Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 525: Disciple Meng Fan meets with a poor ancestor

When Meng Fan heard this voice, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

Not only did he not see anyone, but his spiritual consciousness did not notice the slightest abnormality.

The most important thing is that the person speaking is actually continuing his own words.

His voice is not loud. Unless someone is spying on him, it is impossible to hear him talking to himself in such a low voice.

"Who is the senior?" Meng Fan said with a frown.

To be honest, this kind of prying was not polite and made Meng Fan a little uncomfortable.

And being able to spy on oneself so unknowingly is not something ordinary people can do.

Meng Fan is now a monk at the fourth level of the spirit-inducing realm, and his spiritual consciousness has always been stronger than others in practicing the Xihuang concept, and he even has the presence of the Xihuang Dharma.

To be able to spy on him so quietly, one must at least be a monk in the realm of spirit transformation. Even in the realm of soul, he felt that he couldn't do it!

If you take another step up to the state of becoming a god, you will reach Dongxu.

The Dongxu realm is at the elder level in the Shushan Sword Sect.

Could it be that an elder was spying on him?

Meng Fan felt that it was not appropriate. He was already low-key enough in the Shushan Sword Sect and did not attract attention at all.

Except for a few "acquaintances", even the elders of the Shushan Sword Sect don't know themselves, let alone understand themselves.

"Who am I? If you want to see me, take a step forward. If you don't want to see me, take a step back." The owner of this voice said something incomprehensible.

Meng Fan frowned even deeper when he heard this.

If it were outside Shushan, he would definitely not take a step forward. With his cautious and steady character, he would take a step back. It would be better not to see this person.

But this is the Shushan Sword Sect!

So Meng Fan thought for a while and then took a step forward.

As his footsteps fell, his vision suddenly went dark, and the familiar feeling of teleportation came over him.

To be precise, it was the familiar feeling of being teleported.

Meng Fan himself is still a long way from having the ability to teleport.

The ability in space is something that only monks in the Dongxu realm can barely access.

Bare contact!

In the Dongxu realm, it is impossible to have the ability to teleport. Only beings that are countless times stronger than the Dongxu realm can have the ability to teleport.

After a moment of darkness, Meng Fan's eyes were replaced by brightness.

He found himself in a sealed space.

And in the center of this space, sat a white-haired old man. There seemed to be a formation or something underneath the old man's buttocks, but Meng Fan couldn't see it clearly because his strength and eyesight were not enough.

"Senior called this junior over, I don't know what it means?"

The old man sitting opposite him gave Meng Fan an extremely mysterious feeling.

Because the other person gave him the feeling that he was not an expert, but like a mortal.

It is not difficult for a monk with advanced cultivation to give people the feeling of being a master, because he is already a master.

But it’s not easy to give people the feeling of being a mortal!

Even if someone like Mr. Lin or an elder hides his cultivation in front of him, he can still feel that the other person is not simple, and he will not think that he is a mortal.

Is this person stronger than Mr. Lin and the leader?

Among the Shushan Sword Sect, is there anyone stronger than the leader?

In fact, deep down in Meng Fan's heart, although he knew that the leader was very strong, he always felt that the Shushan Sword Sect should have some hermit masters.

The leader is unlikely to be the strongest among the Shushan Sword Sect.

After all, the Shushan Sword Sect has such a profound foundation!

But imagination is all that matters, Meng Fan never thought that he would be able to come into contact with people from Shushan who were stronger than the leader so soon.

Needless to say, along the way, he has indeed come into contact with many people who should not have come into contact with him at his level!

"I'm looking for you. It's just that you happened to appear here, and I, a boring person, happened to want to chat with you for a few words."

The old man sitting opposite Meng Fan said in an extremely easy-going manner.

He really used the word easy-going to the fullest. If he were sitting in the countryside at this moment, others would definitely think that he was just an ordinary old farmer.

"I happened to appear here? Is this the Demon Locking Tower?" Meng Fan asked in surprise when he heard what the old man said.

The old man nodded, then shook his head.

"To be precise, this is the underground space below the Demon Locking Tower." The old man replied.

Under the Demon Locking Tower?

When Meng Fan heard this, he subconsciously felt nervous.

His intuition told him that the lower part of the Demon Locking Tower was more terrifying than the inside of the Demon Locking Tower.

As we all know, the Demon Locking Tower is specially used to suppress the demon clan, so what is being suppressed under the Demon Locking Tower?

And what kind of existence must it be that can guard this place?

"Junior Meng Fan, I wonder if I can ask my senior's name?" Meng Fan asked the old man cautiously.

"Of course I know that your name is Meng Fan, otherwise I wouldn't come to chat with you. As for me, my nickname is Yipong. I guess not many Shushan disciples know me now."

When he heard the word "poor", Meng Fan's eyes suddenly lit up and his heartbeat accelerated slightly.

It is true that few of the current Shushan disciples still know this person, but he happens to know a thing or two.

He had stayed in the Sutra Pavilion for a long time before and scanned all four floors of the Sutra Pavilion, so he was well-informed.

The first heaven-grade sword technique he practiced was the Xiaoyao Divine Sword. According to the records of the Sutra Pavilion, this heaven-grade sword technique was created by the Yipo ancestor.

"Disciple Meng Fan, pay homage to the ancestor Yipo!" Meng Fan quickly saluted the ancestor Yipo.

This poor ancestor is known as one of the Seven Sages of Shushan.

And he was once the leader of a certain generation of the Shushan Sword Sect. Meng Fan could not remember which generation specifically.

After all, Shushan Sword Sect has a long history, and there are also a lot of leaders in the history.

"It's rare. It seems that you know my name." The ancestor of Yipo said with a smile.

Meng Fan hurriedly said: "The first heaven-grade sword technique that this disciple practiced back then was the Xiaoyao Divine Sword created by you, our ancestor."

"Back then? How old are you now? Are you talking about those days? I was the one back then..."

The poor ancestor was about to brag about his bravery in the past, but then he thought that his identity should be reserved, so he quickly kept it.

After all, I am also an ancestor, and I should still maintain a certain ancestor's demeanor in front of the younger generations.

At this moment, Meng Fan suddenly noticed that there were two coffins placed in this space.

Out of curiosity, he couldn't help but explore the two coffins.

As a result, he was immediately confused by this investigation.

His expression suddenly changed, and there was even fear in his eyes.

A feeling of panic, an emotion of disbelief, came over him.

"Impossible, this isn't true!" He murmured to himself, his tone full of disbelief, doubting everything he saw.

Because he saw that the "bodies" placed in the two coffins turned out to be father and son Lin Lao and Lin Tianxing.

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