"You are the treasure of that old guy Lin Bianyun. How could I put you in danger? This is a space moving talisman. Once you are attacked by a powerful force, this talisman will automatically trigger and move you back to the Shushan Sword Sect! "

Meng Fan heard this and quickly took the talisman.

This is a life-saving talisman!

nice one!

And if he doesn't use it this time, he will definitely not return it to Yang Ling.

Next time you encounter danger, this will still be your life-saving charm.

"Thank you, Elder Yang!" Meng Fan said with a smile.

I was a little helpless before, feeling like I was being raped.

Now it seems that this wave is a bloody profit!

Yang Ling shook her head and said with a cold face: "Please pay attention to your own safety."

After saying that, she ignored Meng Fan and focused on the lake in front of her.

Logically speaking, it was impossible for the woman who was contaminated by the demonic energy to lie to herself.

There is a high probability that there is something wrong with this lake!

But after she released her consciousness, she didn't feel a trace of evil spirit from the lake.

This is not normal.

She took a deep breath and pulled something out.

An object that looks like a wine flask.

The wine jug is suspended above the lake, with the spout facing downwards.

Yang Ling waved her hand, and the water in the lake suddenly rose into the sky and flowed back into the spout of the wine pot.

The small wine pot seems to be endless, no matter how much the lake water fills it, it will never be filled!

Meng Fan couldn't help but feel envious. This was definitely the top storage magic weapon.

The capacity is absolutely incredible. When Yang Ling took out the jug, it proved that the internal space of the jug was enough to store the water of the lake.

It is obvious that Elder Yang's idea is very simple. He wants to absorb all the water of a lake into the space of this wine pot.

Once the lake is empty, whatever monsters and monsters are at the bottom of the lake will appear!

Meng Fan estimated that before the water in the lake was sucked dry, the monsters at the bottom of the lake would be unable to help but rush out.

Facts have proved that Meng Fan guessed wrong.

This jug absorbed the lake water very quickly, and nothing happened until the lake bottomed out.

Under Meng Fan's gaze, the lake water had been completely drained, exposing the mud at the bottom of the lake.

All the fish and shrimps in the lake were sucked into Yang Ling's wine pot.

Nothing unusual?

Not only Meng Fan's face showed surprise, but Yang Ling's face also showed surprise.

This shouldn't be the case!

Yang Ling frowned, then she flashed and landed at the bottom of the lake.

Although the bottom of the lake was muddy, she felt like walking on flat ground, with no dents under her feet.

Well, for a boss of her level, this is a basic operation, there is nothing much to say.

Just when Meng Fan was about to explore the bottom of the lake, a gust of evil wind suddenly rose from the bottom of the lake.

The strong demonic energy was like a nuclear bomb exploding, extremely terrifying.

Meng Fan's five senses and consciousness were also blocked for a moment.

And this terrifying demonic energy only appeared for a moment.

It disappeared in the next second, not a single trace was left, as if it had never appeared.

So weird!

Just when Meng Fan was inexplicably shocked, he discovered something even stranger.

That is, as the evil spirit disappeared, Yang Ling also disappeared!

This elder of Shushan Sword Sect, a man with extremely high cultivation level, just disappeared out of thin air.

Obviously, this disappearance was not initiated by Yang Ling herself.

This is passive disappearance!

To put it more clearly, it was this terrifying demonic energy that "abducted" Elder Yang Ling away.

This... is so outrageous!

It was like Yang Ling didn't even have a moment to parry, and was "instantly" killed.

Meng Fan felt that even if the leader came in person, he wouldn't be able to do this, right?

Of course, it is also possible that he is ignorant and underestimates the leader's strength.

But no matter what, the bottom of the lake was more terrifying than he imagined.

It can even be said to be more terrifying than Yang Ling imagined!

Meng Fan was extremely shocked, and without any hesitation, he turned around and ran away with his flying sword, turning into a stream of light, faster than lightning.

Fortunately, the strangeness at the bottom of the lake did not follow me.

It should have been stepping into the bottom of the lake to trigger the weirdness just now.

Meng Fan held his breath, not even daring to take a breath, and flew back to Shushan Sword Sect in one breath.

It's not that he is timid, but the horror of this matter is beyond his ability to bear or even imagine.

Even Yang Ling, the elder of Shushan, disappeared without the slightest reaction, her life or death unknown.

This... great horror!

Meng Fan couldn't describe it in words.

The last time I had this feeling of terror was when I was in the "Demon Realm" and came into contact with those coffins under the underground palace.

"Elder Yang Ling, his life is not in danger, right?" Only after returning to Shushan Sword Sect, Meng Fan had the time to think about this issue.

But this issue is not something he has the ability to care about.

Yujian flew back to the Shushan Sword Sect. As soon as Meng Fan landed, he shouted into the air non-stop: "Master, something happened to Elder Yang. He may be in danger of his life. Please show up and save Elder Yang from the fire and water!" "

He remembered that Elder Yang Ling said that in the Shushan Sword Sect, as long as you call the master, the master will be able to sense it.

After saying that, Meng Fan waited for a moment, but there was no response.

This made him frown.

He knew very well that every extra second of delay at this time would put Elder Yang's life in danger.

"Elder Yang seems to have said that you have to call the leader by his name so that the leader can sense it." Meng Fan recalled.

Although it was a bit treasonous to call the leader by his first name, at this critical moment, he couldn't care so much.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan didn't hesitate at all and shouted into the air again:

"Headmaster Lin Jinghong!!!"

"Something has happened to Elder Yang, and his life may be in danger. Please ask the leader to show up and save Elder Yang from danger!"

He called the leader by his first name, but still added the suffix "leader" to show respect.

This time, almost a second later, a man in black robe appeared in front of Meng Fan.

The leader of Shushan.

Lin Jinghong.

he came!

"Explain clearly? What's wrong with Elder Yang?" Lin Jinghong asked Meng Fan.

Each of the Shushan elders is a rare treasure of the Shushan Sword Sect. If one of them dies, it will be an unbearable loss for the Shushan Sword Sect.

Whether this kind of thing is true or false, he must demand proof and cannot turn a deaf ear.

So when Meng Fan told Elder Yang Ling that his life was in danger, Lin Jinghong immediately appeared in front of Meng Fan to understand the situation.

Meng Fan spoke concisely and comprehensively, describing what had just happened, from meeting the woman covered in evil spirits in Shishan Town, to the terrifying evil energy erupting at the bottom of the lake, and Elder Yang Ling disappearing instantly.

"Shishan Town, Qingtian Lake?" Lin Jinghong asked.

"Yes." Meng Fan replied.

Lin Jinghong grabbed Meng Fan's shoulder and disappeared in a flash.

Meng Fan felt his eyes go dark. In the blink of an eye, he opened his eyes and found that he was back at the Qingtian Lake.

"Is this here?" Lin Jinghong asked.

"Yes." Meng Fan replied again.

He was not surprised that the leader had the ability to teleport. What was surprising was that the leader actually knew the location of Qingtian Lake.

Has the leader been here before?

Lin Jinghong glanced at the bottom of the lake, his brows furrowed and his face slightly ugly.

It can be expected from this that the bottom of the lake is really not simple, and even the leader will frown when he looks at it.

In Meng Fan's impression, the leader was simply the strongest being.

Now frowning at the bottom of the lake is obviously a bit troublesome.

The danger level of this lake can be seen clearly!

Meng Fan was a little lucky that he was able to survive from such a dangerous place.

"Master, what's so weird about the bottom of this lake?"

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