Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 491: When the Sword God appears, who can compete with him?

Meng Fan has a natural fear of the headmaster.

Apart from other things, he had seen the headmaster take action when he was young, and then he glimpsed the headmaster's secret in several Jiansha memories.

He has always been afraid that the fact that he knew the headmaster's secret would be exposed, and then the headmaster would come to settle accounts.

Although he believed that as long as he didn't say it and hid it well, the headmaster would not know his secret.

But some things are better than nothing.

Anyway, in Meng Fan's mind, he has always been wary of the headmaster.

And even if nothing is involved, the headmaster is the strongest person in Shushan Sword Sect. It is normal for Meng Fan to be wary of him or even afraid of him.

Let Meng Fan take action against the headmaster and draw his sword against the headmaster. This pressure and shadow are very great and difficult to overcome!

"This inheritance space is really the most ruthless. Although Mr. Wang said that there is no danger to life here, won't it leave physiological shadows?" Meng Fan muttered to himself.

Moreover, it would be a bit too much if they treated me like this, but if they treated Senior Brother Jin like this, it would be a bit too much.

Let the son beat the father?

Although Senior Brother Jin didn't know that the headmaster was his father, this was not fair...

Meng Fan looked at the headmaster on the top of the Demon Locking Tower from a distance. Even if the headmaster stood there motionless, he had already given him infinite pressure.

To attack the headmaster, you really have to overcome this psychological barrier.

This is easy to say, and it's just a fake headmaster, but when you really face it, there is still a lot of psychological pressure and psychological shadow, which is really difficult to overcome.

"This fake headmaster stood there motionless and didn't take the initiative to attack. The attitude of this inheritance space is very clear, just wanting me to take the initiative to attack the headmaster!"

Meng Fan vaguely understood that the first step of this inheritance test should be to overcome his own shadow and fear, so that he dared to attack the existence that dared not to attack.

His target is the headmaster.

And Senior Brother Jin's target may not be the headmaster.

The most important thing is that it doesn't matter who Senior Brother Jin's target is, what matters is that his target is the headmaster!

It's a bit confusing, but that's the truth.

At this point, Meng Fan has no mood to care about others. The key is to pass the test.

"How can I be embarrassed to attack the head of the sect? Isn't this a great rebellion?" Meng Fan muttered to himself, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

As he spoke, the black jade sword appeared in his hand and he drew the sword out of the sheath.

Yes, the black jade sword, not the red sword!

Since he was going to attack the head of the sect, then the strongest sword that could be controlled at this stage would be the one he attacked.

Meng Fan thought it was difficult for him to overcome the psychological shadow of the head of the sect.

But when he was ready to overcome it, he found that he had overcome it in a second.

The next second, he flew up and landed on the top of the Demon Locking Tower, and then the black jade sword in his hand chopped directly at the head of the sect leader, pointing directly to the center of his eyebrows.

It was a great rebellion, too great a rebellion.

Meng Fan blamed himself in his heart, and the more he blamed, the more excited he became.

It was only at this moment that he finally understood that he was a great rebellious person!

The black jade sword in his hand shone with evil light. This was originally an evil sword.

Meng Fan smiled. This feeling was very good. He even imagined that one day he would draw his sword against the real headmaster in reality.

He was inflated.

He was reckless!

Meng Fan's sword seemed to be an ordinary slash, but it contained many mysteries of swordsmanship, which ordinary sword cultivators could not understand at all.

Because this sword was [Sword God].

The strongest sword technique of Shushan Sword Sect, and there was no suffix of one or two words.

At least it was the strongest sword technique on the surface!

When the Sword God appeared, who could compete with him?

The headmaster competed!

When Meng Fan's black jade sword was only an inch away from the headmaster's eyebrows, his sword suddenly stopped.

Not only did the sword stop, but even his body was stopped, as if he was imprisoned and could not move!

In an instant, Meng Fan's face changed.

The headmaster is the headmaster after all. Even if he is a fake headmaster, he cannot compare with him.

Just this move of the opponent has surpassed himself by several levels, and there is no comparison at all.

[How to fight this? ] Meng Fan had such a thought.

Isn't this just being abused?

There is no way to fight at all!

Meng Fan can only hope that this inheritance test is just testing himself.

Testing whether he dares to attack the headmaster. Perhaps as long as he breaks the scruples in his heart and dares to attack the headmaster, he has passed the test.

This possibility is there, and Meng Fan can only hope so.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to defeat this fake headmaster.

As a result, it is obviously not such a good thing.

Meng Fan, who has been imprisoned, watched the headmaster's breath begin to change.

Soon, the entire space of the Demon Locking Tower was covered by the breath of the fake headmaster.

Then, the entire space began to distort, and became weird and distorted in Meng Fan's sight.

This is still the inheritance space, but it is not the inheritance space.

This is still the top of the Demon Locking Tower, but it is not the top of the Demon Locking Tower.

This is... the headmaster's domain.

The realm of swords!

No, I should correct that, it is the realm of swords of the fake leader.

Anyway, it is the realm of swords.

Meng Fan's face suddenly turned pale, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Is this what Mr. Wang said is not life-threatening?

The Sword Domain is out, what can I do to support it?

I can’t stand anything!

This is a dead end.

No solution……

Meng Fan felt bitter in his heart, thinking that Mr. Wang might be deceiving him, right?

In the realm of swords, all these things are out, and even ten of them, even with my small body, can't withstand them.

[No, Mr. Wang is not such an unreliable person. Since he said that Senior Brother Jin and I are not in danger here, then it must be true that there is no danger in our lives. 】

Meng Fan was imprisoned at this time and could not even open his mouth to speak. He could only think about it in his mind.

[There must be a way to crack it! 】

Meng Fan's mind was running rapidly, thinking about how to survive this desperate situation.

He believed what Mr. Wang said, so it was definitely not a dead end without a solution at this time. There must be a way to solve this situation.

What is the solution?

How to solve it?

Meng Fan forced himself to calm down, but it was really difficult.

It is said that calmness is necessary in every big event, but if you are about to be hacked to death, where can you find calmness?

Because Meng Fan entered the inheritance space late, he watched Senior Brother Jin disappear from outside the stone monument with his own eyes.

He knew very well that he had entered this space with his physical body, not his spiritual consciousness.

If you fall here, you will theoretically die.

"Old monk, think of a way quickly. Even if I die, you won't be able to survive!"

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