Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 479 Meng Fan breaks through and leads to the realm of gods

It's indeed an amazing coincidence.

However, it is useless to break through to lead the gods. In the eyes of the poor ancestor, there is no difference between leading the gods and condensing pills. They have the same meaning.

Lin Laotianhun, who was on the side, could not help but smile. He also felt Meng Fan's breakthrough. It can only be said that the timing of this breakthrough was a coincidence.

"This disciple of yours is indeed a good young man, but it's a pity that he is too young and needs time to grow up. If he had been born a hundred years earlier, the Shushan Sword Sect might not have such trouble today."

If Meng Fan could have been born a hundred years earlier...

Mr. Lin truly felt that his disciple must be better than him.

No, he should be stronger than Lin Jinghong.

There is no doubt about it!

It's a pity, as the poor ancestor lamented, Meng Fan is still too young and needs time to grow up.

“Ancestor, the Demon Suppressing Sword can be handed over to Meng Fan in the future.

This disciple of my disciple is definitely more suitable to control the demon-suppressing sword than my disciple.

When the disciple's disciples really grow up in the future, the disciple feels that the position of the sword-bearing elder is more suitable for him than the position of the leader of Shushan. "

It's not that Mr. Lin, as a sword-wielding elder himself, thinks that his disciples should also be sword-wielding elders, but that Meng Fan is indeed suitable for this position.

As a disciple, he was simply born for the sword.

"It's too early to say this now." The poor ancestor shook his head.

For Meng Fan, it was impossible to control the Demon Suppressing Sword at this time, and even touching the Demon Suppressing Sword was not a good thing.

Elder Lin's Heavenly Soul moved his mouth, wanting to say something, but finally gave up.

Because what Ancestor Yipo said was indeed correct. Although deep down he wanted to pass the Demon Suppressing Sword to Meng Fan, there was really no point in giving the Demon Suppressing Sword to Meng Fan at this time.

Today, what Meng Fan needs most is growth. Growing up to the point where he can stand alone as soon as possible is the top priority.

By then, no one but Meng Fan is qualified to touch the Demon Suppressing Sword!

The poor ancestor thought, and two crystal coffins appeared in front of him.

The bodies of Mr. Lin and Lin Tianxing also entered the two crystal coffins out of thin air.

"Preserve your two bodies first, lest your souls be found later but your bodies will be damaged."

This crystal coffin can protect the body from decay. As long as the soul can be recovered and the soul enters the body, Mr. Lin and Lin Tianxing can recover as before without any damage.

"Thank you, ancestor." Elder Lin's Heavenly Soul bowed his hands to the poor ancestor.

The poor ancestor rolled his eyes and said angrily: "You're already like this, and you're still pretending to be polite to me here."

After a pause, he waved his hand and saw off the guests.

"Go back first. From today on, don't put the Demon Suppressing Sword on the top of the Demon Locking Tower. Just put it inside the Sword Pavilion. As for other things, I will come up with a solution and you don't have to worry about it."

Elder Lin's heavenly soul disappeared into the demon-suppressing sword, and then the demon-suppressing sword also disappeared from the lower level of the demon-locking tower.

At the same time, the demon-suppressing sword appeared out of thin air on the second floor of the sword pavilion.

It was lying quietly on the futon where Mr. Lin meditated on weekdays, just like before!

In the room on the first floor of Jiange.

Meng Fan, who had exhausted all the Hunyuan Pills, finally broke through to the realm of attracting gods.

For Meng Fan, this was not a surprise because it had been planned long ago.

At this time, it is time to break through. There is no surprise, it will happen naturally.

If you can't break through, that would be abnormal.

"Finally, I have reached the realm of attracting gods." Meng Fan murmured to himself, with a smile on his face.

Although it is not a surprise to break through to the state of attracting gods, it is indeed a thing worthy of joy.

After all, he had really been looking forward to it for a long time.

The moment he broke through to the state of leading gods, Meng Fan's idea of ​​Xihuang Guan, which he had been practicing silently, also underwent an inexplicable transformation.

In the depths of Meng Fan's sea of ​​consciousness, the phantom of Emperor Xi appeared.

In other words, Dharma!

After reaching the state of attracting gods, monks can cultivate the Dharma, which is what monks dream of.

In short, Dharma is a simplified version of Yuanshen.

After cultivating to the realm of Yuanshen, Dharma can transform into Yuanshen!

At that time, as long as the soul is immortal, the monk will never die. Even if the physical body is wiped out, there will be a way to recover.

Yuanshen is the foundation of Yuanshen realm monks.

"Stepping into the realm of attracting gods, the Xihuang Dharma has become one, and my spiritual consciousness has undergone earth-shaking changes and has been enhanced a lot, not just a little bit." Meng Fan murmured to himself.

Divine consciousness, this is one of the two foundations of a monk, the other is true essence.

After entering the realm of leading gods, although Meng Fan's true energy has not increased in transformation, the increase in spiritual consciousness also represents an increase in strength and combat power.

Today's Meng Fan...

Meng Fan wanted to find a comparison, but he found that there was really no comparison for reference, because he himself didn't know how strong he was now.

Anyway, even ordinary monks at the peak level of leading gods would hardly be his opponent.

There is a high probability that only monks in the Yuanshen realm can make him feel the pressure!

"When Master comes back, he finds that I have entered the realm of attracting gods. I don't know what a surprise it will be." Thinking of Master, Meng Fan frowned slightly, feeling a little worried.

I wonder if Master has handled Lin Tianxing's matter well.

From Meng Fan's perspective, he was worried about whether Mr. Lin could rescue Lin Tianxing. He never thought that Mr. Lin himself would be in danger.

After all, in Meng Fan's opinion, Mr. Lin was too strong and there was no way he would be in danger.

That "evil god" in the demon world, no matter how powerful it is, can only persecute Lin Tianxing at most. How could it possibly hurt Mr. Lin?

This was what Meng Fan was thinking deep in his heart. He never dreamed that this matter would be such a big crisis and even Mr. Lin would suffer.

Just when Meng Fan was immersed in the joy of breaking through to the realm of leading gods, he suddenly felt something abnormal on the second floor of the sword pavilion.

"What's the noise? Could it be that the master is back?" Meng Fan walked out of the room and went straight to the second floor of the sword pavilion.

He did not see Mr. Lin come back, but there was a sword lying on the futon where Mr. Lin often meditated.

Meng Fan had seen this sword before.

The demon-suppressing sword.

Immortal sword!

"Why is the Demon Suppressing Sword here?" Meng Fan narrowed his eyes and felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

Mr. Lin is the sword-wielding elder of the Shushan Sword Sect, and the Demon Suppressing Sword is his accompanying sword.

According to Meng Fan's understanding, the Demon Suppressing Sword is either quietly stored on the top floor of the Demon Locking Tower, or it is on Mr. Lin's body.

Now that the Demon Suppressing Sword appeared so quietly on the futon where Mr. Lin was meditating on the second floor of the Jiang Pavilion, Meng Fan instinctively felt something was wrong.

"Master, is there any accident?" Meng Fan frowned and murmured softly, his heart full of worry.

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