Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 504 An Neng can tell that I am a human demon

When Meng Fan suddenly went "crazy" and rushed toward the Immortal Formation, even though this demon had an astonishing level of cultivation, he didn't even react.

He was still thinking about how this demon in the Blood Moon Demon Lord's guard camp had to die.


How could the Demon King, who is extremely wise, find a fool to join the guard camp?

But after Meng Fan rushed into the immortal formation safe and sound, he realized that he was the fool.

Only the human race can pass through the immortal formation unharmed, there is no doubt about this.

So there is no doubt that this "demon clan" is actually a human clan!

There was actually a human race in front of him, pretending to be a demon race, stepped into the immortal formation, and entered the Tongtian Forest.

And he was a small cultivator in the spirit-inducing realm, which made him furious and felt an unprecedented sense of shame and humiliation.

"You bastard!!! You dare to deceive me. Once the immortal formation is broken, I will cut your body into thousands of pieces, break your bones, suck your marrow, peel your skin and cramp..." The demon roared.

What a shame.

It is truly an unprecedented shame and humiliation!

Following his roar, other surrounding demons also approached.

This shameful humiliation was also seen by other demons, which made his blood surge up even more, going straight to his forehead, almost causing a cerebral hemorrhage.

What a shame! ! !

The other demons around them were full of doubts when they saw Meng Fan, a human being, stepping into the immortal formation.

Nowadays, the demon clan has laid a trap around Tongtian Forest. It is a real ambush from all sides. How can a human race break through this trap and step into Tongtian Forest?

Moreover, he is still a weak human monk in the realm of leading gods, which is simply outrageous!

Especially the expressions on the faces of those demons who had met Meng Fan before and made way for him were extremely exciting.

I thought to myself, isn’t this the guard from the Demon Lord’s guard camp?

How could a good demon suddenly become a human?

Transform into a living person!


"He is not a demon at all, he is a human pretending to be a demon. Hurry and report to the Demon Lord that there are monks in the human race who have mastered the method of pretending to be a demon.

This is a big deal and we must be prepared for it! "

If the human race masters the method of pretending to be the demon race on a large scale, and the demon race cannot tell the difference, then the problem will be huge.

It is very difficult for the demons to completely destroy the human race in this world!

After all, if this continues, the human race will have a way to pretend to be the demon clan and break into the demon clan's interior.

"No, we have to remind the Demon Lord to check the inside of the Demon Clan and investigate whether there are undercover agents pretending to be human beings inside the Demon Clan. There must be a high probability. We must find out as many as possible. No one can be let go! "

As soon as he finished speaking, a demon monk turned into a stream of light and left Tongtian Forest to report the news to the Demon Lord.

The demons around Tongtian Forest all looked a little ugly.

If the demon clan has been penetrated by undercover agents pretending to be human beings, then it will indeed be a big trouble.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be hard for me to believe that humans can pretend to be our demons. How on earth is this done?" Some demons said to themselves in confusion.

Humans and demons are essentially not the same existence, and their breath alone cannot change them.

The humans have the energy, and the demons have the energy of the devil.

Even the demons cannot pretend to be humans. How did this human race impersonate the demons?

Meng Fan had been told not to get close to the Immortal Formation before. The demon who was deceived by Meng Fan looked at Meng Fan in the Immortal Formation of Tongtian Forest with red eyes, and roared: "I will remember you. Once the immortal formation is broken, I, Shen Gongtian, will kill you to vent my anger!"

Meng Fan, who was in the Tongtian Forest, heard this and looked back at the demon named Shen Gongtian.

He didn't speak, he just raised his hand and scratched his neck, full of provocation.

No matter what happens in the future, at least he is the winner at this moment. He has successfully tricked this demon, and the opponent is also a high-level demon with extremely amazing cultivation.

An unbearable sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously.

"So what about the high-level demons, they are brainless things!" After saying that, Meng Fan carried Wu Dafeng and Wu Yingying towards the depths of Tongtian Forest.

As a result, before taking two steps, Meng Fan, who had just escaped from the clutches of the demons, was stopped by the human monks in the Tongtian Forest.

Outside Tongtian Forest, there are demons blocking Tongtian Forest, ambushing from all sides, and creating a dragnet.

In the Tongtian Forest, close to the edge of the immortal formation, there are naturally human monks observing the demons outside.

In fact, what Meng Fan did just now was seen by some monks in the Tongtian Forest.

They watched helplessly as Meng Fan changed from a demon to a human, leading the two humans into the immortal formation and stepping into the Tongtian Forest.




"Stop." A monk in the Dan Condensation realm stopped Meng Fan.

At the edge of the Tongtian Forest Immortal Formation, the human monks whose mission is to observe the demons outside are naturally not too high.

This is equivalent to being the gatekeeper disciple of the sect, neither his cultivation nor his status is too high.

"The demons outside know that I am a human, so you wouldn't doubt that I am a demon, right?" Meng Fan said helplessly to this monk in the realm of condensation.

Although the other party is only in the realm of condensing pills and is vulnerable in his eyes, there is no way he can take action against this human race.

When the human race heard Meng Fan's words, his face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

After Meng Fan was right, he really couldn't help but suspect that Meng Fan was a demon.

After all, he just saw with his own eyes that Meng Fan was a demon outside the immortal formation, and then the demon inexplicably turned into a human.

So he really couldn't tell whether this person was a human or a demon.

Who knows if the demons have come up with some tricks to allow the demons to pretend to be humans and successfully "cheat" the immortal formation...

The demons don't believe in Meng Fan, and it's even harder for the humans to believe in Meng Fan.

After all, compared with the demons, the human race is now even more incapable of making mistakes, and cannot make any mistakes at all.

I really can’t afford it!

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do. I've already informed the high-level monks in the Tongtian Forest, and they will come to identify you in person." The monk in the realm of condensation said seriously.

With a "weird" existence like Meng Fan, he would not dare to directly let Meng Fan enter the Tongtian Forest.

After all, Tongtian Forest is now the last pure land and the last holy land of the human race. If anything goes wrong, the entire human race will fall into an irreversible situation.

If something goes wrong, the human race will be completely destroyed!

"Okay, I'll wait." Meng Fan did not embarrass this little monk who was in the realm of condensation.

Put yourself in his shoes, if you were a monk in this realm of pill condensation, you wouldn't dare to take it lightly.

After all, the way he entered Tongtian Forest was indeed very strange.

Anyway, the task you set for yourself has been completed, and nothing else matters.

This performance should make the owner of the inheritance somewhat satisfied, right?

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