"Lin Bianyun, is this how you, the Shushan Sword Sect, act like a well-known and upright sect? This kind of vicious behavior is unscrupulous and sinful. You, the Shushan Sword Sect, will have retribution!"

The elders of the Fengyun Demon Sect couldn't help but shout angrily as they watched the disciples of the Fengyun Demon Sect dying and screaming in agony.

"Shushan Sword Sect is a bastard of people, trying to follow the right path!"

But at this moment, Lin Bianyun's heart was as solid as a rock, and he was completely indifferent to this.

"Screen, scold, this is the last voice before the collapse of your Fengyun Demon Cult, the last incompetent rage."

The Fengyun Demon Sect is destined to be destroyed today, and no one can stop it.

This is what Lin Bianyun said, even the King of Heaven and I can't save him!

As the blood on the Moon Exploration Peak became more and more intense, even the elder protector-level figures felt the pressure.

At this time, they realized that now was not the time to speak harshly, as it was important to save their lives.

They began to exercise their skills crazily to resist the bloody mist.

This ten-direction blood-killing formation is so terrifying that even a monk in the Yuanshen realm cannot last ten seconds here.

As time went by, Lin Tianxing's face became more and more ugly, and Mr. Lin could barely keep his expression unchanged.

If this situation continues, Lin Tianxing and Mr. Lin will definitely be the ones who have resisted the longest. Even if everyone from the Fengyun Demon Sect dies, they will definitely be the last two left alive.

However, even if Lin Tianxing is still alive by then, he will still be at the end of his strength, and his body will inevitably suffer permanent damage that is difficult to recover from.

This situation is unacceptable to Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin glanced at Lin Tianxing, whose face was gradually turning ugly. He no longer hesitated or hesitated, and the Demon Suppressing Sword in his hand suddenly glowed with a golden light.


The realm of swords.

In this human world, only sword cultivators who stand at the top of the sword can reach the level of the sword realm.

Even in a holy land of swordsmanship like the Shushan Sword Sect, the number of swordsmen who can master the realm of swords can be counted on one hand.

Everyone in Fengyun Demon Cult's eyes turned red when they saw Elder Lin using his sword domain to wrap around him and Lin Tianxing.

"Lin Bianyun, you must die a happy death!"

At this time, there were still people yelling at Mr. Lin, and by the way, Lin Tianxing also yelled at him.

It has to be said that those who can still curse at this time are definitely the strongest among the strong.

Weak people, not to mention whether they have the strength to curse, have already turned into a pool of blood and died.

When Mr. Lin faced this kind of abuse, he pretended not to see it. It was obviously very stupid to continue to scold others at this time.

At the same time, at this point in time, the people of the Fengyun Demon Sect on the Moon Exploration Peak had already lost more than nine levels of their lives to the blood-killing formation in all directions.

The remaining people are all the best among the best in Fengyun Demon Cult.

But it won't be long before these elites will die.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly burst out again on the Moon Exploration Peak.

A burst of red light erupted, and even under the Ten Directions Exterminating Blood Killing Formation, it could not cover up this light.

There was a hint of surprise on the faces of Mr. Lin and Lin Tianxing.

Because this is the light of the realm.

"Who is this person? There is someone in the Fengyun Demon Sect who has actually cultivated the realm?" Elder Lin asked Lin Tianxing with some surprise on his face.

Lin Tianxing was also full of surprise. As the leader of the Fengyun Demon Sect, he did not have a cultivation field. He really didn't know that there was such a person in the cultivation field in the sect.

The Fengyun Demon Sect has plummeted since the death of its old leader. Lin Tianxing thought that no one in the sect had reached the realm.

"This is Elder Xu from the Sutra Pavilion. He is usually very low-key and inconspicuous. I never thought that this person could actually cultivate a realm." Lin Tianxing said to Elder Lin.

Although this is shocking, it is not so outrageous and makes sense.

After all, every sect has hidden masters. They usually keep a low profile and are unwilling to reveal their trump cards.

Only during this kind of life-and-death crisis would they break out in cultivation at all costs and no longer hide.

A hint of sneer appeared at the corner of Mr. Lin's lips: "He is indeed a character for being so tolerant and low-key. It's a pity that he still can't survive today and is destined to perish!"

The Fengyun Demon Sect must be destroyed today. Naturally, it is impossible for this old guy with such amazing cultivation ability to survive.

Even if Elder Xu could survive the blood-killing formation in all directions, Elder Lin would personally kill this person.

An old fox like him naturally understands the principle of cutting weeds without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze will bring new growth.

It's impossible to make the lowest level of mistakes!

Gradually, as time goes by, about the time of an incense stick passes.

At this moment, on the entire Moon Exploration Peak, only Mr. Lin and his son, and Elder Xu who owned the domain, were still alive.

The rest of the people have all perished, and they can no longer die.

It can be said that Fengyun Demon Sect has basically been destroyed.

Because almost all the elites of the Fengyun Demon Sect are here, and only a few crooked melons and split dates are left in the headquarters, which are still being attacked by the Shushan Sword Sect.

Destruction has been doomed, and there is no other hope at all.

"Hey, where did you get this blood-destroying killing formation from all directions? Why is it so terrifying? Even my sword domain has been eroded!" Elder Lin said in great surprise.

The realm of swords is almost the most powerful method in the world.

Like the more advanced world of swords, which in a sense has touched the level of "immortal", Mr. Lin also relied on the immortal power of the Demon Suppressing Sword to barely reach the level of the world of swords.

If he puts down the Demon Suppressing Sword, he won't even be able to touch the edge of the sword world.

The formation created by Lin Tianxing can even break through the sword realm, which is really shocking.

If he hadn't been cautious and rushed over, this kid would really have died here today, and he wouldn't have been able to get out alive.

Mr. Lin frowned and looked at Lin Tianxing with eyes full of blame and dissatisfaction.

Because if he didn't come, his son would really die today! ! ! !

The white-haired man gives the black-haired man a gift.

"Since we want to destroy the entire Fengyun Demon Sect's formation, naturally the more ruthless the better. After all, Fengyun Demon Sect is also the top sect of the Demonic Dao and should not be underestimated." Lin Tianxing said calmly.


Fengyun Demon Sect is the top sect in the Demonic Way.

If you want to be sure to destroy this sect, the formation you set up must be infinitely terrifying.

Even a strong person who has mastered the realm is determined not to break this formation.

Mr. Lin sighed. He naturally understood the meaning of Lin Tianxing's words and could fully understand Lin Tianxing's thoughts.

It is not easy to destroy a top sect.

If this formation is not ruthless enough, it will most likely fail.

On Moon Exploration Peak, with the passage of time, the sword field arranged by Elder Lin and the field arranged by Elder Xu of Fengyun Demon Sect could no longer withstand the erosion of the ten-party blood-killing formation.

Almost at the same time, the two fields were broken open at the same time.

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