Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 474: The Sword World's Scenery, Master Lin at Full Power

Mr. Lin is very strong, there is no doubt about it.

In today's Northern Territory, he is definitely one of the top masters, especially with the blessing of the Demon Suppressing Sword.

But Mr. Lin also knew very well that this Blood Soul Demon Lord from the demon world was also very strong, even much stronger than himself.

Masters who have reached this level are very "self-aware" and will not be so stupid that they cannot recognize the gap between themselves and the other party.

Therefore, when Mr. Lin took action, he instantly unleashed the strongest sword, even a sword that was forced out by overdrafting his body.

Opening the world with swords, in fact, according to Mr. Lin's own strength, he simply does not have the ability to do this.

What Blood Soul Demon Lord just said is correct, that is, Mr. Lin really relies on the existence of the Demon Suppressing Sword to dominate.

If there is no demon-suppressing sword, there are actually many masters who are stronger than him. Even among the Shushan Sword Sect, there are more than one beings stronger than him.

As Elder Lin took action with his sword, the entire cave seemed to be at a standstill.

Stagnation of space-time synchronization!

Mr. Lin actually used Sword World twice before, but it didn't seem to reach this level.

It was obvious that Mr. Lin was really fighting for his life this time, and this sword was the limit of his all-out effort.

After this sword strike, just as I thought before...

If you don't win.

That is death!

As the light of Elder Lin's sword dissipated, the shadows of Elder Lin and the Blood Soul Demon Lord disappeared at the same time in the cave, as if they had never appeared.

Lin Tianxing, who was behind, also regained his ability to move at this time. With the disappearance of Elder Lin and the Blood Soul Demon Lord, the seals and imprisonment on him also disappeared simultaneously.

"Father, why do you fight so hard for an unfilial son like me?" Lin Tianxing's face was full of bitterness, and his heart was extremely sad and aggrieved.

He has not shown any filial piety in these years, but now his father's life and death are unknown and he is in great danger!

Lin Tianxing knew very well that at this time, the Blood Soul Demon Lord was pulled into the newly opened Sword World by his father.

In his father's sword world, there is no doubt that the Blood Soul Demon Lord will be weakened, while his father will be strengthened.

But even so, he couldn't guarantee that the next person to step out of the sword world would be his father.

He had contact with the Blood Soul Demon Lord behind this altar and even made sacrifices, so he knew very well how strong the Blood Soul Demon Lord was.

The land gods in the human world are the pinnacle of beings and represent invincibility.

And he knew very well that even the land gods would hardly be able to match the Blood Soul Demon Lord in person.

To be precise, it should be said that it is difficult to be an opponent of the phantom of the Blood Soul Demon Lord!

As for the Blood Soul Demon Lord, this is really untouchable and is not of the same level.

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire strength of the Blood Soul Demon Lord is definitely not weaker than that of the [True Immortal].

The strongest person in the human world, whose strength is lower than that of a true immortal, cannot cross the barrier of a true immortal. This is limited by the level of the world and cannot be broken through.

That’s why the human world has the title of land gods.

Immortals should soar above the nine heavens and come out of the dust. That’s what they are!

Land gods, gods on land, as the name suggests...

A void of space is filled with countless sword energy, sword intent, sword power, sword soul,

Everything here is the secret of swords, because this is the world of swords.

The figures of Elder Lin and Blood Soul Demon Lord appeared here almost at the same time.

"World of Swords, haha, you bad old man is not simple.

Even in the demon world, there are only a handful of strong men who can open up the world with swords!

But your ability to open the sword world should be due to the demon-suppressing sword in your hand.

Under normal circumstances, even if you are a terrestrial sword fairy in the human world, it would be difficult for you to open the world with your sword. "

The Blood Soul Demon Lord looked at the sword world created by Elder Lin with great interest, but was not in a hurry to take action.

He does not practice swordsmanship, so he rarely sees the sword world.

Now it is a good experience to be able to have a glimpse of the sword world, even if it is an immature and extremely flawed sword world.

Mr. Lin looked at the Blood Soul Demon Lord coldly and said in an extremely cold tone: "Since you are so interested in this sword world, it would not be a bad idea to sleep here forever!"

Upon hearing this, the Blood Soul Demon Lord smiled disdainfully.

"If you really have this ability, it would indeed be a good choice for me to bury me here.

After all, if you can experience the sword world for a long time, it is actually an extremely rare opportunity.

It's just that you don't seem to have this ability.

With your strength, even with the power of the Demon Suppressing Sword, how long can you continue to open this sword world? "

For a sword cultivator, even opening a sword realm is extremely consuming, let alone opening a sword realm.

A situation like Mr. Lin's forcefully opening up the sword world is even more difficult to maintain for a long time.

"How long does it take? It's just right to kill you!" Mr. Lin's eyes were cold.

As his words fell, countless sword auras, sword intentions, sword powers, sword souls, sword souls, sword souls all around him...

Countless sword energy surged towards the Blood Soul Demon Lord, quite like Meng Fan's unified swords.

However, these sword energy are much more powerful than Meng Fan's Ten Thousand Swords Guiyi, and they are not on the same level at all.

Unless one day Meng Fan completely perfects the Return of Ten Thousand Swords and comprehends the true "Return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Clan", he may be able to see the scene at this moment.

"It's a joke. You, who have barely even entered the sword world, dare to speak nonsense in front of me?"

It has to be said that this Blood Soul Demon Lord has the potential to be a talker. As long as Mr. Lin says something, he will reply one sentence or even several sentences.

It even gives people the illusion that this guy is not here to kill people, but to chat.

Unfortunately, it’s just an illusion!

The Blood Soul Demon Lord raised his right hand, then stretched out a finger and pointed in the direction of Elder Lin.

The next second, all the sword energy that surged towards him was shattered and completely eliminated.

Not to mention the low-level sword energy such as sword energy and sword intention, even the appalling sword spirit dissipated in an instant and could not sustain it for half a second longer than the sword energy.

"Skills stop here?" A sneer appeared on Blood Soul Demon Lord's face.

Mr. Lin's face looked a little ugly. This was his strongest attack. Even the land gods would find it difficult to parry against this method of his.

But the Blood Soul Demon Lord from the Demon Realm opposite him was, to be precise, just a shadow of the Blood Soul Demon Lord. He actually managed to defeat this attack so lightly, as if it was effortless.

Lin Lao's heart was filled with panic for a moment. This kind of attack was useless. He was really at his wits end.

Even with the attack of that level just now, he couldn't perform it a second time. One attack was already the limit.

And looking at the posture of the Blood Soul Demon Lord, even if he can perform it a second time, it seems to be meaningless.

The Blood Soul Demon Lord shook his head and said with some dissatisfaction: "I overestimated you. It seems that your level of soul is only above average. Fortunately, I just thought I met a superior person."

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