Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 481: Seven-Star Demon-Conquering Sword Formation

Mr. Lin did not tell Meng Fan that his and Lin Tianxing's souls were brought back to the demon world by the Blood Soul Demon Lord.

Telling Meng Fan this kind of thing would be too cruel for him.

And with Meng Fan's current cultivation and strength, he couldn't do much.

If Meng Fan really knew about it, it would only add to the sadness. It may even hit Meng Fan and affect Meng Fan's subsequent cultivation.

The gain outweighs the loss!

As for how long he can hide it from Meng Fan, Mr. Lin himself doesn't know. He can only take it one step at a time.

After all, he couldn't return to Jiange for a long time. As time passed, Meng Fan would feel something strange and would definitely find something.

But that's for later.

Meng Fan returned to the room on the first floor of Jiange Pavilion. At this time, he indeed did not notice anything unusual about Mr. Lin.

As for when he will discover it, it depends on whether he is keen enough.

Meng Fan, who had just reached the realm of leading the gods, had no intention of continuing to practice in seclusion. He had just reached the realm of leading the gods and wanted to improve to the realm of the soul.

That must be a matter of the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Thinking of the realm of Yuanshen, Meng Fan immediately thought of the Netherworld Lake of the Xuanming Sect.

This lake can help monks in the spirit-inducing realm break through to the Yuanshen realm as soon as possible.

"Originally, I thought that when I broke through to the realm of attracting gods, I would ask Master to take me to the Xuanming Sect and 'borrow' their Netherworld Lake.

Now it seems that we can only postpone it until the master comes back. "

Meng Fan murmured softly, "If Mr. Lin doesn't come back, he won't have the courage to go to the Xuanming Sect. They won't take you, a deacon of the Shushan Sword Sect, seriously."

Even if you make someone angry, you will be hacked to death without any discussion.

After all, the Xuanming Sect belongs to the Demonic Sect and will not be polite to you at all.

Only Mr. Lin can suppress them.

"We can let go of the cultivation matters. After all, we have just made a breakthrough, haste makes waste. It's time to study the sword formation of our Shushan Sword Sect!" Meng Fan muttered.

The last time he asked Mr. Lin for the heavenly swordsmanship of Shushan, Mr. Lin threw it to Meng Fan along with the Shushan Sword Formation.

"Thirty-six Tiangang Sword Formation"

"Seven Star Demon-Suppressing Sword Formation"

"Tai Chi Sword Formation"

This is the heaven-grade sword formation of the three Shushan Sword Sect. Meng Fan never had time to think about it after getting it from Mr. Lin.

The last time he was in Lin Tianxing's cave in Fengyun Demon Cult, Meng Fan felt helpless when faced with the restrictions imposed by the cave.

The formations and restrictions are the same in some respects.

As long as he can understand the formation thoroughly, he will be able to break through any restrictions he encounters in the future.

One sword can defeat all spells. Once Meng Fan has thoroughly studied the three Shushan Sword Sect Tianpin Sword Formations, he will no longer be a headless fly when faced with the spells.

"Among the three heavenly sword formations, the Tai Chi sword formation seems to be the easiest, but my intuition tells me that this sword formation is definitely not as simple as it seems."

This Tai Chi Sword Formation is undoubtedly easy to learn but difficult to master.

It seems easy to learn, but it is definitely not easy to master it.

In the end, Meng Fan planned to start with the "Seven Star Demon-Suppressing Sword Formation".

This Seven-Star Demon-Subduing Sword Formation has similarities with the Heavenly Grade Sword Technique "Sword-Subduing Demons".

Meng Fan had already thoroughly mastered the Sword-Suppressing Demon Sword Formation and had reached the sword soul level, so with this experience, practicing the Seven-Star Demon-Suppressing Sword Formation was the best choice.

Time flies like water, and seven days pass in a blink of an eye.

Meng Fan originally thought that since he had experience in wielding a sword and subduing demons, and coupled with the Small Thousand Sword Formation inherited from Dan Sword Immortal, it would not be difficult to practice the Seven-Star Demon-Suppressing Sword Formation.

What's more, he also has the supreme talent of swordsmanship.

After all, sword formation is also a type of kendo!

But in fact, Meng Fan still overestimated himself. The complexity of this sword formation really gave Meng Fan a headache.

No wonder the entire Shushan Sword Sect has so many disciples who practice swordsmanship, but only a few who practice sword formation.

Even though Meng Fan had [Swordsmanship and Spirituality], it took him a whole week to complete the seven-star demon-suppressing sword formation to a basic level.

too difficult!

After this, whenever Meng Fan meets a sword cultivator practicing sword formation in the future, he will be in awe and will never look down upon him.

"The sword formation is difficult, even harder than reaching the sky!" Meng Fan, who had finally mastered the Seven-Star Demon-Suppressing Sword Formation to an entry-level level after seven days, sighed with emotion.

It is indeed difficult. Sword formation and swordsmanship are not on the same level.

Because for Meng Fan, the number of seven days was really an exaggeration.

It takes him seven days, so others will take seven months, or even seven years.

You know, even if Meng Fan practices heavenly swordsmanship, he can master it in a day.

Note, it’s proficiency, not entry!

Getting started in seven days is already pushing the difficulty to the limit.

"But although it is difficult, the time spent is worth it. After getting started with this sword formation, it vaguely opened the door to a new world for me."

After getting started with the Seven-Star Demon-Suppressing Sword Formation, it will be much easier for Meng Fan to practice the Tai Chi Sword Formation and the Thirty-Six Tiangang Sword Formation.

The most important thing is that he also has a new understanding of the Small Thousand Sword Formation.

Before that, the Small Thousand Sword Formation was just the swordsmanship passed down to him by Dan Sword Immortal. It was the kind that was instilled in him and he could just use it without any understanding of it.

This kind of thing will be somewhat insufficient.

Now that he has gained the understanding, the Small Thousand Sword Formation can also shine with a new edge in Meng Fan's hands.

"Although the sword formation is difficult, to put it bluntly, it is an upgraded version of the sword technique, and it is more powerful than the sword technique."

Sword array swordsmanship is essentially the art of swordsmanship, with different approaches but the same purpose.

Meng Fan also had new ideas and plans for the sword formation at this moment.

Swordsmanship can be refined into ten thousand swords.

Sword array, the same can be done!

Meng Fan is proficient in this art and plans to integrate these sword formations into one.

This was a field he was familiar with. Swordsmanship had been on this path before. He knew it was feasible and had experience.

"The first step is to fuse several sword formations based on the experience of swordsmanship."

"The second step is to find a way to integrate the fused sword formation into the Ten Thousand Swords Unity."

The path of Ten Thousand Swords returning to the clan is Meng Fan's way of swordsmanship.

Since it is the way of the sword, it can naturally tolerate all things and everything that belongs to the sword.

Whether it is swordsmanship or sword formation, they will eventually become the nourishment for Meng Fan [Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect].

"This step is getting bigger and bigger, and the scale of Wanjian Guizong is also bit by bit beyond my previous imagination."

"In the final analysis, I am becoming more and more greedy. If this continues, I don't know if it will take many years of the monkey to cultivate the real Ten Thousand Swords Guizong!"

Meng Fan sighed with emotion. To be honest, he was a little helpless.

In his original idea, the Shushan Sword Sect was able to gain access to swordsmanship and integrate all the practices, which would be the time when the Shushan Sword Sect would return to the sect with ten thousand swords.

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