Ling said to Meng Fan, giving the order directly without giving Meng Fan a chance to refuse.


Meng Fan was helpless.

Elder Yang was an activist. Seeing that it was getting dark outside, she immediately took out the flying boat without any hesitation and took Meng Fan and the woman on the flying boat.

Feizhou is a good thing, but Meng Fan doesn't have one until now.

The speed of the flying boat was much faster than that of the flying sword. Elder Yang personally drove the flying boat and soon arrived at Shishan Town and landed on the bank of Qingtian Lake.

"You go home first." Yang Ling said to the woman.

This woman has never experienced such a battle. She can fly, and she has been flying in the sky for so long.

Up until this moment I was still in shock.

After a while, she calmed down, thanked Yang Ling again, and then left to go home.

Her demonic aura has been completely driven away by Yang Ling, and she has turned back into an ordinary, normal person.

And Yang Ling asked her to go home because she was afraid that something would happen here.

Once such an accident occurs, ordinary mortals have no resistance at all, and their lives will be lost instantly.

As for if we still need to find this woman later, it won't be a problem.

With Yang Ling's ability, she could lock the woman's location in just one second, so she didn't have to worry about not being found.

After the woman left completely, Yang Ling turned to look at Meng Fan and said, "If the woman didn't lie just now, then this lake is definitely not simple.

I brought you here not because I needed help, but simply as a backup, as a record.

If something unexpected happens to me, you are responsible for returning to Shushan Sword Sect and reporting everything you see and hear.

Of course, this probability is very low. Even if there is a demon king in this lake, I can still deal with it!

Just in case! "

Meng Fan smiled bitterly and said: "Elder Yang, your precautions are of no use at all. If even you are in danger, then wouldn't I be cannon fodder and be destroyed instantly?"

It's not that he is timid, this is the fact before him.

Yang Ling shook her head slightly and handed Meng Fan a piece of talisman paper.

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