Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 465: Benefactor Meng, I discovered a treasure land

Others don't know how strong Meng Fan's Ten Thousand Swords Guiyi is, but Hong Qi who watches Meng Fan smelting Ten Thousand Swords Guiyi bit by bit to its current level knows it clearly.

The person who knows Meng Fan best in the world is neither his sister Li Xuerou nor his master Lin Bianyun. In a sense, he is still the little sword spirit Hongqi.

Of course, Hongqi is no longer a sword spirit.

Not only is he not a sword spirit, but he also possesses the extremely amazing Xuantian spirit body.

If you really want to calculate it, even Li Xuerou, the "reincarnation" of Peony Patriarch, is actually inferior to Hong Qi in terms of qualifications and potential.

After all, reincarnation and inheritance, although they sound awesome, are actually over the top.

Compared with real geniuses, the reincarnations of these big guys have great limitations in a sense.

For example, Xu Chunsheng, the reincarnation of the land god from the Fengyun Demon Sect.

He had such a great reputation, but he turned out to be a paper tiger, and he was killed by Meng Fan with a sword after leaping several levels.

Meng Fan is a monster, this one cannot be compared.

But there is a saying that if Wu Tian reaches the third level of the spirit-inducing realm, which is the same level as Xu Chunsheng, Wu Tian can hack Xu Chunsheng to death.

Should it be said or not, although Wu Tian was tortured a bit miserably in front of Meng Fan, he had even completely submitted to it.

But when it comes to matters, Wu Tian is actually not weak, and his aptitude and understanding are also extremely amazing, but he is just eclipsed in front of Meng Fan.

After all, when he was almost at the same level, Wu Tian had the ability to compete with Meng Fan. Although he lost, losing to Meng Fan was not a shame!

If you really think about it, there are not many people in the same realm who can defeat Wu Tian.

On the other side, Hongqi was also very motivated under the temptation of Tianpin swordsmanship.

In just one stick of incense, she had already killed three Fengyun Demon Sect disciples in the Tianyuan realm.

Of course, they are all in the realm of Tianyuan First Level and Tianyuan Second Level.

This level of opponent is just right for her to train with!

Hongqi's swordsmanship was trained by Meng Fan himself, so there is absolutely no doubt about the strength of her swordsmanship.

To question her is to question Meng Fan from another perspective.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye, and when Hongqi was fighting against the eleventh Fengyun Demon Sect disciple, she finally got the breakthrough that Meng Fan had been waiting for.

Thunder Sword Technique breaks through from the level of sword intention to the level of sword power.

In fact, it is not difficult for Meng Fan to improve Hongqi's swordsmanship to the level of sword power.

But under normal circumstances, step-by-step guidance takes time.

After all, not much time has passed since Hongqi reshaped her body.

If you want to quickly rise to the level of sword power, you must experience actual combat.

Meng Fan brought Hong Qi to the Fengyun Demon Sect this time. One of his goals was to help Hong Qi master sword skills. Now this goal has been achieved.

However, this is only one of the goals.

Just cultivating sword skills is not enough!

After Hongqi perfected her sword skills, the target Meng Fan found for her became slightly stronger and became an opponent at the third and fourth levels of Tianyuan.

And Hong Qi's cultivation level is only at the sixth level of Zhenwu.

It's almost like being able to cross a large realm to fight with people.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long.

Hongqi has not yet reached Meng Fan's expectations, and she has no opponent.

Because the headquarters of Fengyun Demon Sect has been completely destroyed.

The elite members of the Fengyun Demon Cult were already buried at the Moon Exploration Peak by Lin Tianxing, and those who were left in the headquarters were all "crooked melons and cracked dates".

Now, under the attack of many disciples of Shushan Sword Sect, it is already good to be able to persist for two or three hours before being destroyed.

Not only was Meng Fan a little dissatisfied with the demise of the Fengyun Demon Sect, but Hongqi herself was also a little unsatisfied. She was in the mood to fight and had a strong fighting spirit.

Unfortunately, the Fengyun Demon Sect has been destroyed, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Compared to Meng Fan and Hong Qi, the one who felt more regretful and regretful was Wu Tian.

Today, he really had his fill of killing.

But when it stopped suddenly in the middle of the excitement, I still felt very unhappy and uncomfortable.

But then again, for a perverted lunatic like him, killing no matter how many people is not enough, he will want to keep killing.

The more he kills, the higher he gets, and the more he kills, the less he can control himself.

There is a saying that Wu Tian is really a born demon disciple.

But this kid first entered the Vajra Temple and then the Shushan Sword Sect, both of which were sects that were leaders in the righteous path.

It can only be said that fate plays tricks on people, otherwise if this kid enters the demon sect, he will definitely become a notorious big devil.

Moreover, Meng Fan also felt that the black jade sword in his storage ring really matched Wu Tian, ​​and thought that it was really wrong for the black jade sword to follow him.

If you follow someone with such a murderous intent like Wu Tian, ​​it is not impossible to even be promoted to the Divine Sword in the future, let alone restore the Dao Sword.

Just when Meng Fan was thinking wildly, the old monk's voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Almsgiver Meng, I have noticed a place with extremely strong spiritual energy. It is not a place with the name of Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and Hidden Soldier Pavilion, which is extremely secretive."

Hearing this, Meng Fan's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was not qualified to get involved in a place like the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and the Hidden Soldier Pavilion. It was almost as if Mr. Lin came to get involved.

But if he could find a treasure hidden in the dark, he could really sneak it down.

"Where?" Meng Fan asked the old monk without hesitation.

"A thousand spiritual stones." The old monk directly offered the price.

He needs spiritual stones to restore his soul, but Meng Fan is a very picky kid, so it's really not easy for him to find opportunities to get some spiritual stones.

So once there is such an opportunity, he must seize it and not waste it.

Meng Fan frowned. This old monk was really a good guy and he really knew how to handle himself.

A thousand spirit stones are indeed within the range he can bear.

Now he only has 16,000 spiritual stones on his body. Taking out a thousand to give to the old monk is really the limit. He will definitely be reluctant to part with any more and cannot accept it.

The old monk is really an old fox, he understands people's hearts.

"Deal!" Meng Fan said through gritted teeth.

"Give me the spirit stone first, and then I will take you there." The old monk said to Meng Fan.

He really didn't believe Meng Fan, because he had seen Meng Fan's shameless side more than once.

Meng Fan had no choice but to throw a thousand spiritual stones into the old monk's relic.

My heart is bleeding and I feel very distressed.

In fact, the old monk really guessed it right. Although Meng Fan was indeed planning to give the old monk the spiritual stones, he just wanted to give the old monk a hundred spiritual stones after his wish came true.

In this way, I don't think I am breaking my promise.

As a result, the old monk was extremely defensive about himself, which was a bit excessive.

After paying the old monk a thousand spiritual stones, the old monk kept his word and gave Meng Fan a direction.

Meng Fan said to Hong Qi: "You are here to digest what you have learned from the battle just now. I will go to the Fengyun Demon Cult for a tour and I will come back later."

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