"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mr. Lin was so angry that his beard stood up. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

Meng Fan's heart skipped a beat when he saw this. He didn't expect Mr. Lin to be so angry.

"Master, this is a slip of the tongue, purely a slip of the tongue. This sword pavilion has countless swords, and it is the sect with the most swords in the world. This disciple has always been proud of this." Meng Fan explained quickly and gave up instantly.

Mr. Lin was so angry that his teeth were itching because Meng Fan's expression was so fake that it was not the truth at first glance.

This kid actually really dislikes the sword master of Jiange.

are you crazy?

Is your mind broken?

Mr. Lin found it difficult to understand.

But the thing that he was most proud of was questioned by his only direct disciple. This was quite uncomfortable for Mr. Lin.

As for the number of swords hidden in the sword pavilion, why is Mr. Lin the most proud of it?

This actually has a special origin!

In fact, there were not as many swords in the sword pavilion in the past as there are now.

The reason why it has been able to develop to the present grand situation is due to the contribution of Mr. Lin and the leader.

Even Mr. Lin’s contribution is greater!

Because these two guys once had a hobby of "looting" other people's swords.

They often go to gambling battles with others, and whoever loses must lose their sword to the other party.

Therefore, the swords of Jiange gradually became exaggerated.

It seems that the leader only goes out to play like this occasionally, but Mr. Lin never tires of it.

The most exaggerated time was when Mr. Lin had a sword bet with the elder of the Jiangege of the Kunlun Sword Sect, and the bet was half of the swords of the Jiange!

Because there are many more swords in Shushan Sword Pavilion than in Kunlun Sword Pavilion.

The elders of Kunlun Sword Pavilion naturally agreed to the bet without hesitation and felt that they had made a lot of money.

Needless to say, the process was naturally won by Mr. Lin, otherwise there would not be so many swords in Shushan Sword Pavilion today.

It is worth mentioning that after the Kunlun Sword Sect lost, they wanted to default on their debt.

After all, although the swords hidden in the Kunlun Sword Pavilion are not as good as those in the Shushan Sword Pavilion, half of the swords are still an astronomical number and can be called terrifying.

It is not difficult to understand that the Kunlun Sword Sect can commit such shameless renegade behavior.

If it were the Shushan Sword Sect, they might have to default on their debt.

At that time, Mr. Lin was very angry when he faced the Kunlun Sword Sect's repudiation.

But there is no other way. After all, he alone cannot compete with the entire Kunlun Sword Sect.

But Mr. Lin can't, doesn't mean others can't.

After Lao Lin told the leader about this, the leader was so angry that he went straight to Kunlun.

One person suppresses one case!

Yes, the leader did what Mr. Lin couldn't do.

With one person, the leader defeated all the invincible opponents of the Kunlun Sword Sect, until they were convinced and scared!

In the end, the Kunlun Sword Sect honestly gave half of the swords in the sword pavilion to the Shushan Sword Sect.

It is precisely because of this matter that Mr. Lin has been convinced by the leader for so many years!

It's hard not to accept it. To this day, he doesn't have the ability to defeat the Kunlun Sword Sect alone.

If you are holding a demon-suppressing sword with all seals opened, there may be hope!

But if the Demon Suppressing Sword is aimed at the Kunlun Sword Sect, not to mention the Kunlun Sword Sect, the Shushan Sword Sect will be the first to attack him.

The Demon Suppressing Sword is not something you can use to kill anyone you want.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been sealed for so many years!

"Why do you think there are few swords in the sword pavilion?" Mr. Lin frowned and asked Meng Fan.

He really couldn't understand how the Shushan Sword Pavilion, which had the largest collection of swords, could think that a disciple like himself had few swords?

Simply outrageous!

"Um, Master, I don't think that there are too few swords in the Sword Pavilion. Shushan Sword Pavilion is the place with the most swords in the Northern Territory. I have heard this for a long time. Why do I think that there are too few swords in the Shushan Sword Pavilion?" Meng Fan said quickly.

"Tell the truth!" Mr. Lin said angrily, while looking directly into Meng Fan's eyes.

Well, Meng Fan was immediately frightened.

After all, Mr. Lin is the master. At this moment, the majesty of the master is revealed, and Meng Fan is still a little embarrassed.

"Master, you also know that when a disciple cleans his sword, he actually gains something. This is the special talent possessed by the disciple's physique.

Although there are many long swords in this sword pavilion, most of them have been wiped by disciples.

Seeing it, the long sword on the second floor of the sword pavilion was about to be wiped clean by the disciples.

As for the third, fourth and fifth floors of the Sword Pavilion, compared to the first and second floors, there are very few swords.

The disciple thought that there would be no sword to clean in the future, so he couldn't help but sigh, feeling a little melancholy. "

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Mr. Lin showed a smile on his face.

That's it?

He thought something was wrong!

At worst, he could go back to his old business and bring the number of swords in the sword pavilion to a new peak.

But now that I am older, it seems a bit inappropriate and a loss of face for me to be so competitive.

You can consider bringing Meng Fan along and letting him follow his own path.

It would be a bit pricey to do it myself.

But if you let the heirs of Jiange fight against other sects, it won't be a matter of price reduction, but it will give yourself a face.

Thinking of this, Mr. Lin couldn't help but be eager to give it a try, and his restless heart could no longer calm down.

"You only need to clean the sword and don't need to keep it as your own, right?" Mr. Lin asked Meng Fan.

Meng Fan nodded and said: "Disciple only needs to be in contact with the sword for a while. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you wipe the sword or not, it's just a show."

"This is easy to handle. After you finish polishing the sword in the sword pavilion, I will take you to the sword pavilions of other sword sects to polish the swords." Mr. Lin said with a smile.

Meng Fan showed a trace of surprise on his face and said: "Master, this is not good. Will other sword sects let us enter their sword pavilions at will?"

Mr. Lin waved his hand and said proudly: "If they don't want to, then beat them until they are willing!"

Simple and crude, too vulgar!

Meng Fan expressed strong feelings about this... I like it very much.

"You continue to wipe the swords in the sword pavilion. When you finish wiping the swords in the sword pavilion, come to me again. I will take you to see the sword pavilion of the famous family." Mr. Lin said to Meng Fan and continued to close his mouth. I went to rest my eyes.

Meng Fan, on the other hand, was full of motivation and began to wipe the sword.

On the second floor of the Sword Pavilion, all the magic swords that Meng Fan had never touched before were all magic swords. He casually picked up a magic sword that he had never touched before and started to touch it.

[Sword name tiger force]


The moment Meng Fan came into contact with this sword, a memory of the sword rushed into his mind and was instantly refined by him.

Nowadays, the memory of the Sword Demon at the magic sword level no longer poses any threat to Meng Fan.

Soon, Meng Fan absorbed this memory of the sword demon.

The owner of this sword is from a small sect called Tiementang.

However, this person is amazing and talented. He rose from a small sect and cultivated all the way to the realm of Yuanshen. He is also somewhat famous in the entire Northern Territory.

But once, he offended someone from the Wuji Sword Sect and died in a fight.

What a pity!

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