Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 416: Senior Brother Luo, I didn’t mean to offend

When Meng Fan heard this, he looked into the hall in surprise and actually saw Senior Brother Luo wiping his sword.


Wei Wei is a little embarrassed.

Meng Fan immediately turned to Senior Brother Luo embarrassedly and said, "Senior Brother Luo, I don't mean to offend, I'm just discussing the matter."

When Senior Brother Luo heard this, he felt even more helpless.

If you don’t know how to explain, it’s better not to explain.

At least I can make up for it and comfort myself.

Meng Fan's explanation blocked Senior Brother Luo's way of comforting himself.

After a while, Meng Fan sent Hong Qi back to practice.

In theory, Hongqi's current state is still that of an ordinary person, but her cultivation will definitely make rapid progress.

Xuantian's spiritual fetus transformed from ginseng fruit has a good physique, and his qualifications and talents are definitely at the genius level.

So before Hongqi thought she was inferior to Wu Tian, ​​Meng Fan actually disagreed, but he was too lazy to break up with Hongqi, so he might as well bring out Senior Brother Luo to comfort Hongqi.

While letting Hong Qi go back to her room to practice, Meng Fan also threw a thousand spiritual stones to Hong Qi.

In the early stage of training, the help of spiritual stones is still considerable.

Seeing this scene, the old monk in Meng Fan's consciousness was so envious that his eyes turned red.

He worked hard for Meng Fan, and even with all his efforts, it was difficult to get a thousand spiritual stones from Meng Fan's hands.

But Meng Fan gave Hong Qi a thousand spiritual stones without saying a word or blinking an eye.

This is too different, I feel so sad!

The old monk even hated himself a little for why he didn't reincarnate as a girl in his previous life.

"Donor Meng, can you also give me some spiritual stones? I have used up all my spiritual stones." He tentatively asked in Meng Fan's mind.

Seeing that Meng Fan was in a good mood at this time, he wondered if Meng Fan would "reward" himself some spiritual stones as soon as he was in a good mood.

Instead of asking for a thousand, just give yourself a hundred.

No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat!

In the end, the old monk really won the bet. Meng Fan, who was in a good mood, threw a spiritual stone directly into the old monk's relic space without saying a word.



It was indeed given, but it seemed like it was not given.

The old monk turned over and looked at it carefully to make sure that he had read it correctly. It was indeed a spiritual stone.

The most important thing is, a low-grade spiritual stone!

At least give yourself a middle-grade spiritual stone...

After sending away the old monk as a beggar, Meng Fan walked out of the sword pavilion.

He came to the alchemy hall and found Ye Qingyu.

"What do you want the elixir from the qi training realm for?"

After Meng Fan introduced his purpose to Ye Qingyu, Ye Qingyu couldn't help but asked curiously.

She knew very well that Meng Fan had already reached the realm of condensing pills.

The elixirs in the Qi training realm had no effect on him at all.

"For others." Meng Fan asked Ye Qingyu casually.

Ye Qingyu had promised him before that no matter what pill he needed, he could come to Ye Qingyu and Ye Qingyu would sell it to Meng Fan at cost price.

Although the Qi Refining Pill was cheap, Meng Fan still had to take advantage of this channel.

It's not to take advantage, I just think it's troublesome to go elsewhere.

When Ye Qingyu heard this, without saying a word, he threw a jade bottle to Meng Fan, which contained Qi Refining Pills.

"How many spirit stones?" Meng Fan asked Ye Qingyu.

Ye Qingyu waved his hand and said angrily: "If you don't want the spirit stone, I'll give it to you!"

The elixirs used in this Qi training realm were like useless elixirs to her and were worthless at all.

Even when it comes to refining these elixirs, she can take these low-level materials and use them at will, and it really doesn't cost any money.

Meng Fan's eyes suddenly lit up.

For free?

Is there such a good thing?

He suddenly looked shy and asked shyly, "This bottle is not enough. Can I give you two more bottles?"

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Ye Qingyu's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at Meng Fan outrageously.

This guy is still as shameless as ever.

Shaking her head helplessly, she threw another jade bottle to Meng Fan and said angrily: "There are only these two bottles, I haven't refined this kind of elixir for many years.

These two bottles were stored in my storage ring many years ago and have never been cleaned. "

Upon hearing this, Meng Fan put away the two jade bottles and thanked Ye Qingyu.

Two bottles, although not much, should support Hongqi's cultivation to the realm of true martial arts.

After all, Hongqi's Xuantian Lingtai's qualifications are already very strong, and the elixirs and spirit stones are just supplements.

After getting the elixir, Meng Fan had no intention of staying and was ready to say goodbye and leave.

However, Ye Qingyu stopped Meng Fan and said with a smile: "You're already here, why don't we learn swordsmanship?"

Meng Fan had the nerve to refuse because his hands were short, so he accompanied Ye Qingyu to practice swordsmanship.

The result was naturally Ye Qingyu's complete defeat, and his complete defeat in an instant.

It was said that they were competing in swordsmanship, but of course Ye Qingyu also knew that his swordsmanship was not comparable to that of Meng Fan.

Essentially, she still wanted Meng Fan to teach her swordsmanship.

Meng Fan was not stingy and pointed out some loopholes and flaws in Ye Qingyu's swordsmanship in an understated manner, which immediately benefited Ye Qingyu a lot.

When they first met, Meng Fan's cultivation and level were not as good as Ye Qingyu's.

But until now, Meng Fan has surpassed Ye Qingyu in all aspects and is not on the same level at all.

Instructing Ye Qingyu is really as simple as a master instructing his disciples.

After leaving Ye Qingyu, Meng Fan returned to Jiange and threw two bottles of elixirs to Hong Qi.

Then, he left Jiange again.

After being away for so long, it was time for him to visit his sister Li Xuerou.

As the "reincarnation" of Patriarch Mudan, Li Xuerou's cultivation speed is also very fast now. If Meng Fan loses his temper again, he may really be surpassed by this sister.

"Brother Meng Fan, long time no see. Where have you been recently?" When Li Xuerou saw Meng Fan suddenly appearing, a smile appeared on her face.

Although she still retreats frequently, she can now control her state freely, and she can feel the strange movements around her while in retreat.

And if you leave the retreat at any time, you will not be affected.

"Wu Tian and I went to his family to deal with some matters and just came back." Meng Fan rubbed Li Xuerou's head and said with a smile.

Then the two chatted for a while.

Just when Meng Fan was about to leave, Li Xuerou suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, I just retreated and had some insights. Now that I have interrupted my retreat, I will go see Master later."

Hearing this, Meng Fan frowned.

He was hesitating whether to tell Li Xuerou about Elder Yang Ling.

This hesitation did not last long, because he quickly thought about it.

Even if she didn't tell Li Xuerou, when Li Xuerou went to find Elder Yang Ling later, she wouldn't be able to find him at all, and she would have to go everywhere to find out about Elder Yang Ling.

In this case, it is better to tell Li Xuerou directly.

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