Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 471: The family is also wiped out, Mr. Wang is a bit miserable

Although Meng Fan said it in an understatement, Shu Changsheng was still a little disappointed.

He really wanted to go into actual combat and have a real fight.

Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity.

Meng Fan saw Shu Changsheng's disappointment, rubbed the boy's head, and said with a smile: "Let's do this, when you reach the realm of Tianyuan, I will take you down the mountain to explore, and I promise to give you actual combat. Opportunity."

It's not long since Shu Changsheng got started, and this guy's talent is indeed high.

In such a short period of time when Hong Qi reshaped her body, she had already broken through to the sixth level of Zhenwu. Shu Changsheng's cultivation was just as high as Hong Qi's.

There is a saying that Meng Fan actually didn't spend much energy on Shu Changsheng, his disciple.

He is not an extremely responsible master.

But Mr. Lin, who couldn't stand it, was such a great teacher. Mr. Lin taught Shu Changsheng very attentively, even more attentively than when he taught Meng Fan.

After all, Meng Fan is so good that he doesn't need Mr. Lin to teach him at all.

Mr. Lin only needed to make a start, and Meng Fan could draw inferences from one instance to another. He even learned more than what Mr. Lin taught him.

So although having a disciple like Meng Fan is something that one is very proud of, there are also times when one feels frustrated.

Instead, it was from Shu Changsheng that Mr. Lin found a sense of accomplishment in teaching his disciples.

Today, Shu Changsheng is already a monk at the eighth level of Zhenwu, and is not far from the Tianyuan realm.

"But, Master, what if Master doesn't agree?" Shu Changsheng asked a little worriedly.

"Then Master will take you down the mountain secretly." Meng Fan said nonchalantly.

Shu Changsheng heard this and immediately became excited.

If he goes all out and grinds some miraculous elixirs from his master, I believe he will be able to break through to the realm of Tianyuan soon.

Go down the mountain!

Shu Changsheng is still looking forward to this.

After Meng Fan comforted Shu Changsheng, he returned to his room.

Mr. Lin didn't know where he was taking Lin Tianxing. Although Meng Fan was a little worried, he also knew that he was powerless, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

In the following time, you can continue to retreat with peace of mind, and break through to the state of leading gods in one go.

With the destruction of the Fengyun Demon Sect, the Shushan Sword Sect has proven its ability and iron-blooded methods.

In fact, the ability of the Shushan Sword Sect does not need to be proven. No one has ever doubted the ability of the Shushan Sword Sect, but its iron-blooded methods and determination have scared many people.

Destroying a sect is something only the devil would do.

As the leader of the righteous path, Shushan Sword Sect would do such a bloody and cruel thing. To be honest, it is a bit inappropriate.

But the more this happens, the more no one dares to jump out and accuse the Shushan Sword Sect at this time.

It can only be said that it is human nature to bully the weak and fear the strong.

The more "hard" the Shushan Sword Sect appears, the more everyone avoids it.

On the contrary, many people wanted to come up and take a bite from the Shushan Sword Sect, which was a good old guy.

"Many people feel that Master is wrong and say that Master is acting in a demonic way.

But I feel that Master did the right thing. Do I also have the potential for magic?

Impossible, I am a gentleman. "

Meng Fan murmured to himself. Just as he was doubting his own idea, he immediately rejected it.

Why should you question yourself about this?

"However, if you think about it from another perspective, Master's destruction of the Fengyun Demon Sect was indeed a huge impact and subversion for the Shushan Sword Sect.

I still remember that when Mr. Wang destroyed the Blood Knife Sect alone, he was expelled from the sect by the Shushan Sword Sect. There were even people from the Law Enforcement Hall who went to arrest Mr. Wang.

In comparison, Master's destruction of the Fengyun Demon Sect was even more serious.

But not only was the master fine, but he held high the banner of exterminating demons and defending the Tao! "

Meng Fan murmured to himself, thinking that even among a well-known righteous sect like Shushan Sword Sect, whoever has the bigger fist is the right one.

"If Master didn't have the Demon Suppressing Sword by his side, he would probably have been pulled down by the other elders of the Shushan Sword Sect at this time."

Thinking of the different treatment received by Mr. Wang and his master, Meng Fan suddenly had an enlightenment at this moment.

Good and evil.


These are actually shown by the strong to the weak, but the real strong simply ignore these.

This is indeed true.

Do the people who make the rules still need to abide by the rules?

At most, it may be complied with on the surface.

"Master and Mr. Wang have a good relationship. Do you want to ask Master for a favor, restore Mr. Wang's identity, and let Mr. Wang return to the Shushan Sword Sect?" Meng Fan just said this, then he shook his head with a helpless smile.

Could Master not think of something that he himself could think of?

And to say the least, after Mr. Wang has experienced something like this, is he still willing to return to Shushan?

Meng Fan sighed, put aside these thoughts, and began to practice wholeheartedly.

Things have come to an end now, he is going to reach the realm of leading gods!

If the realm of condensing pills is said to be a rebirth for monks, then in a sense, the realm of guiding gods really means "becoming a god instantly".

Leading the gods is indeed the process of transformation from human beings to "gods".

Once you complete this transformation and cultivate [Yuan Shen], you will be a truly powerful person in this world.


This realm is recognized as a hurdle, or a watershed, in the circle of monks.

Under the primordial spirit, all are weaklings.

Once you reach the realm of Yuanshen, you can be recognized by the strong and belong to the level of being among the strong.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan suddenly lost his excitement.

What he broke through was the realm of guiding spirits, not the realm of Yuanshen.

Before he stepped into the bowl of the spirit-inducing realm, he was looking at the pot of the Yuanshen realm again.


"However, after entering the realm of attracting gods, I can ask Master to take me to the Xuanming Sect."

Xuanming Sect, Netherworld Lake.

Meng Fan had previously seen in Jian Sha's memory that this Netherworld Lake of the Xuanming Sect could help monks in the Soul-inducing Realm break through to the Yuanshen Realm.

Although this process is painful and even torturous, Meng Fan considers himself a person who is not afraid of hardship.

No pain No gain!

This kind of thinking...

In fact, Meng Fan has transformed and grown unconsciously.

Because when he first traveled to this world, Meng Fan knew that he had the supreme talent of [Swordsmanship and Spirituality], and his mentality was a bit "bad".

He believes that he does not need to fight or take risks, he only needs to practice silently and does nothing.

As long as he gives himself enough time, he will still become one of the strongest men in this world by relying on his talent of swordsmanship.

In fact, this is indeed the case!

But I don't know when Meng Fan started to become "greedy".

He began to be dissatisfied with practicing silently step by step, and he was even more eager to become the strongest person in this world.

It can only be said that he has just traveled through time and has never seen the world.

Now that he has seen many strong men, he naturally feels pressured.

It is true that if he slowly cultivates himself, he can become the strongest person in this world.

But what if others don’t give yourself this opportunity to grow slowly?

Countless facts have proven that no matter how good a genius is, if he does not grow up and die midway, he is still essentially a fool!

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