Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 506: Human King: Master, this disciple finally sees you

Meng Fan followed the old man and reached the deepest part of Tongtian Forest without any obstruction.

Obviously, this old man's identity is very unusual.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to travel unimpeded in the Tongtian Forest.

Soon, Meng Fan came to a palace.

Meng Fan's eyes widened when he saw this palace.

Because this palace looks a bit familiar!

It was exactly the same as the palace that Mr. Wang mentioned about the Night Emperor that he saw in the Ghost Eye Forest before.


Meng Fan was stunned for a moment, his head was completely blank.

But he soon realized that this was actually nothing unusual.

After all, the owner of that inheritance must be a survivor who has experienced this era.

And the Night Emperor in the Ghost Eye Forest is very likely to be the owner of that inheritance, and he may also be one of the descendants.

Therefore, the palace in the Ghost Eye Forest was probably built by the survivors of this era after arriving in the Tianyuan World according to the palace in front of them.

"Fellow Taoist, why are you so stunned?" the old man asked a little strangely.

After Meng Fan heard this, he calmed down and said with a slight embarrassment: "I didn't expect that there is such a magnificent palace in the Tongtian Forest."

The old man smiled and said: "Before the demons came, I, Tongtianlin, was also a famous sect. There is nothing surprising about having this palace. But now that the demons have sealed and surrounded Tongtianlintong, it is really impossible to build such a palace. "

After saying that, he led Meng Fan towards the palace.

After a while, the old man led Meng Fan into a main hall.

"You sit down for a while, the Human King will be here soon." The old man said to Meng Fan.

Although Meng Fan was asked to sit for a while, he stood there motionless and had no intention of sitting down.

Meng Fan was naturally too embarrassed to sit down, so he could only stand here with the old man.

Soon, less than half the time it took to burn the incense, a middle-aged man wearing a white gown walked into the hall.

When he saw Meng Fan, the middle-aged man's eyes widened with surprise, and he almost popped his eyes out.

Seeing the Human King's expression, the old man frowned and asked cautiously: "Human King, this is the human race that walked into the Tongtian Forest from the blockade of the demon clan. According to the disciples of the Immortal Guarding Formation, they are I saw with my own eyes that this human race changed from a demon race to a human race.”

After saying that, the old man was a little overwhelmed and extremely nervous.

He rarely saw the Human King with such an expression on his face. He didn't understand why the Human King was so shocked when he saw this human race.

Could it be that this human race is really a demon race pretending to be one?

The Human King took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then said to the old man: "You go out first. I have something to talk to this person alone."

Hearing this, the old man bowed to the human king and then withdrew.

Meng Fan frowned when he looked at this human king, feeling a little confused and nervous.

This so-called human king looked at him with an extremely strange and complicated look, as if he knew himself.

But this is impossible!

He had doubts that this human king was the inherited master in Ghost Eye Forest.

But even if he is the master of that inheritance, it is impossible for him to know himself, because the person he is in this era is not the person he will be countless years later.

It sounds a bit mouthful, but it’s true.

"Senior Human King, do you know me?" Meng Fan felt his scalp numb at the sight of this Human King, and finally couldn't help but ask.

But out of respect, he added the word "senior" to the suffix of his title.

There is absolutely no problem with this title.

The word "senior" must be worthy of the name!

The Human King looked at Meng Fan's face with a wry smile on his lips.

"Senior?" "Senior!" "Senior..."

He seemed to find this title extremely ridiculous, and he kept mumbling it in an increasingly complex tone.

After a while, he let out a long sigh.

"Master, I never dreamed that you would call me this when we meet again."

The first thing the Human King said to Meng Fan immediately stunned him.


Is this what you are calling yourself?

What a joke!

I am just a disciple of Shu Changsheng, and I am still staying at Shushan Sword Pavilion honestly.

By the way, that kid is still in the true martial arts realm. No, it is possible that he has broken through to the Tianyuan realm.

But whether it is Zhenwu or Tianyuan, it has nothing to do with the human king with unfathomable cultivation in front of him, right?

"Senior Human King, have you mistakenly recognized the person? I am just a monk in the realm of attracting gods. There are always people who look very similar in this world. I may be more similar to your master." Meng Fan explained quickly.

In his opinion, when this human king calls him master, it must be because he looks very similar to his master, so the other person got the wrong person.

But he had some doubts in his mind. His appearance was logically unique. How could there be another person as handsome as him in the world?

It seems that this master, the King of Humans, is also a super handsome guy who is extremely rare in the world!

The Human King looked at the chair next to him and wanted to sit on it, but seeing that Meng Fan was still standing, he couldn't sit down immediately.

"Master, please sit down first, don't stand."

Seeing that the other party still called himself master, Meng Fan quickly explained again: "Senior King, don't call me master, I can't afford it. You should see it clearly, even if my face really looks like yours It’s impossible for my cultivation level to be that of that master.”

After saying that, he sat down on the chair next to him. After all, standing was very tiring.

When the Human King saw Meng Fan sitting down, he was wondering if he should sit down too.

But after thinking for a second, he still did not sit down, but stood respectfully beside Meng Fan.

Meng Fan was flattered and stood up quickly, saying helplessly: "Senior Human King, please don't do this, this junior will not be able to bear it!"

The Human King looked at Meng Fan with a bitter look on his face. He took a deep breath, and then said to Meng Fan with a desolate look: "Master, no wonder you always said that when we meet again next time, you will definitely make this disciple Shocked.

That’s it, that’s it!

But being able to see the master again before death means that the disciple has died with no regrets. "

As he spoke, the Human King showed a smile on his face, and his smile was covered with tears.

This expression is extremely strange, half of his face is crying and half of his face is smiling.

Meng Fan looked at the Human King's face. Looking at this expression, his heart seemed to be stabbed hard, and he felt an inexplicable feeling of empathy.

There is no doubt that this senior human king is extremely sad at this moment.

Meng Fan could only think that the senior human king missed his master and saw that his face was similar to his master, so he lost control for a moment and acted like a madman.

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