Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 473: Opening the Sword World! Kill the monster!

This voice was full of arrogance and disdain.

Even a top-notch master like Mr. Lin seems to be a sacrifice in the eyes of the owner of the voice.

This is somewhat inflated.

"Are you the Blood Soul Demon Lord from the demon world? I have been in the human world for many years, and I have never competed with a master from the demon world. Today I finally have the opportunity to give it a try." Mr. Lin looked at this phantom and said in a tone He also said extremely calmly.

When facing big events, you must be calm!

Mr. Lin knew that this phantom must be extremely powerful, and he might not even be a match for him.

But at this time, the less nervous you can be, the more you must be calm and collected, otherwise you will have already lost half the battle.

Blood Soul Demon Lord!

This title was something I had never heard from Lin Tianxing before. Mr. Lin asked Lin Tianxing to tell him everything about his contacts and transactions with this Demon Lord.

Knowing yourself and your enemy, although it cannot be said that you can win every battle, it can at least increase your winning rate a little bit.

"Sparring with me?

Haha, you are not qualified yet!

Although this is just a clone projection of the original deity, you must be a land god in the human world to be qualified to fight with the original deity.

No, it should be said that only you land gods in the human world are qualified to die! "

The content of these words should sound arrogant, but at the moment it feels calm and casual, without any sense of arrogance.

It seems that this is reality.

This is the horror of the demon world and the demon world. Although the demon world and the demon world are not as transcendent and transcendent as the fairy world and the underworld, they are indeed much more tyrannical than the human world.

Among the six realms, the human realm is undoubtedly the bottom and the weakest!

Although this is helpless, it is a fact and there is no way.

"Land god? It's not like I can't fight to the death.

If you don't want to lose your vitality today, you'd better turn around and leave.

If you insist on taking my son's soul, you will regret it! "

Hearing Elder Lin's words, although the expression on the face of the phantom of the Blood Soul Demon Lord could not be seen clearly, he could still hear his sneer.

"Threatening me?

How ridiculous!

Originally I just wanted to get one soul, but I didn't expect to buy one and get one free.

Father and son, right? Your soul quality is much stronger than your son's, which is really good.

Since you took the initiative to send it to my door, I will accept it with a smile! "

As he spoke, the dark shadow raised a hand, and first pointed in Lin Tianxing's direction.

Lin Tianxing signed a contract with him, and he wanted to get Lin Tianxing's soul easily and easily.

As for the difficult old man in front, it would definitely take some effort, so he planned to take Lin Tianxing's soul first, and then slowly concoct the old man's soul.

"Ah~~~~~~~~~~~~" Following the Blood Soul Demon Lord's finger, Lin Tianxing's whole body suddenly twisted, and he let out a heartbreaking scream.

The pain in this scream almost overflowed the screen.

Elder Lin's expression changed and he became furious.

"Don't hurt my son!" He roared and stood in front of Lin Tianxing.

Again, if you want his son's soul, you have to step over his body today.

Mr. Lin's old and thin body seemed to be frail, but standing in front of Lin Tianxing, he was as steady as a mountain.

However, the Blood Soul Demon Lord took Lin Tianxing's soul from the inside out. He had already signed a contract with Lin Tianxing, and Lin Tianxing was the soul who took the initiative to sacrifice.

Therefore, Mr. Lin's obstruction had no effect.

The anxious Mr. Lin yelled out two words with eyes split open.

"Suppress the demon!"

A golden light bloomed in the cave, illuminating the dark space extremely brightly.

The Demon Suppressing Sword appeared out of thin air and was held tightly in Mr. Yu Lin's hand.

"Slay the demon!" Old Lin roared again.

In an instant, a golden sword intent filled the entire cave space, permeating every corner.

Sword intent!

It is a very low-end energy, especially for an existence of Elder Lin's level.

But if it is the demon-slaying sword intention, then it will be different.

The Demon-Slaying Sword Intent was originally deduced from the Demon-Suppressing Sword.

Only the demon-slaying sword intention struck with the demon-suppressing sword is the real demon-slaying sword intention.

Meng Fan has never had the opportunity to experience this, which is a pity.

With the emergence of this demon-slaying sword intent, Lin Tianxing's miserable screams finally stopped and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The phantom of the Blood Soul Demon Lord across from him temporarily gave up on extracting Lin Tianxing's soul and glanced at the Demon Suppressing Sword in Elder Lin's hand with interest.

"It turns out to be the Demon Suppressing Sword. No wonder you had the courage to speak arrogantly just now.

The demon-suppressing sword of the Shushan Sword Sect, haha, you Shushan Sword Sect relies on the demon-suppressing sword to dominate the human world, and can even cause some trouble to the demon world.

But to our demon world, this demon-suppressing sword is just an ordinary fairy weapon.

If you want to restrain us like you restrained the demon clan, then you are just dreaming! "

The demon-suppressing sword does have the effect of suppressing demons. Even the entire demon world is extremely afraid of this sword because it is indeed extremely restrained.

But there is nothing to be afraid of in the demon world!

Shushan Sword Sect is known as slaying demons, but they are indeed professional in slaying demons, but slaying demons is just a casual slogan.

And what they call "eliminating demons" is not a demon from the demon world.

As the sword-wielding elder of the Shushan Sword Sect and the wielder of the Demon-Suppressing Sword, Mr. Lin naturally understands this.

If this altar is connected to the demon world, and the object of Lin Tianxing's sacrifice is the boss of the demon world, he is really sure of solving the matter today.

But unfortunately, it’s the demon world, it’s the Demon Lord!

But even so, even if he knew that the winning rate was not high, he would fight to the end.

After all, the person standing behind him was none other than his son.

Only son!

"You want to take my son's soul away from me. This is just a daydream." Elder Lin held the demon-suppressing sword and stared at the shadow of the Blood Soul Demon Lord with cold eyes.

"You are wrong. I am not taking away your son's soul, but you and your son's soul.

I always like to do things with perfection. Your son has been taken away by me, leaving you alone in this human world!

By the way, where is your wife?

A family must be neat and tidy. How nice would it be for me to reunite your family? "

Hearing what the Blood Soul Demon Lord said, not only was Mr. Lin furious, but Lin Tianxing behind him was also so blind that he almost wanted to eat the Blood Soul Demon Lord alive!

Mr. Lin's wife and Lin Tianxing's mother are their rivals.

Not to be insulted!

"You are looking for death~~~~~~" Mr. Lin's eyes flashed with blood, and he slashed out his sword with hatred.

The sword light was like blood, Mr. Lin's own blood.

As soon as he takes action, it is a sword that uses all his strength, even a sword that overdraws the body and suffers backlash.

Open the sword world!

Kill the monster!

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