Mr. Lin sighed. He hadn't gotten along with his children for so many years, so it was normal for his children to be alienated from him.

As your children grow up, you should give them more space of their own.

Since the child doesn't want to talk, he can't keep asking, as this is likely to be counterproductive.

"Well, since you don't want to say it, just wait until you want to say it. You are also exhausted today, so go and rest first." Mr. Lin said to Lin Tianxing.

Not only Lin Tianxing needs to rest, but Mr. Lin also needs to heal his injuries.

Although the destruction of the Fengyun Demon Sect this time was simpler than imagined, some aspects were actually more complicated than Mr. Lin thought.

At least before today, Mr. Lin never thought that he would be injured.

No, it is actually a little early to say that the Fengyun Demon Sect has been destroyed.

Although the elite and high-ranking members of Fengyun Demon Sect have all been executed, they are too dead to die.

However, the headquarters of Fengyun Demon Sect has not been completely eradicated, so we cannot say that Fengyun Demon Sect has been destroyed.

At this moment, the Fire Cloud Mountains were the headquarters of the Fengyun Demon Sect.

Many Shushan disciples shouted the banner of slaying demons and slaying demons, and were killing the remnants of Fengyun Demon Sect.

The order the Shushan disciples received was to kill all the disciples of the Fengyun Demon Sect and truly destroy the entire Fengyun Demon Sect.

Some people are excited about this kind of order, thinking that everyone who is a disciple of the Demon Cult can kill it.

And some people can't bear it. In their view, even the Fengyun Demon Sect is not all evil people.

Such indiscriminate killing to destroy the Fengyun Demon Sect actually goes against the chivalrous heart of the Shushan Sword Sect.

Therefore, not all Shushan disciples took part in this operation.

Some disciples were unwilling to go out and stayed in Shushan without going down.

Fortunately, all the elites of Fengyun Demon Sect have been buried in Moon Exploration Peak.

Therefore, even a small number of Shushan disciples are enough to defeat the entire Fengyun Demon Sect headquarters. It is more than enough!

At this moment, Meng Fan and Hong Qi were walking together in the headquarters of the Fengyun Demon Sect in the Fire Cloud Mountains.

Wu Tian, ​​who was not far away, had his eyes red with blood and would kill anyone he saw.

This time, he really killed a lot of people.

The frustration and depression that had been held in the body for so long were all vented at this moment.

He was originally a madman addicted to murder in a sense, but now he has truly unleashed his true nature.

This kind of person can actually be a disciple of Buddhism for so long. It can only be said that this is truly a miracle in the world.

Meng Fan followed Hong Qi and did not take action.

He has already seen that among the Fengyun Demon Sect, there are all weaklings who stayed behind in the sect.

The elite members of Fengyun Demon Sect have obviously been transferred out.

A typical example of trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain!

As for the initiator of all this, he knew without thinking that it was Mr. Lin and Mr. Lin's son Lin Tianxing.

Especially Lin Tianxing, the top second and fifth boy, definitely occupies a heavier weight than Mr. Lin!

Faced with these weaklings who stayed behind in the Fengyun Demon Sect, Meng Fan was naturally too lazy to take action.

For him now, only the reincarnation of a terrestrial god like Xu Chunsheng, who is in the realm of attracting gods, can arouse his interest in fighting.

As for the Fengyun Demon Sect at the moment, let alone the reincarnation of the Earth Immortal, there are almost no ordinary cultivators in the spirit-inducing realm. They were all transferred away by Tiaohu Lishan.

In fact, Meng Fan was actually too lazy to make this trip in the first place.

He came here purely for Hongqi.

After Hongqi reshaped her physical body, she relied on Xuantian's spiritual body to practice quickly, but she had no actual combat experience.

Looking for someone to compete with someone in the Shushan Sword Sect is just a formal competition, and there is no way to fight to the end with real swords and spears.

If Hongqi wants to go back and seek revenge against her uncle, she must not only have cultivation skills, but also must have sufficient practical ability.

Hongqi herself proposed to participate in the battle to destroy the Fengyun Demon Sect. She also thought of what Meng Fan thought of.

This battle is an excellent opportunity to improve your actual combat ability and fighting ability.

So Meng Fan came with Hong Qi to protect Hong Qi.

After all, he was worried about letting Hongqi come here alone.

Nothing can happen to Hongqi.

In Meng Fan's mind, this person is already his relative.

"This guy's cultivation is on par with yours, and he is more suitable for you to practice with. Come on!" Meng Fan selected a Fengyun Demon Sect disciple who was suitable for Hong Qi to train with, and said to Hong Qi.

Hongqi nodded and was about to take action when she suddenly looked at Meng Fan in embarrassment.

She came out in a hurry and didn't bring any weapons.

Really embarrassing!

The main reason is that after Hongqi reshaped her body, she almost never fought with anyone, and she never considered the issue of weapons at all.

Meng Fan smiled. Hongqi was inexperienced and ignored this problem. How could he ignore it?

Hongqi's weapon has always been on him.

A flash of red light flashed, Hong Qi subconsciously stretched out her hand, and a long sword appeared in her hand.

Hongqi looked at the sword with surprise on her face.

【Red Qi Sword】

"Master, this is your natal flying sword..." Hong Qi hesitated, not knowing what to say.

Her meaning was very clear. It was Meng Fan's natal flying sword. How could she be qualified to use it?

Meng Fan smiled and said: "The Hongqi Sword is yours first, and my flying sword second. Whenever you need to use the sword, the Hongqi Sword is yours!"

Hongqi held the Hongqi sword in her hand and said no more words of rejection, but her face turned red inexplicably.

Do you share the same natal flying sword with your master?

How embarrassing...

After all, Meng Fan still doted on Hongqi.

Today's Hongqi is only in the realm of true martial arts, but she wields a magic sword, and it is a top-level magic sword.

It won't even take long for Hongqi Sword to transform into a Tao sword after absorbing enough of the sword's origin!

Who can be treated like this by a monk in the true martial arts realm?

It’s also red!

Even figures at the level of saints and saints from top sects cannot receive this kind of treatment.

Because Hong Qi was prepared with the Hong Qi Sword, although Hong Qi was now only at the sixth level of Zhenwu, the opponent Meng Fan found for Hong Qi was a disciple of the Fengyun Demon Sect at the Tian Yuan level.

Since you want to practice Hongqi, then just give strong medicine and get it right in one step!

Anyway, with her own guardian, Hongqi cannot be in any danger.

From Meng Fan's point of view, Hong Qi was shaped by himself. It would be a bit unjustifiable if he could not fight beyond the level.

It was embarrassing for herself, and even more embarrassing for the Hongqi sword in her hand.

"Go ahead and use Thunder Sword Technique first." Meng Fan said to Hong Qi.

Thunder Sword Technique was the first sword technique taught to him by Mr. Lin, and it was also of great significance.

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