"You don't have to go find Elder Yang Ling. Meng Fan said to Li Xueruo.

"What's wrong?" Li Xueruo looked at Meng Fan in surprise.

"Elder Yang is not in Shushan now." Meng Fan said with a helpless look on his face.

Li Xueruo nodded and didn't take it seriously.

"Okay, then wait for Master to come back and find her."

Not being in Shushan is not a rare thing. As an elder of Shushan, it is common for him to leave Shushan to deal with some things.

Li Xueruo didn't think much about it.

Meng Fan shook his head and said, "Elder Yang should not come back in a short time. If you really have something to do, tell me first."

Li Xueruo felt something unusual when she heard it, and blurted out, "Where did Master go? Will she be in danger?"

"There will be no danger, because she is with the head of the sect. There will be no danger with the head of the sect. It's just that she can't come back temporarily. "

Hearing that the master and the headmaster were together, Li Xueruo was relieved.

In the eyes of the Shushan disciples, the headmaster is simply a god-like existence, almost synonymous with invincibility.

Since the master went down the mountain with the headmaster, there is naturally no danger.

"But where did the master and the headmaster go? Brother Meng Fan, why do you look so abnormal?" Li Xueruo keenly noticed that Meng Fan's face was a little strange, so she couldn't help asking.

Meng Fan sighed and decided not to hide it from Li Xueruo.

And there was no need to hide it.

Anyway, it's the same thing. Elder Yang Ling and the headmaster are together, so there is no danger at all.

"The headmaster and Elder Yang Ling went to the demon world, so they can't come back in a short time. "Meng Fan told the truth.

Li Xueruo was surprised when she heard this, but she didn't react too much.

Because she didn't have any idea about the demon world, she didn't understand it at all.

From her perspective and understanding, masters like the master and the head of the sect can go anywhere in the world, and even going to the demon world doesn't seem to be incredible.

Meng Fan knows more about the demon world, so he doesn't have such a simple idea.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when the master comes back, it's not a hurry." Li Xueruo said indifferently.

"What is the matter, can you tell me first." Meng Fan asked.

He is still concerned about this sister, and it's better to ask clearly if there is anything.

"Actually, it's nothing, it's still about the inheritance of the Peony Ancestor." Li Xueruo said to Meng Fan: "There are some more memory fragments in my mind, and in these fragments of memory, there is a trace of information about the inheritance of the Peony Ancestor. "

"If you want to open the inheritance of the Peony Ancestor, you must find a weapon. In a sense, that weapon is the key to the inheritance of the Peony Ancestor. "

Meng Fan nodded after hearing this.

This kind of thing can be urgent or slow, there is no need to take it too seriously.

The headmaster and Elder Yang are not here, and Li Xueruo can't go to the inheritance site of the Peony Ancestor.

"What weapon?" Meng Fan asked casually, a little carelessly.

"Baihua Ruler."

Baihua Ruler, named after the Baihua Sect, is related to the Baihua Sect. It is likely that it is now in the Baihua Sect.

But the last time they went to the Baihua Sect, the people of the Baihua Sect did not mention this matter.

"It's okay. Let's ask the Baihua Sect about this kind of thing next time we go there. However, I probably can't go to the Baihua Sect in a short time. I have to wait for the headmaster and Elder Yang to come back." Meng Fan said to Li Xueruo.

"Don't be anxious about this matter. "

There is really no time to rush this, after all, we don't know when the headmaster and Elder Yang will be back.

The inheritance of the Peony Patriarch can only be put on hold.

"Brother Meng Fan, don't worry, I'm not in a hurry, I just suddenly thought of this matter and said it casually." Li Xueruo said to Meng Fan.

"That's good! "

As long as Lin Xueruo doesn't have the idea of ​​going to Baihua Sect alone, it will be fine. Otherwise, if she goes to Baihua Sect alone and quietly like last time, something will definitely happen.

After chatting for a while, Meng Fan left Li Xueruo.

Next, he didn't rush back to Jiange, but found Lin Feiyan again.

He had promised to guide Lin Feiyan before, and he had to do it from beginning to end.

As for Lin Lao's reminder to him not to contact Lin Feiyan, Meng Fan was originally going to take it to heart.

But since the head of the sect has gone to the demon world and can't come back in a short time, he has nothing to worry about.

Besides, Meng Fan didn't have any special thoughts about Lin Feiyan, he just wanted to earn back the spirit stones he should earn.

The spirit stones that are almost in hand can't be given up just like that, right?

People can let go, but this spirit stone must never be let go.

"Brother Meng, where have you been these two days? "Lin Feiyan smiled when she saw Meng Fan. She hadn't seen Meng Fan since she returned to Shushan.

Elder Yang had tricked her and Wu Tian away before, leaving Meng Fan alone to deal with the woman full of demonic energy. She was really curious about the ending of that woman.

"Something happened in the Sword Pavilion these two days. How is your swordsmanship going?" Meng Fan asked Lin Feiyan.

Lin Feiyan shook her head and said, "What's there to say about swordsmanship? Just like that. Tell me how that woman is going first? Elder Yang drove Wu Tian and me away. Did he take you to deal with the matter of Qingtian Lake?"

Meng Fan was helpless.

Why are there so many questions about each of these?

Coincidentally, Li Xuerou is Yang Ling's disciple, and Lin Feiyan is the granddaughter of the leader.

But he knew the whereabouts of Yang Ling and the leader!

In the Shushan Sword Sect, apart from a few elders, the only one who shouldn't know is me.

However, Lin Feiyan was asking about the woman, not the leader, so Meng Fan naturally did not take the initiative to mention the leader.

"That woman was just infected by the evil spirit. She has been treated by Elder Yang and turned back into an ordinary person. As for Qingtian Lake, there are indeed some evil spirits in this place, but this matter has already been handled by people at the elder level. We don’t need to worry about it.”

Meng Fan said casually, a little evasive.

But originally what Lin Feiyan wanted to know was these "light" ones.

Knowing that the woman was safe and back to normal, she felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she had said before that if this woman was a demon, she would take action to slay demons and kill the first demon on her way to slaying demons.

But in fact, she still hoped that the woman would be safe.

Although flowers in the greenhouse are a derogatory term, most of them are kind-hearted. This is not a derogatory term at all.

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