Meng Fan felt that even if he killed all the remaining demons in this world, he would not be able to reach 100%.

Moreover, he could not kill them all!

Especially now, the rhythm and frequency of his fighting are far less than before.

When he first came here, he had almost no time to rest, fighting one battle after another, and he could not stop at all.

Now, after killing a demon, he even needs to take the initiative to find the demon.

If he kills the demons and stays where he is, he may not meet a demon for an hour.

Although he has time to rest, Meng Fan is under more pressure.

"This space of inheritance test does not seem to operate according to the will of the inheritance master. Otherwise, in order to let me kill enough demons, he will not let these demons return to the demon world!"

Meng Fan felt that this space seemed to be real and did not operate according to anyone's will.

But reality told him that this should be a "fantasy" created by the inheritance master.

Anyway, everything was weird, and he felt that everything was abnormal.

In the past few years, Meng Fan has been in a state of killing and being hunted, and has no time to explore this world.

Now that the demons are becoming increasingly rare, he is no longer in a tense state where he needs to fight all the time.

With more free time now, Meng Fan has the idea of ​​exploring this world.

Unfortunately, the number of human cultivators still alive is pitifully small, and he often does not meet a human cultivator for several days.

On the contrary, there are many corpses of human cultivators every day, and some of them have even rotted.

Meng Fan does not know how many years this war lasted, but it has been almost five years since he came here.

After seven days, Meng Fan was deliberately looking for human cultivators while killing demons.

On this day, Meng Fan had just killed a demon of the sixth level of the Inducing God Realm, and then sensed that there was a demon of the peak level of the Condensing Pill Realm in the distance, chasing two human cultivators.

Now, with most of the high-level human cultivators killed, there are not many high-level demon cultivators left here.

It seems that demons in the middle condensed pill realm are more common.

The two human cultivators who were hunted by the condensed pill demons, one looked like a middle-aged man, and his cultivation was in the early condensed pill realm.

The other human was actually an ordinary person, not a cultivator!

And she was a little girl of seven or eight years old.

In this day and age, it is almost a miracle that ordinary people can still be alive. It is so rare.

Sensing this scene, Meng Fan turned into a stream of light and shot over without saying a word.

"Uncle Liu, are we going to die here today? Can Yingying finally go to see her father and mother?" The little girl was held in the arms of the middle-aged man, and said with a pair of big eyes.

A child of this age should have innocent eyes, but her eyes were full of sadness and helplessness.

Born in this era, the innocence and innocence of children have long been wiped out, and these emotions do not belong to this era at all.

Even children of seven or eight years old are terribly precocious.

The middle-aged man rubbed the girl's head with his hand and said with a smile: "No, uncle will protect you. Today, uncle will go to see your parents first, and then tell your parents that Yingying is very good.

It's just that you have to rely on yourself in the next few days. Uncle can't protect you!"

After that, he put the girl on the ground, and then rushed towards the direction of the demon clan, ready to die.

He wants to self-destruct!

Believe that the power of his self-destruction can kill the demon clan together.

Unfortunately, this is the last time to protect the girl, and he will never be able to protect her again.

At the same time, he also knows very well that without his protection, an ordinary little girl without any cultivation will find it difficult to survive even for a day.

But living one more day is a day!

What if there is a miracle?

Although people born in this era no longer believe in miracles, when they are really in desperate situations, they still can't help but look forward to the arrival of miracles.

Just when the middle-aged man rushed to the demon clan and was about to self-destruct.

A miracle appeared!

A sword light descended from the sky, like a fairy from the sky, gorgeous and dazzling, a glimpse of a stunning beauty.

The next second, the demon's head slipped from his shoulders and rolled to the ground.

The eyes on the head were wide open, and he didn't know how he died until he died.

He didn't understand why there would be a cultivator of the human race who would sneak attack him at this time.

He didn't die in the century war three years ago, but died at the end of this war, and died so unclearly.


Even though the head has been separated from the body, the unwillingness can still be clearly seen in his eyes.

Extreme unwillingness and regret...

The middle-aged man stared at the corpse of the demon in a daze, and didn't react for a while.

He was ready to die, but the head of the demon opposite him fell off, and he couldn't die any more.

Happiness came too suddenly, and it was a bit hard to catch it for a while.

It wasn't until Meng Fan's figure slowly walked from a distance that he gradually woke up and regained his sanity.

"Thank you for saving my life!" The middle-aged man quickly bowed to Meng Fan.

There was no doubt that it was this human elder who suddenly appeared who saved him. There was no other possibility.

Although Meng Fan looks very young, he just looks like a young man.

But monks in the world of immortality never "judge people by their appearance."

Those who achieve first come first!

Monks with advanced cultivation are naturally seniors.

Meng Fan did not say much about his identity to the other party. He acquiesced in his identity as a senior, and then said in a calm tone: "There are fewer and fewer human monks in this world, so monks of our generation should naturally help each other."

There is a saying that this world has now been reduced to the world of demons.

Apart from anything else, there is no longer any human sect in this world, and all the major sects have been completely wiped out by the demons.

On the contrary, the demon clan established a sect here and established many demon sects, and the mission of these demon sects was to clean up the "remnants" of the human race.

"You are a kind and kind person. There are not many ordinary people left in the world today. You are leading an ordinary person around. Isn't this looking for death?" Meng Fan said to the middle-aged man.

This is indeed the case. A monk in the realm of condensing elixirs cannot protect himself. If he brings a drag bottle with him, this is a certain death situation.

But then again, monks in today's world, regardless of their level of cultivation, are bound to die in the end.

Meng Fan had already vaguely felt that it would not be long before all the human monks in this world would be completely wiped out.

Human monks, the only way to end is to perish!

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