Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 517: Do you still remember this piece of candy?

There is no doubt that this Night Emperor knows him.

But when I was in the Tongtian Forest of Hongxuan World, I had no contact with the human race there at all, and I had been practicing in seclusion.

Apart from the Human King, the only one who had contact with him was the old man Li Ru.

Meng Fan looked at Ye Di's face carefully, and the feeling of familiarity became more and more intense.

In the end, this face merged with the childish face in his mind and came together.

Meng Fan understood that it was this girl.

It is true that he has not had any contact with the human race in Hongxuan World within Tongtian Forest, but there is outside Tongtian Forest.

At this moment, Meng Fan had recognized that this Night Emperor was Wu Yingying, the niece of the uncle and niece that he had rescued before going to Tongtian Forest.

The little girl who was only a few years old at the beginning has now become the "Ye Emperor" who has survived for who knows how many years.

It can only be said that things are unpredictable and everything is so real and absurd.

The face of Wu Yingying in Meng Fan's memory was too childish. She was just a face from a kindergarten, but now she has the face of a college student. It was normal not to recognize her for a while.

"Yingying?" Meng Fan called tentatively.

Although I guessed that this Ye Emperor was the little girl, the guess was just a guess and had to be verified.

It is actually not polite to call her Yingying. At least she should be called Wu Yingying by her full name.

But Meng Fan had just returned from the Hongxuan World and had not yet recovered from the state of the Hongxuan World. He also did not realize what kind of existence the Night Emperor was in this world.

"It's me, brother Meng Fan." Ye Di said in a very complicated tone.

She admitted that she was Wu Yingying, the little girl back then.

From Ye Di's perspective, her emotions were extremely complicated. She never dreamed that the inheritor who came to take part in the assessment was actually Meng Fan, who saved her and her uncle's lives in the Hongxuan World.

When the Immortal Formation was destroyed in Tongtian Forest and the demons invaded Tongtian Forest in large numbers, she and her uncle also searched for Meng Fan.

Her uncle even told her before he died that he owed Meng Fan an apology. This had become his obsession and made him die in peace.

She was also hesitating as to how she should get along with Meng Fan.

Finally, she decided to look at Meng Fan's attitude.

If Meng Fan thinks she is Wu Yingying, then she is still Wu Yingying.

If Meng Fanruo thought she was Ye Emperor, then she is Ye Emperor now.

So just when Meng Fan called her "Yingying", she also called Meng Fan "Brother Meng Fan", just like before.

"It's really you!" Although there were already speculations, Meng Fan was still extremely surprised after Ye Di admitted it himself.

This is so dreamy, so fantasy!

For Meng Fan, he couldn't even believe that he had really gone to the Hongxuan World.

However, none of that mattered at this moment.

Because what Meng Fan cares about most is, is the Human King still alive?

"Yingying, I passed this inheritance test and entered the Hongxuan world back then. You should know everything that happened. Although I am full of questions, but now I just want to know how the Human King is doing?" Meng Fan couldn't wait. asked.

Ye Di took a deep look at Meng Fan and said: "Brother Meng Fan, you guessed wrong. After you entered the world of Hongxuan, I have no idea what happened in Liao. I am not as powerful as you think." cannot.

In fact, before this, I never thought that you would really enter the Hongxuan world back then.

Under normal circumstances, entering the Hongxuan world for the assessment is just an illusion, and it is not a time to travel to the real Hongxuan world.

Just like your senior brother, he entered an illusion.

In fact, those who have participated in the inheritance assessment for so many years have just entered the illusion.

You are the only one who has truly traveled back to that era!

As for why this happened, I'm actually at a loss. "

Meng Fan was also confused after hearing Wu Yingying's words.

He frowned and thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure out why.

Afterwards, he gave up thinking about these things, because they were beyond his comprehension. Instead of thinking about a question that was destined to have no answer, he wanted to know how the Human King was doing now.

And to this unanswered question, perhaps the King of Humans knows the real answer.

"Okay, none of this matters. How is the Human King?" Meng Fan asked again.

Wu Yingying's face showed a hint of sadness.

“The human king has fallen.

He has already fallen in the Hongxuan world. He used his life to open a way for our remaining human race, but he himself could not step on this road.

When the Immortal Formation was destroyed and the demons invaded in large numbers, the human king spent his last drop of blood to send us, the only remaining humans, to this world from the demons. "

After hearing Wu Yingying's words, Meng Fan had this suspicion in his mind, but it was still difficult to accept it.

An unprecedented sadness swept through his heart and poured into his soul. Even the old monk felt Meng Fan's infinite sadness and hurriedly hid in a corner of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Meng Fan himself couldn't understand that he could only be regarded as a stranger, even if he was someone worthy of his admiration, he shouldn't make himself so sad.

Meng Fan felt that this level of sadness and uncontrollable sorrow could only occur when a "relative" like Mr. Lin died.


Seeing Meng Fan stunned on the spot, Ye Di had a complex expression on his face. She could not believe it now that the unparalleled hero in her eyes back then was actually a weak cultivator who had reached the third level.

All of this is really a bit absurd.

"Brother Meng Fan, my uncle said before he died that he owed you an apology. After so many years, I finally have the opportunity to express this apology to you.

sorry! "

Meng Fan recovered from his daze after hearing this.

He waved his hand and said with a smile: "Actually, I don't blame him at all. In that era, the human race's hatred for the demon race came from the depths of their souls.

If I find others to be like demons, maybe they are like your uncle. "

In fact, Meng Fan had once blamed Wu Dafeng at that time, thinking that this thing was ungrateful, and even wanted to hang him up and beat him up.

But now, there is no longer any blame in his heart, and he is really calm.

He took out a piece of candy from the storage ring, which was the same piece of candy that Wu Yingying gave him.

Meng Fan handed the candy to Wu Yingying and said with a smile: "Do you still remember this candy? You gave it to me back then. I was reluctant to eat it. Now I'll keep it as a souvenir for you."

Wu Yingying came to Tianyuan World from Hongxuan World for so long, she must have nothing worth remembering.

Meng Fan thought this piece of candy might be able to give this girl some comfort.

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