Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 492: Huang Liang Yi Meng, Entering My Taoist Tradition

At the critical moment, Meng Fan decided to make a move.

At this time, apart from the old monk, there was no one else he could shake.

To be honest, Meng Fan was actually a little surprised when he saw that the old monk had no reaction and was so calm.

After all, if he dies, this old monk will also die, there is no doubt about this.

Moreover, when he was in danger before, the old monk would jump out to help him. Why was he so quiet this time?

"Donor Meng, you are actually blinded by the predicament in front of you. Why not try closing your eyes?" The old monk's voice suddenly sounded in Meng Fan's mind.

The old monk's voice was very calm. Hearing such a calm voice, Meng Fan was comforted and calmed down.

Because Meng Fan knew very well that if his life was in danger, the old monk would never be so calm.

I dare not say that he is more anxious than me, but at least he is as anxious as me.

Since the old monk was so calm and calm, it most likely proved that Mr. Wang had not deceived him and that his life was indeed not in danger.

And the death crisis he just felt was obviously an illusion!


Close your eyes?

Meng Fan had a vague realization and closed his eyes as he was told.

At the same time, the idea of ​​Xihuang in his mind began to run wildly.

And as Meng Fan closed his eyes, the image of Emperor Xi in his mind opened his eyes.

Xihuang's Dharma is a Dharma that Xihuang's vision condensed in his mind when he reached the state of attracting gods. This can be said to be the prerequisite for the soul.

It can be foreseen how terrifying Meng Fan, who has the appearance of Emperor Xi, will be once he becomes a soul.

As Meng Fan closed his eyes and Xihuang Faxiang opened his eyes, he found that everything around him had changed.

Shushan disappeared, the Demon Locking Tower disappeared, and even the fake leader disappeared.


It should be said to be an illusion!

At this moment, Meng Fan found that he was still in a dark fog, but a stone tablet appeared in front of him.

This stone tablet is exactly the same as the stone tablet outside.


Infinite nesting dolls?

Meng Fan walked over and placed his hand on the stone tablet.

The next second, his figure disappeared from the stone monument again, and it was really like an infinite nest of dolls.

After closing and opening his eyes, Meng Fan came to a palace this time.

This palace is exactly the same as the palace in the Ghost Eye Forest that Mr. Lin is extremely afraid of. To be precise, it should be that palace.

However, it is foreseeable that this palace is also virtual.

Meng Fan once again urged Emperor Xi to see if the palace was an illusion.

This time, the palace is still a palace, not the illusion that Shushan Sword Sect used to play on him before!

In fact, it cannot be said to be a joke, it should also be a test.

Meng Fan's face showed a trace of solemnity. The previous test was obviously an appetizer and not the main point.

The palace in front of you is the real test!

Taking a deep breath, Meng Fan clenched the black jade sword in his hand and strode towards the palace gate.

Entering the palace, you will see the empty main hall.

There was nothing in the main hall, except for a strange pillar of light. Meng Fan could faintly feel that there were many mysterious mysteries in this pillar of light.

Is this inheritance?

Anyone who sees this kind of scene in this kind of place will subconsciously think that this light pillar is the inheritance. It is indeed very similar and very reasonable.

Meng Fan stared at this beam of light, thinking a lot for a moment.

Although there were many mysterious mysteries in this beam of light, he could not understand them at all.

Because among these secrets, there is no secret of swordsmanship.

Meng Fan could detect the secrets of swordsmanship at a glance, but he had no idea about other secrets.

After all, he is a pure swordsman!

"This inheritance has nothing to do with swordsmanship? Then what's the point of Mr. Wang calling me here?" Meng Fan murmured to himself.

Not only myself, but also Senior Brother Jin must be the same.

Although Meng Fan didn't know what skills Brother Jin had, since he was a disciple of Shushan Sword Sect, his skills must be related to the way of swordsmanship.

Mr. Wang called two sword cultivators who majored in kendo to come over to accept this inheritance that had nothing to do with kendo. He didn't know what he was thinking.

However, Meng Fan followed the principle of coming as he comes and stretched his hand into the light beam in front of him.

The next second, his eyes suddenly widened.

A mysterious and mysterious feeling poured into his mind.

According to Meng Fan's understanding, this mysterious and mysterious feeling seems to be a very special secret.

It does not belong to the ordinary avenues such as sword, sword, fire, water, etc.

"Huang Liang's dream has entered my Taoist tradition. This dream has lasted for thousands of years. What year is it today?" A voice appeared in Meng Fan's mind.

Then, he found himself in a strange place again.

He saw his small palms, which were the palms of two babies.

Turned into a baby?

A normal person would be extremely shocked when faced with this situation, but Meng Fan was calm and relaxed a lot.

Because of the situation in front of him, he was sure that the person here was not his true body, but an existence similar to an illusion.

In other words, at most it is a piece of my own consciousness.

This is different from the arrival of the real body, and there is no danger to life.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan completely relaxed.

It's just relaxing, but after becoming a baby, this feeling of restraint is really uncomfortable.

It's like being sealed, with no freedom at all!

Time passed, and no one knows how long it took, Meng Fan's body began to grow up, and he completely got rid of the baby's body.

However, he does not have the ability to control this body.

It's like a piece of consciousness pressed into this body. You can only see it, but you can't change anything.

This feeling is similar to watching Jian Sha Memories, but it becomes a first-person view instead of a bystander.

During this period, Meng Fan, like an ordinary baby, experienced everything a baby should experience.

Wetting the bed, pooping the bed, and even peed on his face while lying in the cradle.

A monk who is in the realm of leading gods has experienced an experience that is completely unacceptable to a being like him.

Fortunately, no one else knew.

As he gradually grew up, Meng Fan also knew the name of his identity.

Lin Xuanfeng!

This made Meng Fan have to sigh, this world really belongs to the Lin family.

The master's surname is Lin, and his master's surname is Lin. He accidentally encountered an illusion, and here he became a surnamed Lin.

Meng Fan felt for a moment that the Lin family was the largest family in the Tianyuan world!

Day after day, Meng Fan was trapped in this small body.

I don’t know how long it took, but he finally became an adult.

After becoming an adult, he sneaked out of the family and wanted to travel the world alone.

In the end, he died in the hands of a group of robbers. His body was chopped into two parts, and his death was miserable.


Meng Fan was extremely shocked. He died like this?

He knew that his condition was probably related to the test of inheritance, but he had done nothing as an adult and he died like this?

He died before he left the army!

Since Meng Fan was just a spectator, this body had never been cultivated until he reached adulthood and had no cultivation at all!

Meng Fan himself felt that it was outrageous to die in such an unexplained way. Could it be that his test was over like this?

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