Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 490 Are you crazy? Let me fight with the leader?

Meng Fan is considered well-informed, and this method of creating his own space is no longer surprising to him.

He walked up to the stone tablet, and like Senior Brother Jin, he put his hand on the stone tablet.

The next second, his figure disappeared like Senior Brother Jin.

On the side, Mr. Wang looked at the two figures with a hint of envy in his eyes.

Yes, you read that right, envy!

"If I were to go back to when I was young, then this opportunity would not be available to you. It's a pity that I was born so many years earlier."

Mr. Wang muttered something, and then sat down cross-legged next to the stone tablet, which was regarded as protecting Senior Brother Jin and Meng Fan.

At the same time, Meng Fan felt dizzy and dizzy. When he opened his eyes, he found that he had disappeared from the stone monument in Ghost Eye Forest.

At this moment, he was in a dark fog, surrounded by nothingness and nothing.

When his spiritual consciousness spread out, he found that it was even more restricted than when he was in Ghost Eye Forest. His spiritual consciousness could only cover an area of ​​one meter around him.

In this fog, his visual range reached more than two meters.

Divine consciousness is completely useless!

Moreover, Meng Fan did not see Senior Brother Jin around him.

"Senior Brother Jin?" He called loudly.

Since the visual range of the naked eye and spiritual consciousness was very low, he tried the range of sound.

Theoretically speaking, the range that sound can spread should be much further than the naked eye and spiritual consciousness. If Senior Brother Jin is not far away from him, he will definitely be able to hear his call and respond to him.

But he waited for a few seconds but didn't get any response.

"Could it be that Senior Brother Jin and I are not in the same place?" Meng Fan murmured to himself.

This possibility is not low, because this should be the internal space of the stone tablet, or there may even be more than one space.

If Senior Brother Jin is not in the same space as him at this moment, then even if he shouts at the end of his throat, the other party will not be able to hear him at all, let alone respond.

And they came here for inheritance, so it would be a good thing if they were not together.

In this way, everyone will see if they can get the inheritance based on their abilities.

If we are together, we will feel a little awkward. After all, we have a competitive attitude.

In front of one person, another person has obtained the inheritance. Even if he doesn't care, it is still a bit embarrassing and uncomfortable.

If the two of them are not together, there will be less of this awkwardness.

"Since Mr. Wang said there will be no life-threatening danger here, it must be relatively safe." Meng Fan was relatively calm and not so nervous.

"It's just that it's pitch black here, like nothingness. Where is this so-called inheritance place?"

With this in mind, Meng Fan began to explore in the black mist. Since his consciousness and naked eyes had no effect, he could only adopt the method of a blind man feeling an elephant, and explore forward bit by bit.

Meng Fan's idea was simple and direct. He walked forward without hesitation, walking in a straight line to the end.

Anyway, there is no other good way, so I can only try to walk forward without thinking.

After walking for about a stick of incense, he discovered that there was a faint light ahead, and the range visible to the naked eye gradually became wider.

His intuition told him that the so-called inheritance place should not be far away.

Meng Fan didn't feel any surprise, because after all, this space was a place of inheritance, and it was not a place specially designed to make things difficult for others.

It doesn't make much sense if people wander around here like a blind man.

When the light became more and more obvious and his line of sight became completely wide, Meng Fan showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Because he discovered that the place that appeared in front of him turned out to be a place that he was extremely familiar with.


As a disciple of Shushan, and he has basically stayed in Shushan since time travel, the place he is most familiar with is naturally the Shushan Sword Sect.

"This is definitely not the real Shushan Sword Sect. It should be my memory based on my knowledge that created a Shushan Sword Sect here."

Meng Fan immediately understood that this should be the fault of the stele space, or rather the fault of inheritance.

Although this was strange, he didn't find it incomprehensible.

Since it is an inheritance, there will naturally be tests. As a disciple of Shushan, it is not unusual for Shushan to be tested like this.

It’s fake anyway!

Therefore, Meng Fan's mentality was relatively calm. He walked straight to Shushan and soon came to Shushan Sword Sect.

But along the way, he didn't find anyone.

The Shushan Sword Sect was also empty, and no one existed.

Meng Fan walked through the Sword Pavilion, the Sutra Pavilion, and even the Demon Locking Tower, but he didn't find anyone the whole time.

"What exactly is this inheritance test?" He was a little confused.

It was not like he had not come into contact with other inheritances before. For example, the inheritance of Danjianxian was very classic. As soon as he entered the inheritance place, he could see what the test was.

But he has been shopping here for a long time, and as a result, he doesn't even know what the test of inheritance is, let alone what the inheritance itself is.

Just when Meng Fan was confused as to what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of this inheritance space, a figure appeared out of thin air and stood on the top of the Demon Locking Tower.

When someone shows up, it means the show is about to begin.

Meng Fan walked in the direction of the Demon Locking Tower, walked to the Demon Locking Tower, and looked intently at the top of the tower.

The figure standing on the top of the tower is also an acquaintance.

To be precise, I can't say that I am acquainted, I can only say that I am half-familiar.

Lin Jinghong!

The leader of the Shushan Sword Sect.

This Lin Jinghong is naturally fake and must have been created by this inheritance space.

Because Meng Fan knew very well that the real Lin Jinghong was still trapped in the demon world, and it was 100% impossible to appear here.

[Is this test of the inheritance space the leader? 】

Such an idea came to Meng Fan's mind, and at the same time he felt that this idea was ridiculous.

Although this leader is a fake and definitely not the real leader, even if he is a "copied" leader, he cannot be his opponent.

If nothing else, even this "fake" is only one-tenth of the master's strength.

No, even if he is only one percent or even one thousandth of the leader's strength, he cannot be an opponent at all and can only be tortured and killed!

Although Meng Fan was not familiar with the leader, he had seen the leader take action.

Coincidentally, when I first saw the leader taking action, it was also in this Demon Locking Tower that the leader was fighting with Li Fanchen, the leader of the Ghost King Sect.

Although Meng Fan was still very weak at that time and was only in the realm of true martial arts, that battle was deeply imprinted in his mind. Even now, it is still impressive and enlightening.

Even back then, he had learned two "incomplete" heavenly sword techniques from this battle.

【Heavenly Sword】

[Open Qingming with one sword]

Later, these two sword techniques were integrated into Meng Fan's Ten Thousand Swords Guiyi, giving Meng Fan a lot of help.

Meng Fan raised his head and looked carefully at Lin Jinghong on the Demon Locking Tower.

"Is this inheritance space crazy? Do you really want me to fight against the leader?"

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