At this time, they had already entered Tongtian Forest, so Meng Fan did not continue to suppress Wu Dafeng and Wu Yingying with his spiritual sense.

Soon, the two people also woke up.

As soon as Wu Dafeng woke up, he looked at Meng Fan as if he was facing a great enemy.

But when he looked at the surrounding environment, especially when he found that he and Yingying had entered Tongtian Forest, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

In his opinion, this was just like a dream!

Surprisingly, they really entered Tongtian Forest.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel a little excited, but after the excitement, he was worried. He looked at Meng Fan with great nervousness and fear.

"Meng Fan, what conspiracy do you have?" His tone was full of fear and hatred.

In fact, this hatred was not directed at Meng Fan personally, but at all the demons. In his eyes, Meng Fan was a demon, so he naturally had to bear his hatred!

Meng Fan looked at Wu Dafeng helplessly, rolled his eyes, and said unhappily: "I just saved a dog, it knows to wag its tail at me, what's your attitude?"

In Meng Fan's opinion, he really saved Wu Dafeng in vain.

Although he did want to take the initiative to conflict with the ambush of the demon clan, he brought someone into Tongtian Forest to try to prove his ability to the inheritance master.

But this does not mean that he must bring Wu Dafeng into Tongtian Forest. He can also bring anyone in, even a cat or a dog, and he can also prove his ability to the inheritance master.

Cats and dogs will not have the same attitude as Wu Dafeng towards him.

Although Meng Fan can understand Wu Dafeng's doubts about himself, understanding is understanding, which does not mean that he can be calm.

This kind of person still deserves a beating!

At this moment, Meng Fan really wants to beat Wu Dafeng like he beat Wu Tian.

The dog bites Lu Dongbin, and he doesn't know the good heart.

He really deserves to be beaten.

But at this time, Meng Fan was a newcomer to Tongtian Forest, so he had to maintain his composure.

It was quite annoying!

"Wu Dafeng, use your brain to think about it. If I were really a demon, how could I pass through the immortal formation? I would have been killed the moment I entered the immortal formation." Meng Fan said coldly, looking at Wu Dafeng.

These words really stunned Wu Dafeng, and there was some hesitation in his eyes when he looked at Meng Fan.

The immortal formation is the last belief of all cultivators in this world. If it were not for the existence of the immortal formation, there would be no Tongtian Forest, the last pure land. The human race is also destined to be extinct.

Wu Dafeng does not believe Meng Fan, but he still believes in the immortal formation. After all, the immortal formation is the belief of these people.

Meng Fan was not killed when he passed through the immortal formation, which was equivalent to obtaining the recognition of the immortal formation. He held the mentality of not daring to blaspheme the immortal formation, and he had already faintly believed in Meng Fan.

Of course, this trust is only a little bit, a very reluctant little bit.

Wu Yingying, who was standing by, said to Wu Dafeng with a serious face: "Uncle, Brother Meng is our savior, you shouldn't doubt him!"

Meng Fan finally felt a little comforted. He glanced at Wu Dafeng and thought that you are such a big man, but you are not as sensible as the little girl.

"Brother Meng, don't be angry. Yingying will give you candy." The little girl took out a candy from her arms, which was still stained with some sand.

Looking at her cautious and reluctant look, Meng Fan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

He wanted to refuse, but looking at the little girl's expectant look, he still took the candy.

"Thank you Yingying." Meng Fan took the candy and put it into the storage ring.

This candy was dirty and not clean at all. It was a bit disgusting for him to put it in his mouth directly.

But he couldn't bear to refuse the kindness of a child, so he took it.

"Brother took your candy and gave you one candy."

Meng Fan took out a pill and handed it to the little girl.

This is the rebirth pill, which has the effect of Yijing marrow cleansing. He killed this girl because her physique was not good, so he didn't practice.

With this rebirth pill, she can at least practice in the future.

As for how much she can practice, Meng Fan has no expectations.

However, this girl's talent is already here. Even if she has the help of the rebirth pill, the upper limit is very low, and she will not become a cultivator with too strong cultivation.

"Thank you, brother!" Wu Yingying said very happily.

Although she didn't know what the candy Meng Fan gave her was, she was still very happy to receive the gift.

"It's so bitter..." After taking Meng Fan's pill, the naive little girl put it directly into her mouth, and immediately frowned because of the bitterness.

Wu Dafeng was nervous and asked Meng Fan carefully: "Senior Meng, what did you give Yingying to eat?"

At this time, he was no longer rash and didn't dare to offend Meng Fan again.

After all, this is Tongtian Forest. Whether Meng Fan is a demon or not, there will be big guys in Tongtian Forest to investigate, and it is not his turn to question it again.

At this time, he was most worried about Wu Yingying.

Although he knew that Meng Fan could not hurt Wu Yingying in the public eye in Tongtian Forest, he was still a little nervous.

"Don't worry, this is the Yijing marrow cleansing elixir, there are only benefits and no harm." Meng Fan said casually.

Wu Dafeng heard this and did not dare to be careless, and hurried to protect Wu Yingying.

A moment later, an old man appeared in front of everyone.

Obviously, this was the one who received the news and came to investigate Meng Fan.

"Fellow Taoist, if you don't mind, can you come with me to see the Human King?" The old man glanced at Meng Fan, and then said directly to Meng Fan.

He didn't see any clues from Meng Fan, but Meng Fan was able to pretend to be a demon and enter the Tongtian Forest through the immortal formation.

This is no small matter, it has alarmed the King of Humans.

Meng Fan already knew a lot about the world from his previous contact with Wu Dafeng.

He has heard of the Human King!

Nowadays, there are very few human monks left, and there is basically only one place like Tongtian Forest where they can "survive".

And this so-called human king is the manager of Tongtian Forest, and he is indeed the last king who protects the human race.

"Of course I don't mind. I hope the King of Humans can clear my name so that I won't be suspected of being a demon again!"

After saying that, Meng Fan followed the old man and walked deeper into the Tongtian Forest.

Wu Dafeng, who was behind him, looked at Meng Fan's back with a complicated expression.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he hoped that Meng Fan would be from the human race, and did not want Meng Fan to be from the demon race.

Although he was indeed disrespectful to Meng Fan just now, it did not mean that he was not grateful to Meng Fan for saving him.

It's just that he couldn't accept that Meng Fan was a demon. If it was confirmed that Meng Fan was really a human, he would immediately kneel in front of Meng Fan and apologize. Even if Meng Fan killed him, he wouldn't complain at all.

After all, the demons are not worthy of being vassals!

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