"Mr. Wang, I have to see Emperor Ye. I have questions to ask him. Meng Fan said to Mr. Wang seriously.

"What questions do you want to ask him?" Mr. Wang frowned.

Meng Fan was silent for a moment, then thought about it and said, "This disciple encountered some problems during the inheritance assessment and would like to ask Ye Di for advice."

Mr. Wang had no choice but to smile bitterly.

"I know you are not willing to give in, but if you fail the inheritance assessment, you will fail. Countless people have come to take the assessment over the years, but no one has succeeded. You don't need to be so persistent.

If you let this assessment become your obsession, you will fall into the inferior category.

What's more, with your qualifications and talents, even without this inheritance, you will sooner or later become the pinnacle existence in this world of immortality. "

Mr. Wang thought that Meng Fan was still unwilling to give in to the matter of inheritance, so he insisted on meeting Ye Emperor.

In his opinion, a proud man like Meng Fan is accustomed to smooth sailing and has never encountered setbacks or failures, so it is normal to have such reluctance.

Meng Fan was a little helpless. He didn't take the inheritance matter to heart at all, but Mr. Wang didn't understand his feelings at all.

"Although you failed the inheritance test this time, you have obviously gained a lot of benefits, so you should be satisfied."

Wang always watched Meng Fan go from the first level to the third level. This was obviously a benefit brought to him by the inheritance assessment.

Meng Fan shook his head with a wry smile.

"Mr. Wang, things are not what you think. I do have something to ask Emperor Ye. It's not that I am unwilling to accept the results of the assessment."

After saying that, Meng Fan walked directly to the palace in the Ghost Eye Forest.

Seeing Meng Fan being so stubborn, Mr. Wang twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly, and then followed Meng Fan over.

He was afraid that if Meng Fan bumped into Ye Di, he would be able to put in a good word then.

Although Mr. Wang did not support Meng Fan in finding Ye Di, he would not throw Meng Fan out of the Ghost Eye Forest.

After all, he was not that old guy from Lin Bianyun, and Meng Fan was not his direct disciple. He was embarrassed to be too harsh on Meng Fan.

If he were his own disciple, he would have thrown Meng Fan out of the Ghost Eye Forest without saying a word.

Now Mr. Wang's idea is to wait for Meng Fan to finish his troubles and find out that Ye Di will not see him, then he will naturally leave Guiyan Forest.

Soon, the three of them arrived in front of the palace.

That's right, three people.

Senior Brother Jin also followed him shamelessly.

"Don't think about it. The Night Emperor will never see you. Stop messing around." Outside the closed door of the palace, Mr. Wang said to Meng Fan.

As a result, the palace door opened in the next second, and he was so shocked that he couldn't even close his mouth.

It feels like being slapped in the face.

At the same time, a voice appeared in Mr. Wang's mind.

Hearing this voice, Wang Lao said to Meng Fan with a surprised look on his face: "Ye Emperor, let you go in."

When he said this, he himself was in a state of confusion.

Emperor Ye had never let him enter this palace, but he actually let this boy Meng Fan enter?

To be honest, even though Mr. Wang is old, he can't help but feel a trace of jealousy in his heart at this time.

Is it true that a genius is welcome wherever he goes?

Emperor Ye actually let Meng Fan enter the palace just like that?


Meng Fan clearly failed the inheritance test...

"Mr. Wang, I'll go in first." Meng Fan said to Mr. Wang with a smile.

After speaking, he strode towards the palace.

Senior Brother Jin on the side looked at Mr. Wang with envy and said, "Mr. Wang, I want to go in too."

Mr. Wang rolled his eyes and glanced at Senior Brother Jin angrily.

Then he stretched out a hand and threw Senior Brother Jin away.

The next second, Senior Brother Jin's figure had appeared outside the Ghost Eye Forest. He was just thrown out. Mr. Wang didn't even bother to say another word to him.

Senior Brother Jin scratched his head in confusion.

"Why should Junior Brother Meng be admitted but not me, just because Junior Brother Meng is more handsome than me?"

"So angry!"

At this time, Senior Brother Jin suddenly felt a little resentful of his biological father whom he had never met.

It's all that old man's fault for making himself so ugly!

His mother is so beautiful, but he is so ugly, so he must be following his father.

It must be because his biological father is ugly and drags him down.

In the forest of ghost eyes, Meng Fan had already walked through the palace gate.

This palace is indeed modeled after the palace in Tongtian Forest, and is almost exactly the same.

Although Meng Fan entered this palace for the first time, he felt a little familiar with it.

The entire palace was empty and quiet, with no one around.

No one is normal. This Ghost Eye Forest is a spot for ghost cultivators, and now it is full of ghost cultivators.

Meng Fan knew very well that even if there were survivors from Hongxuan World in the palace, they should be ghost cultivators at this moment.

Not surprisingly, that Night Emperor should also be a ghost cultivator.

Suddenly, Meng Fan sensed a breath.

This breath appeared on its own initiative, guiding him in the direction.

He headed in the direction of the aura and quickly stopped in a main hall.

This hall is somewhat familiar. It is the hall where the Human King first met him in the Tongtian Forest of Hongxuan World.

A figure wearing a black robe sat on a chair.

Meng Fan could sense that the black-robed figure was not an entity, but a phantom.

Just as he thought, it was indeed a ghost cultivator.

This figure is very similar to the figure in the light pillar in the previous inheritance assessment.

To be precise, they are not similar, but they are the same person!

The Night Emperor mentioned by Mr. Wang is indeed the master of the inheritance.

"Ye Di?" Meng Fan tentatively asked the voice.

After hearing Meng Fan's words, the black-robed figure stood up from the chair and walked to Meng Fan.

In Meng Fan's sight, a face gradually became clearer.

What surprised him was that it was not a man's face, but a woman's face.

The figure in black robe before was extremely blurry in the light beam, and it was impossible to see the face clearly, so naturally it was impossible to distinguish between male and female.

But Meng Fan subconsciously thought that the inheritance master, Emperor Ye, was a man.

Now that I think about it carefully, the voice I heard before was simply deep, and I couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman.

This woman's face felt vaguely familiar to Meng Fan. The familiarity was tinged with strangeness. For a moment, he couldn't think of where the familiarity came from.

“When I first saw you in the Stone Tablet Heritage, I seemed to feel a familiar feeling. Unfortunately, it was so long ago that I didn’t think of it for a moment.

It wasn't until I saw your performance in Hongxuan World that I realized that my feeling was correct.

Long time no see, Meng Fan..."

After hearing this, Meng Fan was certain that the mysterious Night Emperor in front of him was a survivor of the Hongxuan World.

The survivors of Hongxuan World should be mysterious and unpredictable!

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