When you miss someone to the extreme, it is not unusual to see someone who is very similar to you and have such abnormal and exaggerated behavior.

Even a being with extremely high cultivation like the Human King is still a human being in the final analysis, and a human being has emotions.

When there are emotions, there will be times when the emotions are out of control.

It can be seen from this that this king of men is also a man of temperament!

It is actually extremely rare to be able to maintain such a temperament with such a high level of cultivation.

"Senior Human King, you should calm down first. This junior is really not your master. You will understand naturally when you calm down."

Meng Fan called the King "You Lao", and the King called Meng Fan "You Lao". Both of them wished to call each other older.

The Human King looked at Meng Fan's face and said nothing for a long time.

After a moment, as if he recognized the reality clearly, he sat down on the chair and did not call Master Meng Fan again.

But his eyes were obviously still filled with memories.

When Meng Fan saw this, he knew that the senior human king had finally calmed down.

He is just a monk in the realm of attracting gods. No matter how similar he looks to his master, he cannot be his master.

It is impossible for a being like the Human King to be unclear about this, but he just lost control of his emotions.

Meng Fan broke the calm and said proactively: "Senior Human King, there are people outside who suspect that I am a demon, but I am a real human being.

It's just that by chance, this junior once smelted a ray of demonic energy and developed the demonic essence.

Once the demonic essence is used, the junior's aura will be like that of a demon, and only then can he pretend to be a demon. "

After saying that, Meng Fan took the initiative to use the demonic essence, and his whole body exuded the kind of demonic energy belonging to the demon clan.

This was to prove to the Human King that he believed that with the Human King's cultivation and vision, he would definitely be able to identify himself, and it would be impossible for him to think that he was a demon pretending to be a human.

The Human King waved his hand and said: "No need to prove it, I know you are a human. Whether you are a human or a demon, you cannot hide in my eyes."

After hearing the Human King's words, Meng Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After the Human King said these words, his eyes fell into reminiscence again, showing that he thought of his master again.

Meng Fan was helpless. In this situation, he was embarrassed to interrupt the human king's reminiscence, but it was very embarrassing to sit here.

After a long time, the Human King finally woke up from his memories. He looked at Meng Fan, his eyes still a little complicated.

"Your appearance is indeed very similar to that of my master. My master once left something behind. Since you are destined, I will give this thing to you." The Human King suddenly said to Meng Fan.

The surprise came so suddenly that Meng Fan was a little confused for a moment. Was this going to benefit himself?

Is there such a good thing?

The Human King took out a jade slip and handed it to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan said sheepishly: "Senior Human King, what is this? No reward for no merit, how embarrassing it is."

He took the jade slip extremely shyly.

No matter how embarrassed I was, I took it. It was actually quite shameless.

Meng Fan thought to himself that this was not the real world. If he wanted to save face, he would not take anything for nothing if he had benefits.

"This is the true explanation of swordsmanship left by my master. Since you are so similar to my master, you can be considered a destined person. What's more, you are also a sword cultivator, so you are indeed destined!" The Human King said calmly.

The true solution to kendo?

Meng Fan held the jade slip and his heart was aroused.

This sounds very cool!

And since this is something left by Master Renwang, it must be something special. He has found a treasure this time.

"Thank you, Senior Human King. Um, thank you also for being your master." Meng Fan said while holding the jade slip, and bowed to the Human King extremely politely.

Seeing Meng Fan salute to him, the King of Humans twitched the corners of his mouth, wanted to say something but finally waved his hand.

"You are a matter for the human race. I will inform everyone in Tongtian Forest and they will no longer doubt you. By the way, what are your plans next?" the Human King said to Meng Fan.

"I don't have any plans. I'm just looking for opportunities to kill demons. The more you kill, the better!" Meng Fan shrugged.

His only mission in this world is to kill demons.

Although it is now impossible to complete the task of killing millions of demons, I still want to kill one more.

Although intellectually speaking, he is an outsider and does not belong to this era.

But after these years of living and fighting, although he still has no sense of belonging to this world, killing demons has become an instinct.

If he doesn't kill the demons for a day, he will feel uncomfortable all over!

"Killing the demons is easy. Our mission is also to kill the demons." The Human King said with a smile.

But when he was smiling, he couldn't laugh anymore, his face was full of helplessness.

“It’s a pity, I don’t know how many more demons I can kill.

Although this Tongtian Forest is the last piece of pure land for the human race, it cannot sustain it for long.

It is only a matter of time before the demons break through the guardian immortal formation of Tongtian Forest, and it is unavoidable.


Um, kid, if you were me, what do you think I should do? "

After hearing the words of the Human King, Meng Fan actually felt very strange, thinking that you, a big man with extremely high cultivation level, insist on asking such a profound question to a young monk like me.

You can't even think of a solution. What can I, a small cultivator in the spiritual realm, do?

However, as an "outsider", Meng Fan does have a broad mind and does have some special ideas.

He thought about it casually, and then said casually: "Senior Human King, it is indeed difficult to fight against the demons with the power of the human race.

Since there is an immortal formation here, I wonder if you can always contact the immortal world?

Maybe asking the fairy world for help can get through this disaster. "

Hearing Meng Fan's words, the Human King showed a wry smile and said helplessly: "I tried to contact the immortal world, but there was no response.

Moreover, it is difficult for people in the fairy world to come to the human world due to the influence of the laws of heaven and earth.

This method has actually been tried a long time ago, but unfortunately it didn’t work! "

Meng Fan sighed. Sure enough, people in this world had already tried this method that he could think of.

In this case, his little mind couldn't think of any good solution.

Just when he was about to say that he couldn't think of any solution, suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

He thought that in the Ghost Eye Forest of Tianyuan World, since there are people from this world and this era appearing, it proves that someone has opened the passage between this world and Tianyuan World and escaped from the past.

Thinking of this, he tentatively reminded: "Senior Human King, although the demons have invaded the Hongxuan World, as far as I know, the human world is not just a world like the Hongxuan World.

Perhaps you can try to see if you can open a channel to other worlds and take refuge in other worlds? "

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