Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 493: The life of a monk who transforms into gods

In theory, it shouldn't be so outrageous, right?

The test of this inheritance is to press yourself into someone else's body and watch someone else's life?

But if you do this, you can't prove anything!

Being pressed to death in someone else's body doesn't change him at all. He is just a complete bystander.

Just when Meng Fan was confused, he found that his perspective had changed again.

A familiar perspective.

He became a baby again.

Then, he began to observe the life of this body.

The owner of this body was better than the previous one. He lived for at least fifty years and did not die just after reaching adulthood.

But this is still a torture for Meng Fan.

And he suffered for decades more!

Being trapped in someone else's body, with only the ability to see and not move, is a really uncomfortable feeling.

If Meng Fan hadn't had a lot of experience watching Jian Sha's memories and was a little used to it, he wouldn't have been able to withstand this kind of torture.

At this time, Meng Fan began to sympathize with Senior Brother Jin.

It is foreseeable that Senior Brother Jin is in the same situation as himself at the moment. I don't know whether Senior Brother Jin can withstand this kind of torture.

Just when Meng Fan was sighing, he was observing the life of a third person again.

This time, it's not like the first two people were ordinary people.

This person was born in a family of immortal cultivators and started practicing since he was a child. Then when he was over eighty years old, he had already entered the realm of condensing pills and died at the hands of a high-level demon cultivator.

Then, comes the fourth life.

This time, he is still a monk, and his cultivation has reached the realm of leading gods.


Same, still dead.

In the fifth life, he is a monk who has reached the realm of Yuanshen. The ending is——

There is no doubt that the ending is death, otherwise it would not only reach the state of attracting gods.

The sixth life, the realm of the soul.

The seventh life, the realm of transformation into gods.

The eighth life...

Theoretically, according to reasoning, the eighth life should be a monk who has cultivated to the realm of cave.

But this time, Meng Fan hadn't finished observing the monk's life. When the monk had only reached the realm of Yuanshen, he had not yet reached the realm of spirit transformation. He suddenly woke up!

"Huh..." Meng Fan opened his eyes and took a look at his body. This time he finally returned to his own body.

"Why did you wake up so early?"

Meng Fan said to himself a little regretfully.

At the beginning, he felt trapped in someone else's body, and it was a torture to watch someone else's life.

But as the monks reached the realm of leading gods, and even the realm of souls and gods, Meng Fan no longer felt tortured, but was full of expectations.

He has just entered the realm of Yingshen, and observing the life of a monk in the realm of Yingshen can bring him a lot of help, as if paving the way for him.

The subsequent realm of Yuanshen and the realm of transformation into gods opened the door to a new world for him and gave him a certain direction for his future cultivation.

A monk who is in the realm of guiding gods has observed the life of the realm of Yuanshen and even the realm of transforming gods. He can imagine how helpful this will be with his toes.

"It's such a pity. I was supposed to be able to see the monks in the Dongxu realm this time in my life, but I ended up waking up halfway through."

Meng Fan was extremely sorry, but there was nothing he could do.

He understood that this was a kind of inheritance test.

My own ability should only be able to support myself to experience this point, and I cannot see through the life of a monk in the Dongxu realm.

I don’t know if my performance can pass this test.

"However, even if it fails, the trip is already worthwhile."

After all, it is a great opportunity to watch the life of a monk in the realm of Yuanshen and even the realm of transformation.

With this experience, it will be much easier for Meng Fan to break through to the realm of Yuanshen or even the realm of transformation into gods, and it will even be a matter of course.

For others, even with these experiences, at best, the probability of breaking through to the Yuan Shen and the God Transformation is greatly increased, and it is not a matter of course.

But for Meng Fan's talent, with this experience, the probability of breakthrough is 100%, no doubt!

Then again, even without this experience, Meng Fan's probability of breaking through Yuanshen and Transformation is 100%, and it is impossible to be trapped.

It can only be said that with this experience, the speed of breakthrough will be greatly improved!

"Why is there still no change here?" Meng Fan looked at the light beam in front of him, slightly confused.

Logically speaking, no matter whether you pass the test or fail, you should have changed.

Passing the test will either lead to the next test or directly obtain inheritance.

And if you fail, you should be sent away from here.

There is no change at all, this is not normal!

Meng Fan frowned. Is this step of the test not over yet?

"Is there any other test that I haven't discovered?" Meng Fan looked around carefully. There was nothing else in the entire hall except the pillar of light.

There isn't even a door connecting to other places.

After opening the palace door and entering, the door that came in before suddenly disappeared and turned into a closed hall.

"The only abnormality is this light pillar. Does the problem still occur in this light pillar?"

Meng Fan, who couldn't think of any other way, put his hand on the light beam again.

"A dream of Huangliang has entered my Taoist tradition. This dream has lasted for thousands of years. What year is it today?"

In Meng Fan's mind, the same voice as last time appeared again.

Do you want to do it again?

Meng Fan couldn't help but think this way.

But in fact, he was wrong.

This time, Meng Fan's consciousness did not appear in a baby's body.

He opened his eyes and looked at his palms. These were his own palms and his own body.

And he was no longer in the main hall just now, but appeared in... Shushan Sword Sect.

Apparently, this time it was the physical body that came in.


Meng Fan's heart suddenly moved and he noticed something unusual.

Because this body, although it is his own body, is wearing different clothes than before. It is wearing the clothes of a handyman disciple of the Shushan Sword Sect.

After carefully sensing, the body's cultivation level at this moment is almost non-existent, it is just a weakling in the body-refining realm.

He tried to move his fingers, but found that he couldn't!

[Fuck, I’m pressed into someone else’s body again. 】

No, it was pressed into his own body.

I was still a handyman disciple in the Shushan Sword Sect!

What is this test doing to make yourself young again and experience your own cultivation path again?

In fact, this is indeed the case.

In the days that followed, Meng Fan watched his cultivation path from the perspective of a bystander in his physical body.

After being deceived by Elder Qian, he went to Jiange to become a sword-guarding disciple, and then met Senior Brother Luo.

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