Again, Meng Fan didn't dare to gamble.

If you don't want to die, you have to kill millions of demons desperately, so that you can not only return to reality, but also get this mysterious inheritance.

After seeing the scene in front of him, Meng Fan had no doubt about the power of this inheritance master.

Being able to survive this kind of situation and still survive to this day.

This was beyond Meng Fan's understanding, and even beyond Meng Fan's imagination.

There is no doubt that this senior is definitely far superior to Mr. Lin and far superior to the leader Lin Jinghong.

Meng Fan vaguely guessed that the owner of the inheritance should not exist in this world.

These people are not from the same era at all. How can the master and the master compare with each other?

"It seems that even if you don't want this inheritance, you still have to work hard for it." Meng Fan looked helpless.

But this helplessness only lasted for a moment.

He is a very realistic person. He has already made a decision and is ready to work hard in this direction.

Although killing millions sounded desperate, he was determined and determined to complete it.

I just don’t know how long this will take...

In the following days, Meng Fan spent almost all the time fighting, day and night.

There is no pure land in this world anymore.

The cruelty of the war was beyond Meng Fan's expectation. Even though he had already thought in a very cruel direction, the reality was still much crueler than he imagined.

Apart from anything else, Meng Fan originally imagined that he would kill happily first, and when he was exhausted, he would secretly find a place to recover.

Wait until the state is restored, and then continue to fight out!

But in fact, Meng Fan found that he was overthinking.

There is no pure land in this world. He has nowhere to hide. Even if he is exhausted, he still has to face the attack of the demon monks.

There is no respite for him!

Therefore, even if he is exhausted, he will continue to fight and must withstand the attack of this demon.

When he was almost exhausted for the first time, Meng Fan could not find a place to rest. Faced with the pursuit of those demons, he almost couldn't resist.

Fortunately, in the end, I managed to cope with it by relying on the power of Xihuang's Dharma and using his spiritual consciousness to control various sword techniques.

From then on, every time Meng Fan was about to run out of strength, he began to use the power of Xihuang's divine consciousness to fight against the demons.

Although this kind of confrontation does not have the combat power at full strength, it can barely be parried without being hacked to death by the demons.

As for Meng Fan's physical body, while fighting, he began to automatically run the original scriptures to restore his true energy.

In this extremely cruel battle, Meng Fan survived bit by bit.

Time is like running water, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Needless to say, Meng Fan's performance experience has really improved a lot during this period.

After all, we are fighting and killing every day, every night, and every moment, without a moment's rest.

Later, a bold idea came to Meng Fan's mind.

During this period of time, he had been fighting with his most familiar thunder attribute essence.

And in his body, there are four attributes of true energy: thunder, fire, wind, and demon.

This time, Meng Fan controlled the original scripture and used the demonic essence.

In an instant, the hostility of those demon monks towards him disappeared!

Meng Fan's demonic true essence is not the true essence cultivated by ordinary demonic techniques.

This is the real devilish energy, the devilish energy from the devil world!

At first, Meng Fan absorbed a trace of demonic energy from the Beiming Sword and was unwilling to waste it. Later, he spent a lot of effort to cultivate this demonic energy into true essence.

The Beiming Sword was originally a sword from the Demon Realm, and was brought out of the Demon Realm by Zhang Baiyuan.

The demonic energy absorbed from the Beiming Sword was also the purest demonic energy in the demon world. Meng Fan worked hard to cultivate this wisp of demonic energy into the demonic true essence.

It is the real essence of the demon monks in the demon world!

The appearance of the demons is no different from that of the humans. Everyone relies on the demonic energy to distinguish between humans and demons.

When Meng Fan used the original scripture to unleash the demonic essence, the demonic energy from his body overflowed, causing the demons to mistakenly think that Meng Fan was also a demon!

After making this discovery, Meng Fan gradually became like a fish in water.

In many cases, he can pretend to be a demon. He can pretend when he wants to rest, and he can also pretend when he wants to make a sneak attack.

This kind of convenience gave him an extremely hearty feeling!

He was extremely lucky that he had not destroyed this ray of demonic energy in the first place.

When he got the ray of demonic energy from the Beiming Sword, because it was not easy to deal with, Meng Fan actually thought about destroying the ray of demonic energy and directly erasing it.

Fortunately, I persisted, which makes me breathe a sigh of relief today.

Time flies like an arrow, and one year has passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past year, Meng Fan has killed countless demons. A conservative estimate would be that there should be tens of thousands of them.

If this pace continues, it will take decades of killing before we can collect the number of one million.

One year.

Two years.

Three years.


As time passed, Meng Fan felt more and more that it was becoming more difficult to kill the demons.

It's not that his strength has become weaker. In fact, after these years of fighting, his cultivation level has broken through and reached the third level of leading the gods.

The main reason is that there are fewer and fewer demons in this world!

To be precise, both demons and humans are becoming fewer and fewer.

In this huge world, there are very few human monks left.

This resulted in the number of demons becoming smaller and smaller. Some were killed by human monks, and some returned to the demon world.

There are fewer and fewer surviving humans, and there is no need for so many demons to hunt down these humans.

The excess demons were naturally sent back to the demon world in batches.

Meng Fan is actually a little worried, because according to the information he has obtained so far, there may not be even a million demons left in this world.

And it is impossible for him to kill all these demons!

The most important thing is to die. As time goes by, more and more demons here will leave.

"It seems that there is really no way to complete the task of killing millions of demons, unless we go to the demon world!" Meng Fan had just killed a demon that was at the peak of the spirit, and muttered to himself helplessly.

It is obviously unrealistic to kill in the demon world.

Because this is not the real world at all, it is most likely just a piece of ancient history.

Although this sounds lofty, it is essentially an illusion and does not really exist.

In fact, Meng Fan also knew that even if he could not complete the test of killing a million people, there was a high probability that he would really die.

But again, if he's not afraid of 10,000, he's just afraid of the worst. He can't afford to gamble!

"This test of inheritance seems to be unreasonable. How can one kill millions under such circumstances?"

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