In the following days, the Shushan Sword Sect was very peaceful, but the situation outside the Shushan Sword Sect was not peaceful.

No matter the righteous or the evil, after seeing the powerful destruction of the Fengyun Demon Sect by the Shushan Sword Sect, they were all somewhat shocked.

This fully illustrates the saying that if a tiger does not show its power, you will treat me as a sick cat, which is very appropriate.

Facts have proved that even without Lin Jinghong, the Shushan Sword Sect is still extremely terrifying.

From then on, no one dared to provoke the Shushan Sword Sect, let alone challenge it.

The identity of the Shushan Sword Sect as a giant in the Northern Territory cannot be shaken in the slightest.

These days, Meng Fan has been sprinting to the realm of induction with all his strength, and he has no time to care about other things outside.

Elder Lin and Lin Tianxing have not come back these days.

It is worth mentioning that in the entire Sword Pavilion, except Meng Fan and Elder Lin, no one else has seen Lin Tianxing.

Including Senior Brother Luo and Shu Changsheng who stayed behind before, they also had no chance to see him, because Elder Lin directly took Lin Tianxing to the second floor of the Sword Pavilion.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed.

The entire Northern Territory gradually calmed down, and the uproar caused by the destruction of the Fengyun Demon Sect also completely subsided.

The world is like this, no matter how big the event, no matter how big the movement, will be smoothed out by time and gradually forgotten.

In the room of the Sword Pavilion, Meng Fan's cultivation has reached the final moment.

He has now reached the peak of the ninth level of the Condensation Pill, the peak of the peak, and only needs to take the last step to enter the realm of the Inducing God.

And Meng Fan's foundation is enough to support him to break through to the realm of the Inducing God.

There are three Hunyuan Pills left, and Meng Fan plans to take one every day for the final sprint.

This is also the reason why he believes that he can break through to the realm of the Inducing God within three days.

At the same time, the Huoyun Mountains where the Fengyun Demon Sect is located.

At this moment, the Huoyun Mountains are extremely desolate and depressed. With the destruction of the Fengyun Demon Sect, this place is destined to become a desolate place.

After the Shushan Sword Sect destroyed the Fengyun Demon Sect, it naturally would not "occupy the mountain as king". After cleaning up the "trophies" that day, the Shushan army left the Huoyun Mountains.

Other sects did not have the courage to come here to establish a sect.

Perhaps as time goes by, many years later, people gradually forget the existence of the Fengyun Demon Sect, and the Huoyun Mountains will usher in a new owner.

The cave that Meng Fan and the old monk discovered last time, at this moment, two people stood in front of the altar with a solemn face.

There is no doubt that it is Lin Lao and Lin Tianxing.

Meng Fan's previous guess was correct. This is indeed Lin Tianxing's cave, and there is nothing to be surprised about.

"Is today the day you agreed with the Demon Lord?" Lin Lao looked at his son and asked solemnly.

Lin Tianxing just nodded, without saying anything, his face was extremely complicated.

Looking at Lin Lao's old face, he had a moment of regret, regretting that he could not be filial to his father in front of his knees.

But if he is given another chance, he will still make a deal with the Demon Lord behind the altar, and will still sacrifice his soul to activate the Ten Directions Blood Killing Formation.

The arrow is on the string, and it has to be shot. He has no way back.

"Silly son, why don't you discuss it with your father?

You make such a big decision alone!

Do you look down on your father so much, and think that your father is incapable of destroying the Fengyun Demon Sect and needs you to fight with your life?"

Lin Tianxing was silent for a while, and then looked up at Lin Lao.

"Father, you know I don't mean that. I have been sleeping on straw and eating bitter food for so many years to avenge my mother. I must be sure that I can't let all my efforts go to waste."

He added another sentence in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud.

[What's more, I don't want you to fall into danger. I haven't been filial to you for so many years, and I must keep you safe. ]

[Let me bear all the disasters alone! ]

This kind of words must not be said out loud, otherwise it will only make my father more angry.

Elder Lin looked at Lin Tianxing, his eyes gradually changed from loving to firm.

"Fortunately, it's not too late now. Even if I risk my life today, I will not let the demon king on the other side of the altar take your soul away."

The demon world is not the underworld or the fairy world, so even if it is much stronger than the human world, it is at least not completely detached.

Today, Lin Bianyun wants to see how much stronger the top masters of the demon world are than the human world?

If you want to take your son's soul away from him, then you have to step over your own body.

This is a father's protection for his child!

At this moment, Elder Lin's eyes are no longer as simple as firmness.

That is... facing death with equanimity!

Meng Fan, who was practicing in the room of the sword pavilion, did not know that his master was actually facing the biggest challenge in his life at this moment.

Or, the biggest crisis.

Life and death crisis!


If you don't win,

then you will die.

After a long time, a faint light gradually appeared on the altar in the cave, and then a mist slowly floated up.

The old monk said before that the "evil god" behind the altar would not take the initiative to contact the altar, which was not entirely true.

Unless, the altar had something that interested him.

For example, Lin Tianxing's soul!

"Father, he's here." Lin Tianxing said with a frown.

He did not persuade his father to leave again, because he had persuaded him countless times before, but it didn't work.

In fact, if you think about it, if it were him, he wouldn't leave at this time either.

"Alas~~~" Thinking of this, Lin Tianxing sighed helplessly.

At this time, he was really helpless.

Because Mr. Lin was afraid that he would get into trouble by messing around, he had been sealed and imprisoned.

At this moment, apart from being able to speak, he couldn't even move a finger.

"Before, you went your own way to work undercover in the Fengyun Demon Sect, and my father did not stop you. This is a sign of respect for you. But as long as you don't want to, no one can take you away from your father!" Mr. Lin's tone was very soft, and he didn't say anything. What momentum.

But just such an understatement has great power.

The mist on the altar gradually condensed into a dark humanoid shadow.

It's just a shadow, and the figure can't be seen clearly, let alone the face, but the aura exuding from this shadow is extremely frightening.

Even though it was Mr. Lin, his heart was trembling slightly at this moment.

This is not fear, but an uncontrollable throbbing in my heart. This is a subconscious reaction to the power of terror.

Just like ordinary people will shiver subconsciously when they feel cold.

And this "subconscious" actually has nothing to do with people's thoughts and reactions, it is purely instinctive.

Mr. Lin's face was already extremely solemn, and now it was even more serious, as if it were painted. This emotional expression had reached its extreme.

"Oh? What an unexpected surprise, buy one get one free?"

A cold and ruthless voice rippled through the entire cave.

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