Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 415: To be a disciple of Jiange, as long as you have the skills

From Hongqi's perspective, she always felt that she was inferior.

She is just a sword spirit, not even a human being.

Even though she has now reshaped her body and become a human again, she still subconsciously feels that she is inferior to others and feels humble in her bones.

In her eyes, the Shushan disciples were all like the proud sons of heaven, and each one of them was like a dragon or a phoenix among men.

Especially during these days following Meng Fan, she fully understood what kind of terrifying existence Jiange was.

Jiange disciples are undoubtedly more noble than ordinary Shushan disciples.

Not the same thing!

Even though she was reborn as a human, she never had the illusion of becoming a disciple of Shushan, let alone a disciple of Jiange.

She has always regarded herself as a slave.

As a result, the master suddenly said that she was now a disciple of Jiange, Wu Tian's senior sister, and the master's junior sister!

This... I don't deserve it.

Hongqi was flattered and said to Meng Fan in a panic: "Master, please don't joke. How can I be a disciple of Jiange? I am not worthy!"

As soon as these words came out, Meng Fan's expression immediately changed. He was extremely unhappy and obviously looked a bit dark.

Seeing this, Hong Qi couldn't help but become even more panicked, her heart pounding like a deer, and she knelt down in front of Meng Fan.

Meng Fan gritted his teeth in anger.

The reason why he was displeased and even had a black face was because Hongqi just called herself a slave again.

A long time ago, he told Hongqi not to call himself a slave or master.

In the end, Hongqi only did half of it. Although she kept calling Meng Fan during this period, she no longer called herself a slave. She always called herself "I".

But just now in a hurry, she blurted out slave girl again, which made Meng Fan displeased and even had a black face.

It's not that Meng Fan is being pretentious and insists on being black-faced.

But he was really angry. He had never regarded Hongqi as a slave, so he was angry about it.

Hongqi's claim to be a slave has made Meng Fan angry, but now she is kneeling in front of Meng Fan again...

Meng Fan thought he would be even more angry when he saw this scene, but in fact he was not. He didn't feel angry at all, but felt distressed instead.

I have to say that Hongqi is indeed a heart-wrenching girl.

She is also a girl who deserves to be loved.

"Oh~~~" Meng Fan sighed, walked to Hong Qi, and helped the kneeling Hong Qi up.

He rubbed Hongqi's head and smoothed Hongqi's messy hair.

"Hongqi, do you remember what I told you before? In front of me, don't call yourself a slave, and don't call me master.

For such a long time, you have insisted on calling me master, and I cannot change your title.

But at least you no longer call yourself a slave!

What you call me is your own right, I can't force you.

But how I view you is also my right.

In my eyes, you have never been a slave. You are my friend, Meng Fan, and my partner who fights alongside me.

Remember, never kneel to me again or call yourself a slave to me.

if not……"

Meng Fan wanted to say something cruel, but looking at Hongqi's pitiful face, he couldn't bear it.

He could only sigh helplessly and said: "Otherwise, I will be angry. You don't want me to be angry, right?"

He said the most helpless words in the cruelest tone.

Hongqi nodded and said in a very low voice: "Slave... I understand, I will not make the master angry again next time."

Meng Fan had no choice but to smile bitterly and said: "I'm a little angry when I say this to you, but I don't mean to order you what to do.

I just hope you remember that we are friends, not masters and servants. This is what I mean.

I would rather have a friend than a servant.

Especially this person is you, Hongqi! "

"I understand, Master." Hongqi lowered her head and said.

Meng Fan didn't know if this girl really knew. He could only hope that she could really change her mentality.

After a moment, Hongqi raised her head cautiously and asked Meng Fan: "Master, can I really be a disciple of the Jiange? Can I really be a disciple?"

She was really a little uneasy, feeling that her status as a disciple of Jiange was too big.

Outsiders didn't know the details of the Jiange Pavilion, but after following Meng Fan for so long, she knew very well that the Jiange Pavilion was a huge thing and a very special place for the Shushan Sword Sect.

In other words, it is an extremely terrifying place!

Meng Fan said angrily: "I'm just a disciple of the sword pavilion, as long as you have the skills. I'm not asking you to be the master of the sword pavilion. Why are you panicking?

Besides, even that guy Wu Tian can be a disciple of Jiange. Do you think you are not as good as Wu Tian? "

In Meng Fan's mind, he is a well-deserved star of the sword pavilion.

This Wu Tian is the well-deserved floor of the Jiange!

Hongqi doesn't think she is inferior to Wu Tian, ​​right?

In fact, Hongqi really doesn't think she can compare with Wu Tian, ​​and she even feels that there is a big gap between herself and Wu Tian.

Meng Fan could see Hong Qi's lack of confidence at a glance, and immediately felt like he hated iron.

But at this time, Hongqi should not be attacked, but should be encouraged.

So he changed his direction and said: "Even if you think you are not as good as Hongqi, then Senior Brother Luo, who is also a disciple of Jiange, you don't think you are not as good as Senior Brother Luo, right?"

Until this moment, Meng Fan didn't think of Senior Brother Luo. He had forgotten about Senior Brother Luo in his first reaction.

One thing to say, Wu Tian was indeed a bit mindless just now.

After all, Senior Brother Luo is the undisputed floor of Jiange!

not far away.

Senior Brother Luo:...

At this moment, Senior Brother Luo was diligently wiping his sword in the sword pavilion hall.

After Meng Fan wiped all the long swords on the first floor of the sword pavilion and started wiping the long swords on the second floor of the sword pavilion, he never took care of the long swords on the first floor of the sword pavilion.

It was Senior Brother Luo's turn to clean the long sword on the first floor of the sword pavilion.

At this moment, the door to Meng Fan's room was not closed, and Meng Fan's voice was not lowered.

So Brother Luo, who was wiping his sword in the hall, happened to hear these words.

This sounds depressing, but there is no way to refute it.

After all, in front of these genius monsters, I am indeed the floor of the sword pavilion and has nothing to do with the ceiling.

So sad!

Woo woo woo...

In Meng Fan's room, Hongqi was indeed comforted by Meng Fan.

Because there is no problem with this, no matter how inferior she is, she still feels that she is better than Senior Brother Luo.

Thinking that when she just passed by the hall, she happened to see Brother Luo wiping the long sword in the hall, Hongqi's heart skipped a beat and she glanced back subconsciously.

Sure enough, Senior Brother Luo was still wiping his sword in the hall, which was not far from Meng Fan's room.

"Master, Senior Brother Luo seems to have heard our conversation." Hong Qi said a little embarrassed, and looked up at Meng Fan.

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