As a result, as his horizons became higher and higher, his experience gained more and more, and his knowledge of swordsmanship became deeper and deeper, his requirements for Wan Jian to return to the sect became higher and higher.

And if this trend continues, it will continue to rise infinitely in the future.

If this goes on forever, Meng Fan, the creator of [Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect], will not know when the end will be.

However, actually having no end is also a good thing.

This means that Wan Jian Guizong still has potential and can continue to become stronger.

Many people don't understand that there is no strongest swordsmanship in this world, only stronger swordsmanship!

Wanjian Guizong is the kind of stronger swordsmanship.

For the next time, Meng Fan silently practiced the sword formation.

Seven-star demon-suppressing sword formation.

Tai Chi Sword Formation.

Thirty-six Tiangang Sword Formations.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed, and Meng Fan had cultivated all three sword formations to the entry-level level.

In fact, if he went to the Sword God Monument to gain enlightenment, he would be able to learn these three sword formations faster.

But Meng Fan didn't have many spiritual stones left, only fifteen thousand.

If you smash them all in, you can go to the Sword God Monument again for half a month to comprehend.

But for these three sword formations, smashing all the spiritual stones into it felt a bit like losing more than the gain. Good steel must be used on the blade. Meng Fan knew that he would use the Sword God Monument many times in the future.

Apart from anything else, it is not difficult to practice the sword formation, but it is difficult to integrate the sword formation.

If the spirit stone is used to practice the sword formation, then the integration of the sword formation will encounter difficulties, and there will be no opportunity to gain insights from the Sword God Monument, which will be troublesome.

After cultivating these three sword formations to the entry-level level, Meng Fan did not stop but continued to practice.

He is only at the entry level, and it is undoubtedly nonsense to want to integrate several sword formations.

At least, these sword formations must be practiced to the point of [proficiency].

In the blink of an eye, another two months have passed. During these two months, Meng Fan has not left the Jiange Pavilion at all, which is equivalent to starting the retreat mode again.

As for the Shushan Sword Sect, it was as calm as ever, with no turmoil.

In fact, in the entire Shushan Sword Sect, except for a poor ancestor, no one knew that something had happened to the sword-wielding elder Lin.

No one within the Shushan Sword Sect knows about it, let alone outsiders.

In addition, before Lin Lao's accident, Shushan Sword Sect destroyed Fengyun Demon Sect, which was equivalent to severely frightening the entire Northern Territory, including both good and evil!

Therefore, during this period of time, no one would even think about the Shushan Sword Sect.

If no one is causing trouble, naturally no one will find out that the Shushan Sword Sect is now in a "weak period".

Without the two pillars, Mr. Lin and the headmaster, the Shushan Sword Sect can indeed be considered to be in a period of weakness.

However, being weak does not mean being useless!

If someone really wants to cause trouble for the Shushan Sword Sect, they are destined to ask for trouble.

Elder Lin and the headmaster are not here, but there is also a poor ancestor.

Although the poor ancestor cannot leave the Demon Locking Tower, if Shushan really encounters a big crisis, others will not be able to leave the Demon Locking Tower, which does not mean that his sword cannot be separated from the Demon Locking Tower.

The Shushan Sword Sect has been standing in the Northern Territory for so many years, and its background is indeed unfathomable. There is no doubt about this.


More than three months have passed since Meng Fan went into seclusion to practice sword formation.

During this period of time, he finally "understood" the three-door sword formation.

Relying on the talent of swordsmanship, it took so long, which is enough to prove the difficulty of the sword formation.

Now Meng Fan has begun to try to integrate the sword formation, and has also made some progress.

However, this progress was a bit one-sided. Meng Fan always felt that there was something wrong with his thinking, because he was thinking of integrating sword formations with sword techniques.

The Ten Thousand Swords Returning to One Sword Formation thus fused is essentially not much different from the Ten Thousand Swords Returning to One sword technique.

There is no such qualitative improvement as imagined!

"Perhaps, we have to try to change the angle." Meng Fan was racking his brains to think about these issues.

For Meng Fan, he has talent, but talent is not omnipotent, and sometimes some ideas cannot be figured out by talent.

It depends on inspiration!

"Junior Brother Meng, can you come out and talk?"

Meng Fan, who had been in seclusion for a long time without seeing anyone, suddenly heard a voice outside the door.

Someone is looking for me?

Meng Fan frowned. This seemed to be the voice of Senior Brother Jin.

There is no need to go to the Three Treasures Hall. Senior Brother Jin will not leave the Sutra Pavilion on weekdays. Today, he suddenly went to the Sword Pavilion. Something must have happened.

Meng Fan stopped practicing, opened the door and walked out.

Outside the door, indeed, Senior Brother Jin was standing.

"What kind of wind is this today, blowing up Senior Brother Jin who is sitting in the Sutra Pavilion?" Meng Fan quickly invited Senior Brother Jin to come in and sit down.

"I really have something to do with you. I wonder if it's inconvenient for you?" Senior Brother Jin said to Meng Fan with a smile.

"If it's inconvenient, you've already come in, so there's nothing inconvenient." Meng Fan poured a cup of tea for Senior Brother Jin. "Senior brother, if you have something to do, it's okay to say it."

Senior Brother Jin did not rush to explain his purpose, but said to Meng Fan in great amazement: "How long have we not seen each other, now that you have entered the realm of attracting gods?

This cultivation speed is simply enviable!

Presumably even the leader back then did not have such an exaggerated cultivation speed as you. "

Hearing Senior Brother Jin mention the headmaster, Meng Fan actually couldn't bear to look at it directly, but he couldn't show it.

Even now, Senior Brother Jin doesn't know that he is actually one of the many sons and daughters of the master.

The leader left Senior Brother Jin in the Shushan Sword Sect, and did not tell Senior Brother Jin that he was Senior Brother Jin's father. He didn't know what the leader was thinking.

"I remember when I first met you, you seemed to have just entered the realm of true martial arts.

How long has it been since?

Zhenwu, Tianyuan, Ningdan, Yingshen...

Damn it! "

Senior Brother Jin was still sighing, he really didn’t know if he didn’t count them, but he was shocked when he counted them!

However, because I am uneducated, I ended up with the word "fuck" to show my shock.

Meng Fan waved his hand, shook his head with a loyal and honest look on his face and said, "Senior Brother Jin, you are just complimenting me. In fact, I just work harder than others."


These words immediately choked Senior Brother Jin, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

I was speechless and didn't know what to say at all.

Seeing that Senior Brother Jin was speechless, Meng Fan took the initiative and said, "By the way, Senior Brother Jin, why did you come to see me?"

With the temperament of a homebody like Senior Brother Jin, it would be troublesome even to leave the Sutra Pavilion. It would definitely not be easy for him to take the initiative to come here this time. Meng Fan was really curious about what was going on.

"Didn't you ask me for news about Mr. Wang last time? Now there is news." Senior Brother Jin said seriously.

Meng Fan suddenly laughed bitterly in his heart.

I thought that you obviously had news about Mr. Wang all the time, but you just didn't want to tell me.

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