Meng Fan didn't want to believe that this scene was real, hoping that it was just a pure illusion.

But in fact, he himself knew very well that such a huge scene could not be purely imagined.

This must have happened before and someone witnessed it, so they could use great magic power to visualize this scene.

There is no doubt that the person who witnessed this is the shadow in the light pillar just now, the owner of the inheritance stone tablet.

"Did such a dark era really exist in this world?" Meng Fan murmured to himself, feeling a little confused and even frightened.

This kind of scene is really too tragic, like Shura purgatory, where is the human world?

Although Meng Fan had experienced some bloody pictures and scenes, the impact of the scene before him was still unbearable.

Compared with what he has experienced before, what he has experienced before is nothing like a scene!

Who is the owner of this inheritance, who can survive in such an era?

These questions might have answers in the future, but now he couldn't care about the future and had to look at the present first.

Because with his arrival, he inevitably joined this battlefield.

If he doesn't kill others, others will kill him!

In fact, the person he wanted to kill was not a human in a sense, but a demon.

Although Meng Fan was new here, he was already keenly aware of some information.

War is naturally divided into two opposing parties.

One of them was obviously a monk from the human world, while the other, Meng Fan guessed, was a demon.

This is a demon monk from the demon world!

In Jian Sha's memory, Meng Fan had seen the demon world and its monks.

He has some knowledge about the demon clan.

Although the demons are no different from humans in appearance, they cannot be called humans, they are demons.

People from the human world.

The devil in the devil world.

Meng Fan had already seen that this seemed to be a war in which the demon world invaded the human world, and it was an extremely bloody massacre.

"Why does this feel a little wrong?" Meng Fan was a little confused.

Because in his understanding, the demon race is the biggest enemy of the human race, and it has always been the demon world that wants to invade the human world.

And this is just the idea of ​​​​the demon world, and it has never successfully invaded the human world!

If there really was such a tragic war in history, then the biggest enemy of the human race should be the demon race.

After all, one just wanted to invade, while the other had already invaded and slaughtered countless human beings, committing numerous crimes.

"Theoretically, the hostility of humans to demons should be far greater than that of demons."

Meng Fan was a little hard to understand, but there was no time for him to think about these issues now.

Because as he came to this world, the demons in this world also discovered him.

There is an essential difference between the auras of demons and humans. There is no need to distinguish them at all, and it is difficult to kill the wrong person.

A ray of sword light seemed to be slashed from the sky, pointing directly at Meng Fan's soul.

This sword light is very extraordinary. Not only can it kill a person's physical body, but it can also directly kill a person's soul.

Once he is beheaded, he will instantly end up in a state of disarray, with no chance of reincarnation and rebuilding.

Meng Fan's face showed a trace of solemnity. To him, he was an outsider. He was unfamiliar with the people and the place, so he had to be cautious.

Especially the task given to him by this inheritance test is to kill millions.

Seeing this, he actually understood that the so-called killing a million did not mean killing people, but killing demons!

Meng Fan could easily handle this killing sword ray, but he could not handle the thousands of sword rays.

Meng Fan used extreme speed to avoid the sword light, and then turned his attention to the demon clan that used the sword against him.

In this world, Meng Fan's cultivation is still in the state of attracting gods, and he is the first to enter the realm of attracting gods, just like his real body.

And now he himself can't tell whether his physical body here is a consciousness or a real body.

Theoretically, it should be consciousness.

After all, Mr. Wang said that this inheritance is not life-threatening, and if the true body comes, wouldn't it mean that he is really dead if he falls here?

But although this was theoretically the case, Meng Fan didn't dare to bet.

What if Mr. Wang is not right?

It was impossible for him to tie his own safety to Mr. Wang's casual words.

Therefore, no matter whether he arrived in his true body or his consciousness this time, Meng Fan did not dare to be careless and must do his best to survive.

At this moment, Meng Fan's eyes had been locked on the demon clan that attacked him.

A battle of this level, especially looking at this posture, should have entered a fierce stage. All demons also pay attention to making the best use of one thing.

Monks like Meng Fan, who have just entered the realm of attracting gods, demon clan souls and powerful men in higher realms will not take action against Meng Fan. Their targets are more advanced monks.

Even if they are not in the realm of Yuanshen, only monks who are at the peak of the spirit are worthy of their action.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of combat power.

Of course, if a demon in the realm of Yuanshen doesn't like you, then even if you are in the realm of condensation, the other party will kill you directly.

Therefore, not taking action is not out of moral integrity, but simply to maximize combat power.

Meng Fan actually didn't pay attention to a demon who was in the realm of attracting gods. If he took action, he could easily kill this demon in seconds.

With his current strength, the only ones who can pose a threat to him are monks in the Yuanshen realm.

But next, Meng Fan fought with this demon for dozens of moves before he killed it with his sword.

As for why this scene was performed, the reason is very simple.

He doesn't want to be the first person to be the first person with a gun. If he performs too well, high-level monks from other demons will notice him, which is not a good thing!

Meng Fan was not sure whether he was a real person or a consciousness, so he focused on being steady.

"Damn it, if the real body comes, won't it really mean that we have to kill millions of demons in order to complete the test and escape from this ghost place?"

To be honest, Meng Fan had a headache. This was really too embarrassing.


Although it is said that those who want to kill are these crazy demons, they are not attacking the human race.

But even killing a million fish can kill a person to pieces.

Millions of demons...

Thinking of this number, Meng Fan felt a little desperate.

Looking at this posture, if I want to leave this hellish place, I have only two options.

One, kill millions of demons.

Two, die here.

The first option has nothing to analyze, it is very practical.

But for the second option, there are two possibilities.

First, after "death" here, you can return to reality.

Second, after "death" here, you will truly die, and dust will return to dust.

After such an analysis, Meng Fan found that he had no choice at all.

The second option is directly Xed.

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