After Hongqi heard Meng Fan's words, she nodded seriously.

She also knew that she had just made a big mistake, and to be honest, she still felt very embarrassed.

This time, you must behave well and not let the master laugh again.

In fact, Hongqi also knew that under the training of her master, her swordsmanship was already quite good.

As long as you perform well, you won't be weaker than others.

The Fengyun Demon Cult disciple standing opposite Hong Qi and Meng Fan was in an extremely angry state at the moment, and he felt very aggrieved.

From Wu Tian almost killing him with a sword just now, to the conversation between Meng Fan and Hong Qi, he watched everything.

This is to use himself as a living target and as a sparring partner for that woman.

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!

He knew that the situation was in danger today, and it could even be said that the entire Fengyun Demon Sect was in danger of being destroyed.

But even if he died, he didn't want to die in such a painful way.

Treat yourself as a living target and a sparring partner?

If that's the case, then you have to risk your life to get another one, so that you don't lose anything.

The eyes he looked at Hong Qi were filled with the will to die and murderous intent. He had to make this woman pay the price and let these people know the price of despising him.

As long as you have someone to support you before you die, and exchange your limits for one, you will definitely not lose money!

"Let's die together." He murmured.

This is because he has a will to die. He knows that he has no way to survive, and the best outcome is to die together.

As long as we can die together, then we will make a lot of money!

Hongqi was holding the sealed Hongqi Sword. This time her mentality was obviously a little better than before, and she was not so nervous.

She used Thunder Sword Technique again and slashed at the disciple of Fengyun Demon Sect with one sword.

Hong Qi is not an extreme genius in swordsmanship, and her talent in swordsmanship is not amazing.

But when she was still a sword spirit, she followed Meng Fan and witnessed Meng Fan's various sword techniques. She was impressed by them, especially after he reshaped his body, Meng Fan taught her the sword techniques step by step.

So although Hongqi is only at the sixth level of Zhenwu at this moment, her Thunder Sword Technique has also reached the level of Sword Intent.

Even if she is given some more time, she can easily reach the level of sword power.

This is actually not surprising and falls into the ordinary category.

After all, Liu Yanping, a girl with no qualifications at the beginning, quickly mastered sword intent under Meng Fan's training.

No matter how bad Hongqi is, she is still much better than Liu Yanping.

"Sword Intent?" The disciple of the Fengyun Demon Sect opposite saw a hint of surprise on his face when he saw that Hong Qi's sword move towards him was actually at the Sword Intent level.

He, who was initially looking down on Hongqi, suddenly became more solemn and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Those who are able to cultivate sword intent in the true martial arts realm should not be underestimated. Even in the Shushan Sword Sect, such disciples are definitely in the category of geniuses.

This is indeed the case in theory, but here at Meng Fan, geniuses of this level can be mass-produced.

Sword intent is really nothing!

Meng Fan carefully watched Hong Qi's Thunder Sword Technique. This sword was indeed much more rigorous than the one just now, and there were not so many loopholes.

Of course, it also has something to do with the use of sword intent.

Hong Qi didn't use her sword intention just now with that sword strike, but she couldn't help but use it this time.

To put it bluntly, Hong Qi also knew the sharp edge of the Hong Qi Sword before. She knew that the sharp edge of the Hong Qi Sword could easily kill the disciple of the Fengyun Demon Sect without the need to use the sword at all.

Now that the Hongqi Sword is sealed, she can no longer rely on the edge of the Hongqi Sword, so she can only rely on herself.

Meng Fan smiled. This was actually human nature and everyone would have this mentality.

In the final analysis, I didn't think carefully enough and should have sealed the Hongqi Sword earlier.

The moment this thought came to Meng Fan's mind, Hong Qi and the Fengyun Demon Cult disciple had passed three moves in a flash of lightning.

The light of the sword and the shadow of the sword!

The sword energy is permeated, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

Although from Meng Fan's perspective, this was just a fight between children, from Hong Qi's perspective, it was actually a very intense fight.

Meng Fan suddenly thought, did Mr. Lin have the same mentality when he watched him fight with others?

Definitely is!

After more than thirty moves, the sword in Hong Qi's hand stopped.

He stopped his sword because the disciple of Fengyun Demon Sect had been killed by his sword.

There was no expression on Meng Fan's face. This record was not bad, but it could not be said to be excellent.

"Not bad." Meng Fan nodded towards Hong Qi.

Although she said it was good, Hong Qi didn't see the appreciation in Meng Fan's eyes.

She understood that the master was actually not very satisfied.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Meng Fan could naturally see that Hong Qi was sad, but dissatisfaction was dissatisfaction. He could not pretend to praise Hong Qi.

"Heal the injury first." Meng Fan said to Hong Qi.

The battle between the two just now had exceeded thirty moves. With so many rounds, it was naturally impossible for Hong Qi to dominate the opponent.

Although Hongqi finally succeeded in killing the opponent, she also suffered several injuries on her body.

Especially on the left forearm, there was even a wound so deep that the bone was visible.

Meng Fan took out a healing medicine and handed it to Hong Qi.

Hongqi was not polite, took it directly, drank it, and then started to use her energy to heal her injuries.

As the Qi circulated, the wounds on her body gradually began to heal and recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This was not due to the healing medicine. Meng Fan's healing medicine was just a very ordinary elixir.

The reason why she recovered so quickly was entirely because of Hongqi's own Xuantian spirit body.

As long as the injury is not fatal, this Xuantian spirit body can make the injury recover quickly.

Even if there is a missing arm or leg, this Xuantian spirit body can regenerate the broken limb, but the recovery time will be slightly longer.

As for whether cutting off the head can regrow the body, there is no guarantee, and no one dares to try.

In less than a cup of tea, Hong Qi's injuries had completely recovered as before.

"Go on, I'll find you another opponent." Meng Fan said to Hong Qi.

This opportunity to destroy the Fengyun Demon Sect is rare. Hong Qi will not easily have such a good opportunity to hone her actual combat ability in the future, so she must let Hong Qi fight more.

"If you can satisfy me with this training, I will start teaching you heavenly swordsmanship after I return."

Upon hearing Meng Fan's words, Hong Qi's eyes suddenly lit up.

As long as you are a swordsman who studies swordsmanship, it will be difficult to resist the temptation of the words "Tianpin Swordsmanship".

This is the ultimate dream!

Especially when Hongqi was still the Hongqi Sword Spirit, she had seen Meng Fan's various heavenly sword techniques, so she was naturally very greedy.

In fact, the one she wanted the most was "Ten Thousand Swords Return to One", but Hongqi knew very well how difficult it was, and she knew it was impossible for her to learn it.

no hope!

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