Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 461: After a long time, this place became a forbidden area

At the same time, Elder Xu let out a scream, and as the realm was broken open, he, like the disciples of Fengyun Demon Sect who died before, also turned into a pool of blood.

Both body and soul are destroyed!

A strong man at the domain level died so easily.

Even though Mr. Lin was well-informed, he was slightly shocked at this moment.

Scary indeed.

Fortunately, he was not just a domain-level expert, otherwise father and son would have died here today and be buried with the people of Fengyun Demon Sect.

The moment Lin Lao's sword domain was broken open, the demon-suppressing sword in Lao Lin's hand once again emitted a bright golden light.

Sword opens the world!

The world of swords!

Lin Tianxing seemed to see a dense world appearing in front of him, which really opened the door to a new world.

It's a pity that he hasn't even touched the level of the Sword Domain, otherwise he would definitely have an understanding after seeing this scene.

"Dad, what is this? The legendary world of swords?" Lin Tianxing asked in a daze.

The world of swords is the ultimate dream of sword cultivators.

It's a pity that only one in ten million can touch this dream!

Mr. Lin did not answer Lin Tianxing's words, and he had no energy to speak anymore.

This is not Shushan, let alone the Demon Locking Tower.

Last time in the Demon Locking Tower, he actually relied on the power of the Demon Locking Tower and combined with the Demon Suppressing Sword to be able to open the world with his sword so easily.

Now far away from Shushan, and even further away from the Demon Locking Tower, although he can forcefully open the Sword World with the Demon Suppressing Sword, it is extremely difficult.

But no matter how hard it is, you can still do it, and you must try your best.

This is not only related to his own life, but also related to his son's life.

With the appearance of a golden sword light, the figures of Mr. Lin and Lin Tianxing disappeared on the Moon Exploration Peak.


At the same time as the sword opened the world, Mr. Lin used the teleportation technique and forcibly left the Shi Fang Jue Blood Killing Formation.

And this blood-killing formation from all directions has strangled so many people, but its power is still not exhausted.

The Spirit-Taking Pearl above the Moon Exploration Peak is still emitting light and is activating the formation's operation.

And as there are no living creatures in the formation, the consumption of the soul-catching pearl is almost nothing, and it can continue to activate the ten-direction blood-destroying killing formation for a long, long time.

When Lin Tianxing arranged this formation, he actually did not expect this situation.

He had no idea that over time, this place would become a forbidden area that no one could set foot on.

Who comes and who dies!

At the same time, the figures of Mr. Lin and Lin Tianxing appeared on the second floor of the Shushan Sword Sect's sword pavilion.

In the sword pavilion at this moment, only Senior Brother Luo and Shu Changsheng were still there.

Meng Fan, Wu Tian, ​​and Hong Qi are now at the headquarters of Fengyun Demon Cult, and they have begun to kill.

Especially Wu Tian, ​​it was a blast to kill!

On the second floor of Jiange, the appearance of Mr. Lin and Lin Tianxing did not alarm Shu Changsheng and Senior Brother Luo on the first floor.

"Dad, are you okay?" Lin Tianxing couldn't help but asked worriedly when he saw a trace of blood spilling from the corner of Mr. Lin's mouth.

Although he ran away from home for many years, he did not run away out of anger, and he had no grudge against his father, Mr. Lin.

When he left Shushan resolutely, he just wanted to avenge his mother.

Speaking of which, he left regardless of his father's obstruction, and he still felt a little guilty deep in his heart.

"I'm fine. The blood-killing formation you created in all directions is really astonishing. It's simply unbelievable. If I hadn't brought the Demon Suppressing Sword with me today, I would have fallen into that formation with you! " Mr. Lin said helplessly.

From Elder Lin's point of view, he is already a well-informed old man, and his cultivation strength is also at a very high level.

But the ten-direction blood-killing formation he saw today could still be said to be the scariest and most terrifying formation he had ever seen.

Although I have some lingering fears, I am still slightly proud deep inside.

After all, such a terrifying formation was created by my son, Lin Bianyun!

"It's all the children's fault. This formation almost hurt my father." Lin Tianxing blamed himself.

Mr. Lin smiled and said: "Don't blame yourself, to be honest, my father is very happy and proud today.

My son almost single-handedly destroyed the Fengyun Demon Sect, the top sect of the demonic world.

And he set up a terrifying formation that would kill even the domain-level experts.

Who wouldn't be proud of a child like this?

Xing'er, you've been hiding in the Fengyun Demon Sect these years, taking every step carefully, and barely having any contact with your father.

But as a father, there is actually something I want to say to you face to face.

You are a proud father! "

When he said this, the smile on Mr. Lin's face became even stronger, and the pride in his eyes could not be hidden.

He did have a good son.

Although this son is a bit stubborn!

Throughout his life, he was always outclassed by Lin Jinghong, but in terms of future generations, Lin Jinghong was indeed inferior to him.

Although Lin Jinghong has countless descendants, comparing his descendants is not a comparison of numbers.

One of his own sons is worthy of Lin Bianyun’s dozens of descendants!

"Haha~~~" Mr. Lin couldn't help laughing.

He is very happy.

Super happy.

His wife's great revenge was finally avenged, and her son returned to her.

Finally, I can enjoy my old age in peace.

"By the way, where did you get this formation?" Mr. Lin asked this question again. He had asked it several times, but Lin Tianxing never answered the question directly.

From Lin's perspective, he has never seen such a terrifying formation. Even if Lin Tianxing is the leader of Fengyun Demon Sect, it is unlikely that he will come into contact with such a terrifying formation.

In this formation, one can really only despair, with no way to go from heaven to earth!

When Lin Laogang entered the ten-direction blood-killing formation, he was thinking of using teleportation to take Lin Tianxing away.

But he found that this formation could even block space, making it impossible to perform teleportation at all.

Even if the domain is used, the formation cannot be broken, let alone the teleportation technique.

Finally, he forced open the world of swords, and finally used the teleportation technique to leave the terrifying formation.

And he was actually seriously injured!

At his level, he would not be injured under normal circumstances, but once he was injured, the injury would not be minor.

For example, there is blood on the corner of Mr. Lin's mouth right now. Although it doesn't look serious, it is definitely much more serious than it looks!

"Why, you still want to hide it from me?" Seeing that Lin Tianxing still kept his mouth shut, Mr. Lin said a little helplessly.

Only he himself knows how strong he is, especially how strong he is holding the Demon Suppressing Sword!

Now that this formation can hurt him so seriously, Mr. Lin is really worried about the origin of this formation and is afraid that it will affect his son.

In other words, he is afraid that his son will pay a shocking price that he does not know.

"Dad, please stop asking, I don't want to talk." Faced with Mr. Lin's questioning, Lin Tianxing hesitated for a moment, but still did not tell the truth and chose to conceal it.

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