Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 514: Nirvana’s broken body worships its mentor

Yesterday's Chapter 511 was blocked and has been released now. If you haven't seen it, you can look back.

Meng Fan could already feel the crowds of people outside the secret room, and at this time he had no intention of paying attention to the situation outside.

He focused all his attention on the Human King, because only when the Human King opens the passage between the two worlds can these human races have a way to survive.

Nothing else matters!

At this moment, the human king in front of Meng Fan was already like a mummy, completely miserable and inhuman form.

But no matter how miserable he looked, the Human King still had an unparalleled aura about him.

As time passed by, the movement outside became louder and louder. The demons were using the power of the imperial soldiers to frantically bombard the immortal formation.

This demon's method of breaking through the Tongtian Forest Immortal Formation is also extremely simple, which is to use brute force to bombard it crazily.

Fortunately, this method is the most barbaric and the most waste of time and energy.

Within a short period of time, the Immortal Formation will not be cracked.

But this so-called short time is indeed very short. Even if it is a barbaric and brainless method, it will only take two or three days at most, and the immortal formation will have to be destroyed by this brute force.

Previously, the Human King estimated that Tongtian Forest would have a month to sustain itself, but this was all too much.

It seems like this posture can't last even ten days, let alone a month.

Even the Human King did not expect that the Demon Clan would move so quickly, transporting the Demon Clan's imperial soldiers to the Great World of Hongxuan in such a short period of time.

Imperial soldiers, if you want to use this thing, it is not only a matter of authority, but also requires a huge price.

Even if the Demon Lord takes action himself, there is no way to mobilize the emperor's soldiers.

And it’s just to ask for action, not to urge it!

The cost of transporting the imperial soldiers to the Great World of Hongxuan, and then urging the imperial soldiers to bombard the Immortal Formation in Tongtian Forest, is hard to imagine.

Under normal circumstances, even if ten Demon Lords join forces, they can only barely activate the imperial soldiers, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to activate even 1% of their power.

This is also the reason why the Human King has never thought of using the imperial weapon in Tongtianlin, because it really can't be activated.

Even if all the human races in the Tongtian Forest were added together, they would not be able to mobilize the imperial soldiers at all.

In the blink of an eye, another day and night passed.

Meng Fan sensed the changes in the Tongtian Forest Immortal Formation and couldn't help but walk out of the secret room. He glanced at the dense crowd outside the room, but just glanced at it without saying anything.

His eyes were focused on the guardian immortal formation of Tongtian Forest.

Under normal circumstances, he would not be able to see this immortal formation because the strength of the immortal formation is too high.

But at this moment, due to the gradual weakening of the Immortal Formation, he not only saw the Immortal Formation, but also saw a crack appearing on the Immortal Formation.

It was this crack that made him unable to help but leave the secret room where the Human King was.

"Human King, how are you?" Li Ru couldn't help but ask when he saw Meng Fan coming out.

When the Human King was in seclusion before, he said that no one was allowed to enter the secret room, but a few days ago he ordered Meng Fan to go to the secret room to see him.

So at this moment, Meng Fan was the only one qualified to enter the secret room. Li Ru thought of asking for information about the Human King, so he could only ask Meng Fan.

Meng Fan said with a solemn look: "The Human King is in seclusion at such an important moment because he is looking for a way out for everyone, and the Human King has already found a way and is working hard for it.

When the Human King comes out of seclusion, everyone will be saved.

At this time, everyone can only choose to believe in the Human King. This is the only way to survive.

I'm not familiar with you, so it's up to you to appease everyone! "

After Meng Fan said this to Li Ru, he entered the room again.

He did not choose to talk to these human beings outside the secret room, because in the eyes of others, his status was low and his cultivation level was even lower. His words had no weight at all, and he was not even qualified to speak on such an occasion.

Only Li Ru can complete the task of appeasing everyone.

Meng Fan, who returned to the secret room, was still unable to do anything. He could only look at the pitiful Human King helplessly.

Yes, although the Human King at this time still has amazing momentum, it can only be described as pitiful.

"Senior Human King, you don't need to be nervous. Since you always borrow the Hongqi Sword from me, it proves that you have seen through my origins.

I can tell you that you actually succeeded, because the human race of Hongxuan World did successfully go to Tianyuan World.

This is what I saw with my own eyes in later generations. "

Meng Fan hesitated for a moment and then said these words.

Because the human king looked so miserable, he really felt admiration for him, so he wanted to say this to reassure the human king.

His instinct told him that he shouldn't say this, but he said it anyway.

When the Human King, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground like a corpse, heard this, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Seeing the Human King's smile, Meng Fan also had a relieved smile on his face.

But less than a second after Meng Fan's smile appeared, his expression suddenly changed, and he felt something bad.

He felt that his body was faintly separated from the world, and the speed of separation was getting faster and faster.

At this moment, the Human King suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, his skinny and boneless mummy also regained his burly posture in an instant, standing tall and tall again.

"Master, I succeeded!"

In this secret room, he finally successfully finalized the passage connecting the two worlds.

It's just that this channel is not very stable, and it obviously cannot last for long. Moreover, entering such an unstable channel is also very risky, and you will fall if you are not careful.

Meng Fan also felt a little helpless. When he heard the Human King calling him master again, he thought to himself, why did the Human King go crazy again at such a critical moment?

However, it seems that he is leaving soon, and this is also the last chance for the Human King to go crazy.

"Master, say hello to my wife for me. This disciple is unfilial and will no longer be able to fulfill his filial piety for her."

With that said, the Human King waved his hand, and a long sword appeared in the secret room. The long sword and the Hong Qi Sword flew side by side towards Meng Fan's hand.

"Master, I return the Hongqi Sword to you. The other sword is called Changsheng. Please give it to Senior Brother Changsheng. This sword that I owe to Senior Brother Changsheng can finally be returned to him!"

Under Meng Fan's dumbfounded eyes, the Human King knelt down to Meng Fan and kowtowed respectfully.

This upright man shed tears only once in his life, and now he shed tears for the second time.

The two scenes of tears overlapped in his mind, just like before.

"Unworthy disciple Nie Jingyun, I respectfully send you off to my master!"

Meng Fan's figure gradually dissipated, slowly disappearing from this world.

The human king's body was also dissipating at the same time. As the passage between the two worlds became more stable, his body gradually became transparent.

The broken body of Nie Mie worships the teacher, we are all heartless people.




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