Although this sounds cruel, it is true.

Because the strength of the demon world and the demon world is stronger than that of the human world.

Once the demon world and the demon world completely invade the human world, the human world will eventually embark on the road of destruction.

Regardless of whether this "illusion" is real or not, just like the real world where Meng Fan lives, the demon world has always wanted to invade the human world.

If the human world is really invaded by the demon world, then sooner or later, like this "illusion", the human race will become extinct.

This is the gap between the strengths and weaknesses of the world, which cannot be changed by one's own power. No matter how heaven-defying a monk is, he cannot change the gap in the world by his own power.

This is why Lin Jinghong, the leader of Shushan Mountain, would rather be trapped in the demon world than open the demon lock tower passage in the demon world.

Once the demon world takes advantage of it, it will be a devastating blow to the human world!

"This is my brother's daughter and my biological niece. Now the entire Wu family has died at the hands of the demons, and only this niece and I are left.

If we monks can’t even protect our own relatives, then why are we cultivating immortals?

Anyway, I can die, but I must die in front of her. "The middle-aged man said to Meng Fan with a firm look on his face.

At this point, most of the monks have already given up on death.

It's not that there are no people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, but it's useless to be afraid of death. The demons don't accept prisoners and don't want traitors. It's doomed to death.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life. I don't know your surname, but I am junior Wu Dafeng. This is my niece Wu Yingying."

When Meng Fan heard this, he said calmly: "Meng Fan."

In this world, there is no need to give any false names. He even feels that this world is illusory.

"Where are you going, Senior Meng? This junior is going to take your niece to Tongtian Forest, which is the last holy land of the human race." Wu Dafeng said to Meng Fan.

Babel Forest?

Meng Fan didn't know anything about this world, and naturally he didn't know where the Tongtian Forest was.

He said casually: "I have nowhere to go and nowhere to want to go. Now I am just killing demons for the sake of killing demons. Either I will kill all the demons in this world, or I will wait for the demons to kill me." ”

This is not a lie, his mission here is to kill the demons, nothing else.

Wu Dafeng on the side was immediately in awe when he heard these words!

"Senior, if that's the case, why don't you follow us to Tongtian Forest. The decisive battle between the demon clan and our human race will definitely take place in Tongtian Forest!"

Although Tongtian Forest is said to be the last holy land of the human race, in fact everyone knows that this is also the place where the decisive battle will break out.

Once the Tongtian Forest is leveled, the human race will really become extinct.

And this is also a matter of time.

At Wu Dafeng's invitation, Meng Fan followed the two of them towards Tongtian Forest.

Mainly because he really wanted to get some information from these "local" monks.

During the next trip along the way, Meng Fan did find out a lot of useful information.

First of all, Meng Fan confirmed that this was not the Tianyuan World.

This world is called Hongxuan World.

Only then did Meng Fan realize that the human world was not just one big world.

He had always thought that the Tianyuan World was the human world, but now it seemed that the human world was much larger than he imagined.

If the human world is compared to the universe, then the Tianyuan World may just be the Milky Way.

No, even the solar system, or even just the earth.

Meng Fan didn't know much about these and couldn't make useless guesses.

No wonder Tianyuan World has no history of demonic invasion. Originally, the two worlds were not the same world at all.

It seems that this world is not a pure illusion, but the master of inheritance, who used great magic power to manifest this ancient history and let himself enter here.

Although the essence is still an illusion, it is an illusion that once really existed.

Meng Fan felt a little sad in his heart. The wars he had witnessed with his own eyes and the desperate and tragic scenes had actually happened before.

The demons in the demon world are simply inappropriate! !

Meng Fan is now addicted to killing demons, and it has become a habit. When he returns to the real world, he can't help but want to go to the demon world to kill.

In addition to his knowledge of this time, Meng Fan also learned from Wu Dafeng why the Tongtian Forest was the last holy land of the human race.

Tongtian Forest is the only place in Hongxuan World that has an immortal-level formation.

Legend has it that tens of thousands of years ago, an immortal emperor reincarnated in Tongtian Forest. After the reincarnation rose, this immortal emperor left an imperial weapon in Tongtian Forest, and also arranged a protective formation to protect this place.

Even if tens of thousands of years have passed, this guardian immortal formation is still running, protecting the peace of this place.

This is also the only place in Hongxuan World that has not been conquered by the demons.

However, even with the imperial soldiers as the formation's eyes, after tens of thousands of years passed, the power of this formation gradually weakened.

If the demon clan goes all out, there is a high probability that the Tongtian Forest will not be saved.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan could only sigh silently in his heart.

He knew that his guess would most likely come true, otherwise, the master of this inheritance would not appear in the Tianyuan World.

As long as this Hongxuan world can still be saved, he will not be in Tianyuan world now!

Thinking of this, Meng Fan was suddenly shocked.

Only now did he understand how terrifying the master of this inheritance was.

There is no doubt that this person must have experienced the era in front of him, otherwise he would not be able to embody the illusion of this era.

And to be able to survive such a cruel era and come to the Tianyuan World, what a powerful and terrifying existence must this person be?

Before, I compared Mr. Lin and the leader to this person, which was simply a joke.

What a big joke!

If nothing unexpected happens, this person may be the strongest existence in Tianyuan World.

Meng Fan's mind moved. Since this era has been realized, the master of this inheritance should also be in this era.

Will I meet him?

According to what Wu Dafeng said, the inheritance master of this era may be in the Tongtian Forest at this moment.

However, I don’t know who the owner of the inheritance is, and even if I really meet him, I won’t be able to recognize him!

Thinking of this, Meng Fan calmed down again.

It doesn't really matter whether I can meet the owner of this inheritance. I thought he was just a figure from an era who didn't know how many years ago, not the person in the Ghost Eye Forest!

The same person in different eras is not actually the same person in the sense of being a demon.

His mission from beginning to end is to kill millions of demons.

Well, there is no hope of finishing it!

But when Meng Fan thought about it, everything he experienced here must have been seen by the being in the Ghost Eye Forest.

Although I can no longer kill millions of demons, if I perform well enough in other aspects, will I impress that being?

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