Meng Fan's last glance at the Hongxuan world also saw the human king's body tending to dissipate.

At this moment, his heart felt as if it was blocked and he felt very uncomfortable.

This was a kind of discomfort that could not be described in words, not to mention heartbreaking, but there was an unprecedented sadness that swept through his heart and then spread to his entire mind.

Ghost Eye Forest, in front of the stone monument.

Meng Fan looked at the inheritance stone tablet in front of him and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Did you just come back like this?

Didn't appear in front of the light pillar in the main hall, but appeared directly in front of the inheritance stone tablet?

This means that the inheritance test failed. Meng Fan failed the test after all and did not get the inheritance of this place.

But these are not important anymore. At this moment, Meng Fan doesn't care about this bullshit inheritance at all. In his mind, he is completely filled with the last scene in the Hongxuan world.

He was not surprised when the Human King called himself master again. After all, he had mistaken himself for master more than once before.

Meng Fan has accepted the fact that he looks a lot like Master Ren Wang.

However, the Human King finally threw a sword to himself, and what happened to the "Senior Brother Changsheng" he mentioned?

The image of himself and his master can be regarded as a coincidence. After all, it is not incomprehensible that the two people happen to look alike.

Keren King's master had a disciple also named Changsheng, so this couldn't be a mere coincidence.

One coincidence is a coincidence, two coincidences are inevitable.


Shu Changsheng!

Meng Fan only has one disciple, named Shu Changsheng.

When did he take on a disciple named Nie Jingyun?


Meng Fan lowered his head and looked at the Hong Qi Sword and the Eternal Life Sword in his hands, as well as the Jade Slip of the True Solution to Kendo in his storage ring. All these told him that what he experienced was not an illusion.

Especially with his own cultivation, when he returns to the Ghost Eye Forest, he is still a genuine third-level spirit-drawer!

This, if I practice in Hongxuan World to the realm of transcending tribulation and then come back, wouldn’t I really become a big boss in the realm of transcending tribulation?

"Why are you in a daze? Did you succeed or fail?" Mr. Lin on the side couldn't help but ask when he saw Meng Fan in a daze.

Only then did Meng Fan wake up. After returning to Ghost Eye Forest, he found that Xiao Qing also appeared in his pocket, and the old monk also appeared in his mind.

He didn't believe that the Hongxuan world was real before, and it had something to do with the fact that the old monk Xiao Qing was not with him, so he firmly believed that it was an illusion.

Now it seems that this inheritance master's methods are clever enough.

Meng Fan's face showed a trace of confusion, and then he asked Mr. Wang beside him: "It failed. The disciple did not pass the test of this inheritance. By the way, Mr. Wang, how long have I been in this stone monument?"

He has been in Hongxuan World for ten years.

"It's just less time than a stick of incense. Your senior brother Jin came out earlier than you, and he only stayed for half a stick of incense." Mr. Wang pointed at senior brother Jin beside him.

Senior Brother Jin suddenly became embarrassed and embarrassed.

Meng Fan guessed correctly. As expected, Senior Brother Jin also failed the inheritance test. This is to be expected, because this inheritance test is so difficult!

There is a saying that even a monster-level genius like Meng Fan cannot pass this test. It is really hard to imagine anyone else who can pass this test.

"Don't be discouraged. This test is indeed extremely difficult. I called you here just to give it a try. This hope is not great in the first place. I just hold on to the idea that the good news will not go to others." Mr. Wang comforted the two of them. .

It's just that this level of comfort is really not good enough.

Meng Fan and Senior Brother Jin looked at each other helplessly, both feeling a little helpless.

"Since you failed the assessment, there is nothing else to do. You should go back to Shushan as soon as possible. This Ghost Eye Forest is not a good place and it is not suitable to stay for a long time."

After hearing what Mr. Wang said, Senior Brother Jin nodded and prepared to return directly to Shushan.

But Meng Fan did not respond. At this moment, the Human King's last words were still echoing in his mind.

Full of questions!

He is confused now, and he is a little confused about the reality. Is the Human King really his disciple?

But this is completely impossible...

But no matter what happened, the thing Meng Fan wants to know most right now is whether the Human King is still alive?

"Mr. Wang, I won't go back to Shushan for the time being. Senior Brother Jin, why don't you go back by yourself?" Meng Fan said to the two of them.

"What are your plans next?" Senior Brother Jin asked doubtfully.

He went down the mountain with Meng Fan, and Meng Fan didn't mention anything else before.


Meng Fan hesitated for a moment, then turned to Mr. Wang and said, "Mr. Wang, I want to see the Night Emperor!"

The last scene he saw in Hongxuan World was that the Human King had opened the passage between the two realms.

After contacting the palace that was exactly the same as the one in Tongtian Forest, Meng Fan knew that the people in this palace must be the human survivors in Tongtian Forest in Hongxuan World.

Before he left, he could faintly see the human king's body tending to dissipate.

This made him very uneasy. He wanted to find out the current situation of the Human King!

Meng Fan desperately hoped that the Human King was still alive, and then wanted to find out from the Human King why he called him master and why he also had a senior brother named Changsheng.

Mr. Wang's brows furrowed. He was originally not prepared to care about Meng Fan's next plan.

But what he didn't expect was that Meng Fan's next plan was to meet the Night Emperor!

Meng Fan, who was standing in front of Mr. Wang, looked extremely determined at this moment.

He must meet this Night Emperor because he has an unrealistic fantasy that this so-called Night Emperor is the human king of the Hongxuan world.

Even if not, this Night Emperor at least knows the information about the Human King.

"Mr. Wang, I also want to see Ye Emperor!" Senior Brother Jin on the side also said quickly.

As a Bai Xiaosheng in the world of immortality, he was so curious about this Night Emperor that he did not allow his information base to fail to recognize such a powerful existence.

Mr. Wang rolled his eyes and said angrily: "I know you are very curious about the existence of Night Emperor, whether it is admiration for the strong or curiosity about the unknown. It is normal for you to want to see Night Emperor, but Night Emperor The emperor will not see you!"

Even Mr. Wang himself has never seen the front face of Ye Emperor in Lushan.


"No buts!"

Both Meng Fan and Senior Brother Jin had a bit of unwillingness on their faces, but Senior Brother Jin's unwillingness quickly disappeared and he accepted this reality.

He was just simply curious.

But Meng Fan was not curious, he had the persistence he needed.

Today, the Night Emperor is determined, and even the leader can't stop him!

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