No, you shouldn't call this girl "this girl". Now she is the unfathomable Night Emperor.

Meng Fan's intuition told him that even the leader might not be a match for the Night Emperor.

Ye Di looked at the piece of candy that Meng Fan took out, his eyes showed disbelief, and then in less than a second, he burst into tears.

"Thank you." The most terrifying and powerful man in the world choked up and took the piece of candy from Meng Fan's hand.

How many years have passed?

Thousands of years?

Tens of thousands of years?

Wu Yingying couldn't remember it clearly. She thought that she was already a person with a rock-like heart and would never shed another tear in her life.

Because she will spend the rest of her life working hard to destroy the demon clan, and she will no longer have the slightest emotion.

But at this moment, the emotions in the memory are pouring out, completely unstoppable.

This piece of candy was given to me by my mother!


Ye Di's figure disappeared from Meng Fan.

She didn't want people to see her embarrassed and fragile look.

After a long time, Ye Di's figure appeared in front of Meng Fan again, her face had returned to calmness, and she was completely free of the emotion just now.

"Brother Meng Fan, the human king once left something behind, which has been passed down to this day.

The King of Humans' original words were reserved for the destined person. After so many years, there is no clue who the destined person is.

It wasn't until today that I realized that the destined person in the King's mouth was you.

Apart from you, no one else can be considered a destined person! "

There is nothing wrong with what he said. Meng Fan must be considered a destined person, there is no doubt about this.

Half of the seal appeared in Ye Di's hand and he handed it to Meng Fan.

The seal here is made of white jade. Nothing can be seen except that it should be square.

"We humans who came from Hongxuan World have been studying this half of the seal for countless years, but we haven't found any abnormalities.

It seemed like an ordinary stone, without any aura or function. "

Ye Di is now one of the most powerful people in the world, but he still can't see the clues about this half of the seal.

But since it is an item left behind by the King of Humans before his death, it must not be a mortal item!

Meng Fan took the half of the seal from Ye Di and frowned because the half of the seal looked familiar, and it was definitely not an illusion.

He took out something from the storage ring, a complete square seal.

This complete square seal is exactly the same as this half seal in terms of material and appearance.

It was as if the complete seal in Meng Fan's hand had been split into two!

"You are indeed destined." Ye Di couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the complete seal that Meng Fan took out.

She really didn't expect that Meng Fan actually had a seal on his body, and it was complete.

At this time, who dares to say that Meng Fan is not a destined person?

Meng Fan himself was a little confused.

He remembered clearly that this seal was obtained from two mortal thieves.

Back then, he accompanied Ye Qingyu back to the Ye family to participate in the inheritance assessment of Dan Sword Immortal.

On the way, he met two mortal thieves in the city, and then obtained the seal from the two thieves.

He couldn't figure out the purpose of this seal, but he had a vague feeling that it might not be a mortal thing, so he kept throwing it away in the storage ring.

I didn’t expect that after so long, this seal could still be involved.

However, he still didn't understand the purpose of this seal.

I don't know how to use it, let alone half a dollar more, even ten or a hundred dollars more is useless.

"You all can't figure out the purpose of this seal, and I don't even know. This is just something I got by chance." Meng Fan said a little helplessly.

Ye Di smiled and said: "What is the use of this thing? You have to study it yourself in the future. The task left by the King of Human Beings is to give this thing to the destined person. As for what happens after giving it to the destined person, it is not up to us. ”

Meng Fan had no choice but to put the piece and a half of the seal back into the storage ring. He could only study this thing slowly in the future.

"By the way, Mr. Wang said that there are ghost cultivators in this Ghost Eye Forest. Are you also a ghost cultivator now? Where are the other people who came to Tianyuan World from Hongxuan World?" Meng Fan suddenly thought of this question, asked a little confused.

Hearing Meng Fan's question, Ye Di's expression changed a little again, and he was obviously feeling lonely.

"There is no one else, only me." Her tone was full of melancholy and helplessness.

Meng Fan's eyes also narrowed slightly. Ye Di's words gave him an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, Emperor Ye continued: "At that time, although the Human King opened the passage between Hongxuan World and Tianyuan World, the torrent and storm in the two world passages were too terrifying.

More than 90% of people fell into the torrent and storm.

The remaining people survived by luck and came to the pastoral world, not even one out of ten.

Under Master's protection, although my physical body was annihilated, my soul was protected by Master and I became a ghost cultivator.

Now, thousands of years have passed since I first came to Tianyuan World.

Some of the survivors of the Hongxuan world have long since died, while some have completely integrated into the Tianyuan world, got married and had children...

The palace in the Ghost Eye Forest was built by Master according to the palace in the Tongtian Forest.

After Master left, I am now the only one left in this palace. "

Thousands of years have passed and the world has changed. It is inevitable for the survivors of the original Hongxuan World to completely integrate into the Tianyuan World.

Now only Ye Di is guarding this palace, which is really sad.

"Who is your master?" Meng Fan asked curiously.

"You should know my master Li Ru and brother Meng Fan," Ye Di said.

Meng Fan nodded. The only person he barely knew in Tongtian Forest was Li Ru.

Unexpectedly, he also died.

"What happened to your master?" Meng Fan asked with a sigh.

He said it was about what happened, but in fact he was asking how he died, but he was embarrassed to ask so directly.

Ye Di was silent for a moment.

After a moment, he said: "Master knew that his life was short, so he went to the devil world and never came back."

Demonic world.

Demon clan.

For the human race in Hongxuan World, the demons in the demon world are their indelible enemies.

If you don't kill enough demons in this life, you won't feel at ease in death!

"Don't worry too much, maybe your master is still alive." Meng Fan comforted him.

But this comfort was meaningless, because both he and Ye Di knew that this was impossible.

Not to mention that Li Ru's lifespan was not long. He went to the demon clan to kill the demon clan. He just wanted to kill enough before he died.

In this case, Li Ru's final outcome is 100% death at the hands of the demons.

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