Extremely stupid!

Absolutely stupid indeed.

There is really no doubt about this.

But from Mr. Lin's perspective, there was nothing he could do.

He did know that there was such an ancestor from Shushan under the Demon Locking Tower.

But this ancestor has a heavy responsibility and it is impossible to leave Shushan, and he is too embarrassed to trouble this ancestor because of such a personal matter.

Because beneath the Demon Locking Tower, an extremely terrifying existence was suppressed.

If this terrifying existence escapes from trouble, not only will the entire Shu Mountain be in trouble, but even the entire human world will be in turmoil.

The task of the poor ancestor was too heavy, and Mr. Lin did not dare to let his personal affairs affect the poor ancestor.

Otherwise, he will be a sinner in Shushan, or even a sinner in the entire human world!

This matter was too big, bigger than his life, and he really couldn't bear it.

Can't carry it!

Therefore, Mr. Lin never thought of asking for help from the poor ancestor.

However, he failed to think of the last step and still alarmed the poor ancestor.

Fortunately, it did not cause the horrific consequences that I thought.

"Why don't you respond when I'm talking to you? Do you think you're too embarrassed to see anyone? Get out of here!" Ancestor Yipo cursed at the Demon Suppressing Sword.

Hearing the curse from Yipo Ancestor, a faint golden light emitted from the sword of the Demon Suppressing Sword.

Then, a phantom floated out from the Demon Suppressing Sword.

It's Mr. Lin's shadow.

This phantom is the soul of Lin Laotian that the Blood Soul Demon Lord did not find just now.

The soul has three souls: heaven, earth and man.

The two souls of heaven and earth are always outside, only the human soul lives in the body.

In a sense, the human soul is indeed the most important of the three souls.

But the three souls are actually indispensable, and neither the heavenly soul nor the earthly soul can be lost!

"Unfilial disciple Lin Bianyun has disappointed our ancestor." Elder Lin's Heavenly Soul bowed to the poor ancestor, his face full of sadness and faint guilt.

Ancestor Yipo looked at Elder Lin's Heavenly Soul and said with anger still on his face: "You are not letting me down, you are letting yourself down and your son down!

This kid, Tianxing, has been working as an undercover agent in Fengyun Demon Sect for so many years, suffered so much hardship, and finally retired with great success, but this is the ending.

If you had told me earlier, would this matter have reached this stage? "

When he heard about his son, Mr. Lin's face became more dejected and filled with more self-blame.

"Ancestor, you are responsible for guarding and suppressing the existence under the Demon Locking Tower, and there is no room for any loss.

The disciple is afraid that if his affairs affect you, if something happens to the Demon Locking Tower, the disciple and the disciple's son will be blamed for their deaths. "

Which one is light and which one is serious? Mr. Lin knows it well.

But these words made the poor ancestor very angry.

"So in the final analysis, you think that I am just as useless as you, and I don't have the ability to handle these two things, right?"

Elder Lin's Tianhun fell silent for a moment, whether he should say anything or not, that was essentially what he thought.

The Yipo Ancestor is responsible for guarding and suppressing the terrifying existence under the Demon Locking Tower. He has already gone all out, so how can he still have the energy to help him?

But he couldn't say these words, otherwise wouldn't he be questioning his ancestor?

"Alas..." Ancestor Yipo sighed and adjusted his emotions.

“The matter has come to this, and it is useless to talk about it anymore.

You only have the Heavenly Soul left now. Although you rely on the blessing of the Demon Suppressing Sword, the Heavenly Soul will not dissipate.

But this is not a long-term solution after all. You have to find an opportunity to get your Earth Soul and Thunder Soul back from the Blood Soul Demon Lord's Blood Soul Banner! "

Under normal circumstances, after a person dies and returns to heaven, the soul will definitely dissipate.

However, Mr. Lin's heavenly soul is integrated into the Demon Suppressing Sword, so it will not dissipate, but no one knows whether it will change over time.

Moreover, the earth soul and the human soul are in the blood soul banner of the Blood Soul Demon Lord, and there is no telling when an accident will happen.

We have to find an opportunity to get these two souls back, otherwise Mr. Lin will eventually perish.

Thinking of this, even the poor ancestor frowned, feeling extremely helpless.

Although it is difficult to enter the demon world, there is a way.

But after entering the demon world, it would be difficult to take out Elder Lin's earth soul and human soul from the blood soul banner of the Blood Soul Demon Lord.

Because the Blood Soul Demon Lord is so powerful, no one in the Shushan Sword Sect today has this ability.

If the poor ancestor didn't need to guard the Demon Locking Tower, he might still have a glimmer of hope, but he really couldn't live without it.

"Alas..." This old man rubbed his brows, feeling worried.

This is really difficult to do.

"Don't mention that kid Jinghong is trapped in the Demon Realm. Even if he is in Shushan and goes to the Demon Realm, he still won't be able to take out your two souls from the Blood Soul Banner of the Blood Soul Demon Lord."


What a headache!

Rao is a poor ancestor who has seen a lot and has experienced many disasters, but he is a little helpless at this moment.

"There is no other way. Let's wait until that boy Jinghong comes back. When he comes back, I will discuss it with him. Then I will think about whether there is any feasible solution."

In contemporary Shushan, apart from Mr. Lin, there is only one Lin Jinghong who can catch the eye of a poor ancestor.

This generation of Shushan is indeed the world of the "Lin" family.

As for Meng Fan, we cannot count him as the current generation, but as the next generation.

"Oh, misfortunes never come singly. That boy Jinghong was trapped in the demon world, and you also had such an accident.

The two mainstays of the Shushan Sword Sect had an accident at the same time.

The head of Shushan is not here, and you, the sword-wielding elder, are still there to support you. Now you have also had an accident, and the sword-wielding elder is gone too.

Headache, what a headache! "

The poor ancestor sighed again, he really had a headache.

At such an old age, I originally thought I could enjoy a quiet life and not have to worry about the Shushan Sword Sect anymore, but in the end I still had to worry about it myself.

"The Shushan Sword Sect cannot be left without a master for a day, but now there is no one in the sect who can take the lead.

Putting this aside, the Demon Suppressing Sword cannot be left without an owner, and the position of the sword-holding elder of the Shushan Sword Sect cannot remain empty.

It's his grandma's fault. There's so much bullshit. I shouldn't have gotten into this mess back then.

Every few thousand years, I have to worry about it, and my heart will be broken! "

The poor ancestor was muttering and cursing. At this time, Elder Lin's Heavenly Soul did not dare to interrupt. If he did, he would definitely be scolded bloody.

"Actually, that disciple of yours has the same demeanor as you and that boy Jinghong did when they were young.

No, it should be said that it is even more charming than yours.

It's a pity that he is too young, and he is only in the realm of condensing pills now, so he can't expect it at all.


As soon as the poor ancestor finished saying this, a trace of surprise appeared on his face, and he shook his head with a wry smile.

He realized that as soon as he finished speaking, that boy Meng Fan had reached the realm of attracting gods, as if he was deliberately blocking his words to target him.

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