Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 422: There are too few swords in the sword pavilion

The Heavenly Sword + Xiaoyao Divine Sword just now were a bit overwhelming for both sides.

Because there is no doubt about one thing, that is, Meng Fan's soul attack power definitely exceeds the soul's defense power.

It's his own soul attacking his own soul. He really can't stand it and something big is going to happen!

So when the black-robed Meng Fan raised his hands on the Sword God and the Xiaoyao Divine Sword, Meng Fan immediately prepared himself.

He didn't care about fairness and justice in a gentleman's battle, so he quickly threw out his signature.

What's the sign?

There is no doubt that there is only one answer.

Thousands of swords unite!

Meng Fan raised his hand to use his special move, and once it was done there would be no trace of ink.

There was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't really compete with the black-robed Meng Fan in a battle between Sword God and Xiaoyao Divine Sword.

Because they are destined to die together, there is no chance of any surprise.

The black-robed Meng Fan is fake after all. He dares to fight and die together, but Meng Fan doesn't dare!

The next second, the black-robed Meng Fan was strangled to death by Wan Jian Guiyi.

This is also destined!

The Sword God plus the Xiaoyao Divine Sword are certainly strong, but there is really no comparison in front of Wanjian Guiyi, and they can only be crushed.

A smile appeared on Meng Fan's face, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then returned to the room of Jiange.

It has to be said that the combination of Sword God and Xiaoyao Shenjian just made Meng Fan feel a little numb.

Even if Meng Fan in black robe used Ten Thousand Swords to Return to One, Meng Fan would not be so nervous.

After all, the Ten Thousand Swords will unite and become stronger, but Meng Fan will not die together.

This is one link after another, or one thing reduces one thing.

A wry smile appeared on Meng Fan's face. He left the futon space a little too suddenly this time.

This feeling is like being led by the nose, which is very uncomfortable.

Very unhappy!

"However, it can be regarded as opening up a new way of thinking for me, and just now in the futon space, I also had a good understanding of the sword Yujian Subduing Demons." Meng Fan murmured to himself.

After thinking about it, Meng Fan was ready to put aside the swordsmanship aspect for the time being.

One thing to say, his current swordsmanship is really not weak.

Not to mention the realm of condensing pills and the realm of attracting gods, even in the realm of Yuanshen, it is almost impossible to surpass him in swordsmanship alone.

His current shortcoming is his cultivation!

"The next direction should be to work hard to improve your cultivation." Meng Fan formulated the next "combat" policy.

For Meng Fan, there is an exclusive channel for improving his cultivation level, a channel that no one else can touch.

That is to absorb the origin of the sword!

The vast number of swords in the Sword Pavilion are the capital for Meng Fan to improve his cultivation.

However, there is one thing to say. In terms of quantity alone, Meng Fan has actually absorbed the sword essence of more than half of the swords in the sword pavilion.

But those are all mortal swords and spiritual swords, and the remaining ones that have not been absorbed are higher-level swords.

So in comparison, although the quantity is scarce, the quality is higher!

It has been a long time since he last visited the Wu family's ancestral land and came back. Meng Fan has not absorbed the origin of the sword for a long time.

Therefore, his cultivation has actually been stagnant for a long time.

By relying solely on hard work, I want to advance from the fifth level of Dan Condensation to the sixth level of Dan Condensation.

This is at least calculated in years, and one or two years may not even be enough!

The second floor of Jiange.

When Mr. Lin saw Meng Fan appear, he asked, "Is there anything else?"

Meng Fan shook his head and said: "Master, this disciple is just here to help wipe these long swords."

When Mr. Lin heard this, he didn't say anything and continued to close his eyes and rest.

He knew that Meng Fan had a talent, that is, he could gain some insights when touching the long sword.

Otherwise, this kid wouldn't have worked so hard to clean the sword.

I wiped all the long swords on the first floor of the sword pavilion, and then started to wipe the long swords on the second floor of the sword pavilion.

Regarding this point, Mr. Lin did not ask any more questions and gave Meng Fan enough freedom.

Everyone has their own secrets, there is no need to delve into them, as delving into them will only make others unhappy.

In this regard, Mr. Lin is still extremely open-minded.

What's more, Meng Fan's talent is obviously innate and belongs to his own unique physique.

No matter how clearly you ask, it's impossible for others to do it.

Therefore, no matter how many questions you ask, it is just annoying!

Mr. Lin has lived for such a long time, why can't he look away?

Meng Fan began to wipe the long sword on the second floor of the sword pavilion.

Looking at these long swords, he suddenly felt a little pressure.

Because the spiritual swords on the second floor of the Sword Pavilion had been wiped clean by him, leaving only a small amount of magic swords.

After he finished wiping these magic swords, he could only go to the third floor of the sword pavilion.

The further up you go, the fewer the swords.

On the second floor of the sword pavilion, most of them are spiritual swords, and a few are magical swords.

On the third floor of the sword pavilion, most of them are magic swords, and a few are Taoist swords.

It's always been this layout.

After wiping the swords on the second floor of the sword pavilion, I arrived at the third floor. Compared to the first and second floors, the swords were really very few.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan sighed helplessly.

Even if you wipe all the swords in the sword pavilion and absorb all the origin of the sword, it will be difficult to push your cultivation to the realm of the soul!

It's very pitiful to think about...

Why is it so difficult for me to cultivate on my own, and why is it so slow?

Hearing Meng Fan's sigh, Mr. Lin suddenly opened his eyes and asked with slight concern: "What's wrong?"

Meng Fan was slightly embarrassed. He didn't expect that his subconscious sigh just now would disturb Mr. Lin.

"It's nothing, I'm disturbing you, Master."

Mr. Lin asked: "Why are you sighing because it's okay?

Young people sigh less, while old people act like they are older than me.

Say, why were you sighing just now? "

I ran to the second floor of Jiange and sighed something. Isn’t this a diabolical person?

Mr. Lin expressed his dissatisfaction.

Meng Fan replied awkwardly: "The disciple suddenly felt that the swords in this sword pavilion were still too few. Suddenly he felt a little melancholy and couldn't help but sigh."

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Mr. Lin couldn't help but widen his eyes and stared at Meng Fan in disbelief, full of disbelief.

For Meng Fan, he really felt that the swords in this sword pavilion were too few, not enough for him to clean.

But from the perspective of others and Elder Lin, Meng Fan's words were simply ridiculous.

Extremely ridiculous!

Who doesn't know that the Shushan Sword Sect is the sect with the largest collection of swords?

Other sword sects in the Northern Territory, even the Kunlun Sword Sect and Wuji Sword Sect, which are as famous as the Shushan Sword Sect, the hidden swords in the sects are only disrespectful in front of the Shushan Sword Sect.

This kid Meng Fan actually said that the hidden sword master of Jiange Pavilion immediately made Mr. Lin angry and glared at him.

The Shushan Sword Pavilion has an amazing collection of swords. This is the place that Mr. Lin is most proud of, and it is also the place where he often brags to his old friends outside.

As a result, he, his direct disciple, the only direct disciple, actually questioned himself in this regard. This was so shameful and unreasonable!

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