Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 500: Outside Tongtian Forest, ambush from all sides

Meng Fan felt that this possibility still existed, so he rekindled his fighting spirit. 6̳̳

In the last round of tests, this inheritance obviously tested the soul, and the requirements for the soul were extremely high.

Although his soul is not weak and is far superior to monks of the same level, it still probably has not met the requirements of the inheritance test.

But in the end, the inheritance master still allowed him to pass the test, just because he had an incredible talent in swordsmanship.

Therefore, it can be seen from this point that the test of inheritance is not static.

The conditions are set by the owner of the inheritance, but even if these conditions are not met, as long as the owner of the inheritance can be satisfied, the test can still be passed.

After all, to put it bluntly, the so-called inheritance and the so-called test are used by the inheritance master to select successors.

As long as you perform well enough to impress the inheritance master, everything else won't be a problem.

After figuring this out, Meng Fan was no longer as hesitant as before.

In the following time, Meng Fan and Wu Dafeng took the little girl Wu Yingying and rushed towards Tongtian Forest.

Meng Fan didn't know the route and could only follow the route pointed by Wu Dafeng.

As for the demons he encountered along the way, he did not let Wu Dafeng take action. He took the initiative to kill these demons himself.

Wu Dafeng thought Meng Fan was taking care of them, but in fact it was Meng Fan who took the initiative.

Meng Fan knew very well that the owner of the inheritance must be "watching" him.

It was like watching a movie, and I was the leading actor in the movie.

Meng Fan was very attentive along the way. Once he sensed the realm of the soul or a demon whose cultivation level he could not recognize, he would take Wu Dafeng and Wu Yingying away from a distance.

Meng Fan couldn't see the existence of cultivation, it must be an existence beyond the realm of Yuanshen.

As for the demons in the Yuanshen realm, if it were before, he might have tried his best to fight them.

But now with these two oil bottles, he just avoided them without even thinking about it.

Soon, a group of three people arrived at the area near Tongtian Forest.

After approaching Tongtian Forest, the three of them not only did not relax, but each of them became more solemn.

There is an immortal formation in Tongtian Forest, and it is difficult for the demons to enter. This is the last holy land of the human race.

However, it is foreseeable that there must be many demons guarding and guarding the periphery of this final holy land.

Whether it is the demon clan or the human clan, it is very clear that this Tongtian Forest must be the place where the final battle will take place.

Therefore, the demon clan attaches great importance to Tongtian Forest and almost completely surrounds Tongtian Forest.

At this time, it is extremely difficult for the human race in Tongtian Forest to figure it out.

Similarly, it is almost impossible for the human race outside Tongtian Forest to enter Tongtian Forest.

Wu Dafeng had already guessed this situation before coming to Tongtian Forest, but he still had a sense of luck.

Now seeing with my own eyes that Tongtian Forest was ambushed by demons from all sides, with no chance of entering Tongtian Forest, I couldn't help but feel desperate.

"Senior Meng, this junior is stupid and has some illusions. Now it seems that it is impossible for us to enter Tongtian Forest. Your trip was in vain. I am extremely sorry!" Wu Dafeng said to Meng Fan with a bit of embarrassment.

Meng Fan smiled and shook his head, saying: "Don't be sorry, I was just wandering around, following the crowd, hunting demons everywhere.

It makes no difference to me whether I go in the direction of Tongtian Forest or in another direction.

As for you, you can't enter Tongtian Forest with this posture. What are your plans? "

In fact, he had made this speculation before, because in this case, it was impossible for the demons not to fortify Tongtian Forest.

But I was afraid of hurting the uncle and niece, so I never mentioned this.

Now that the facts are in front of us, it’s impossible not to mention them.

Meng Fan still had a good impression of these uncle and niece. Firstly, they were destined to meet each other after all, and secondly, he also learned a lot of information from these uncle and niece.

If these two people died here, he would still feel a little regretful.

Wu Dafeng said helplessly: "Actually, I had already guessed this scene before I came to Tongtian Forest, but I still gave it a try with a little luck.

It's not that I'm naive, but there is still a chance of survival after entering Bongtian Forest.

If you wander outside, you are destined to die! "

Doomed to death, and a glimmer of life, no one can help but take a chance on this glimmer of life.

Even if you fail in the end, you will have no regrets.

Meng Fan "looked" at the countless demon clans in the distance. There were at least tens of thousands of demon clans surrounding Tongtian Forest, and many of them were high-level demon clans that exceeded the realm of Yuanshen.

It is impossible for him to kill all the demons in this place. He simply does not have this ability.

And even if all the demons here are killed, the number of millions is still far away.

At this moment, an idea came into Meng Fan's mind.

He had already thought about it before. There was no hope in killing a million demons. He could only satisfy the inheritance master in other ways.

If I could send these uncle and niece into Tongtian Forest, if I accomplished such a difficult thing, would the owner of this inheritance look down upon me?

Although he was not sure, Meng Fan decided to give it a try.

Anyway, he doesn't have anything else to do. Now that he has an idea, he can give it a try.

"Senior Meng, there is no hope for us to enter Tongtian Forest. I am going to take Yingying to continue wandering as long as I can survive." Wu Dafeng said helplessly.

After a pause, he then asked: "Senior Meng, what are your plans next?"

He asked this not because he wanted Meng Fan to continue to protect them. He knew very well that if his two bastards continued to follow Meng Fan, they would simply cause trouble to Meng Fan.

To put it another way, Meng Fan's goal is to kill the demon clan, and he has no other aspirations. Following Meng Fan will not only cause trouble for Meng Fan, but also cause more trouble for them.

After all, Meng Fan's habit was to find demons to kill, while their habit was to avoid demons.

They have two completely different styles of acting!

"What are my plans next?" Meng Fan smiled at Wu Dafeng.

This smile looked extremely weird in Wu Dafeng's eyes, and he subconsciously asked: "What are your plans, senior?"

"The plan is to send you two into the Babel Forest!"

"Ah?" Upon hearing this, Wu Dafeng was stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment.

He felt that he heard wrongly, but he clearly heard right!

In this case, send yourself into Babel Forest?

How can this be……

There were demons all around, and Tongtian Lin was ambushed from all sides.

Not only are there tens of thousands of demons here, but there are also high-level monks with astonishing cultivation levels, even peak monks!

In this situation, even the land gods would be unlikely to be able to send themselves and Yingying into the Tongtian Forest.

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