Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 414 Meng Fan, who does not eat the fireworks of the world

Meng Fan had previously had the idea of ​​upgrading the Small Thousand Swords Formation into the Great Thousand Swords Formation, but he had never found a way.

After all, he has never been exposed to any other sword formations.

Moreover, it is much more difficult to improve the power of the sword array than to improve the sword technique.

Now with these three heavenly sword techniques, Meng Fan has regained this idea and confidence.

"However, the top priority is to study swordsmanship first." Meng Fan lay on the bed and began to think about his subsequent development.

For Meng Fan, swordsmanship is definitely easier to study. There is no doubt about this. After all, he has experience.

"'Ten Thousand Sword Jue', 'Heavenly Sword', and 'Xiaoyao Shenjian', these three Shushan Heavenly Grade Sword Techniques, I have been exposed to before, but they were not considered complete versions before.

If you start with these three sword techniques first, you will definitely get started quickly.

After these three sword techniques are mastered and integrated into Ten Thousand Swords, the first step is completed.

Next, there are the three sword techniques of "Criminal Lock Mind Blade", "Sword Controlling Demons", and "Sword God".

It is not an easy task to thoroughly study these three sword techniques and integrate them into Ten Thousand Swords Unity! "

Meng Fan murmured to himself, feeling that it was a bit difficult, but the more difficult it was, the more full of fighting spirit he felt.

Especially "Sword God", this Shushan unique swordsmanship level can be said to be the pinnacle of heavenly swordsmanship.

If you can go further, you may be able to step into the threshold of immortal swordsmanship.

Meng Fan has great expectations for "Sword God" and can't wait to start studying Sword God now.

But he still restrained himself with great willpower, preparing to leave the Sword God for last research.

It is the wisest choice to do the easy things first and then the difficult ones.

Meng Fan has been practicing swordsmanship so far, and it can be considered that he has sharpened his willpower and has a willpower that far exceeds that of others.

Early the next morning.

Meng Fan, who was still practicing, heard a knock on the door.

Before he opened the door, his consciousness had already discovered that it was Hong Qi standing outside the door.

There is no other way. Once your cultivation has reached a certain level, you will have a 360-degree panoramic "cat's eye".

Outside the door, Hongqi held a dinner plate in her hand, which was filled with a sumptuous breakfast.

Obviously, this was to deliver breakfast to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan stood up, opened the door, and said helplessly to Hongqi: "Hongqi, when you reach my level, you don't need to eat breakfast at all. Don't you know this?"

Meng Fan, who has reached the fifth level of Dan Dan, has long been able to practice fasting. During practice, he absorbs energy from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to replenish his body's consumption.

In this way, even urination and defecation are omitted, which is extremely convenient.

So why do we say that immortals don’t eat fireworks on earth?

This is truly otherworldly!

"Master, just try it. These are all made by me. When I was a soul before, I couldn't do these things for you." Hong Qi said pitifully to Meng Fan.

For Meng Fan, he really didn't want to have breakfast.

He is now accustomed to fasting and has no appetite.

After eating these things, you have to take them out after a while. How troublesome is that?

The monks can obviously avoid these troubles, so why do they ask for trouble?

But Xianggui thought so, and Li had the same reason, but Meng Fan looked at Hongqi's pitiful expression and couldn't bear to refuse.

"That's it, it's just this once, don't waste your time tomorrow." Meng Fan said to Hong Qi, and then took the dinner plate from Hong Qi's hand.

Seeing this, Hongqi quickly continued: "Master, how about I feed you?"

When Meng Fan heard this, he rolled his eyes at Hong Qi and said angrily: "What, am I disabled now? Not only can I not hold a sword, I can't even hold chopsticks?"

Hong Qi suddenly became embarrassed and smiled a little awkwardly.

"Master, that's not what I meant. I just want to do more for you." Hong Qi said softly.

After hearing this, Meng Fan raised his head with a stern look on his face and said to Hongqi very seriously: "Hongqi, don't feel like you owe me anything. This ginseng fruit is the gift you deserve.

You can reshape your physical body, which is also the result of your own efforts, so you don't need to be too deliberate... well, deliberately cater to me like this.

To be honest, from the first day I joined Jiange to this day, you have actually helped me more than I have helped you.

So, you really don't need to do this.

Now that you have been reborn, be the real you! "

He helped Hongqi reshape her body, not because he wanted to reshape a servant.

When Hongqi heard this, her brows were a little tangled. She said matter-of-factly: "But you are my master. This is what I should do. I am being my true self!"

Meng Fan raised his eyebrows, why couldn't this girl understand human speech?

"When you were the Hong Qi Sword and the sword spirit, I was indeed your master, because I am the master of the Hong Qi Sword and naturally I am also the master of you, the sword spirit.

But now, you are no longer the sword spirit of Hongqi Sword, and I am naturally no longer your master.

You are Hongqi, I am Meng Fan, we are all human beings.

How can we talk about being a master and not being a master? "

He wanted to use reason and logic to convince this silly girl Hongqi.

But he forgot that Hongqi was indeed a human being, but also a woman.

Women often don't talk to you about reason and logic.

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Hongqi quickly shook her head and said, "Master, once you are Hongqi's master, you will be Hongqi's master for the rest of your life. This will never change no matter what."

Hongqi was full of determination, and her tone was full of determination.

"No matter what you say, you are Hongqi's master. Even if you want to drive Hongqi away, Hongqi will not leave until she dies. The worst case scenario is that she will die here!"

When Meng Fan heard this, he immediately put his forehead on his head and felt a little headache.

"When did I say I was going to drive you away? And you said you were not going to die. What were you thinking?"

Did he think that this girl Hongqi didn't reshape her body properly?

Is there something wrong with the brain?

It’s really just one tendon!

"That's it, that's it! Just pretend I didn't say anything and just do whatever you want." Meng Fan could only say helplessly.

This is a disguised compromise.

No, she clearly said that she was the master, but why was she taking advantage of her as the master?

"I've already eaten breakfast, and you're just waiting here. Hurry back and practice. I'll check your practice progress every day!

By the way, I earned your status in front of Mr. Lin yesterday.

From now on, you are a disciple of Jiange and the senior sister of Wu Tianna.

This is the status I earned for you. You should practice hard for me and your cultivation will surpass that of Wu Tian as soon as possible! "

Upon hearing Meng Fan's words, Hongqi's expression suddenly changed and she looked into Meng Fan's eyes in disbelief.

"Me, a disciple of Jiange?"

The news was so sudden that she was stunned.

How could she, a little sword spirit, deserve to be a disciple of the Sword Pavilion?

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