Meng Fan actually had no feelings for Lin Tianxing. He was not familiar with him at all and had no contact with him at all.

If he only saw Lin Tianxing's body, he would at most feel a little regretful and a pity.

At the same time, I am worried about Mr. Lin, worried that Mr. Lin will not be able to bear this blow. But for him, it actually didn't have the slightest impact.

But seeing Mr. Lin’s body, it was completely different!

He couldn't accept that the master who was the best to him in the world turned into a cold corpse.

"It seems that you still don't know about your master." The voice of Yipo Ancestor sounded leisurely in Meng Fan's ears.

When Meng Fan heard this, he stared blankly at the poor ancestor, obviously a little overwhelmed and frightened.

"Ancestor Yipo, what happened to my master? Isn't he helping Senior Brother Tianxing solve his future problems? What is lying in this coffin?"

He really couldn't believe that the person lying in the coffin would be his master!

"In fact, in a sense, your master is dead. But in another sense, your master has actually returned to Jiange!"

There was a mystery in the words of the impoverished ancestor, but for Meng Fan at this moment, he no longer had the brain to think about the mystery in the words of the impoverished ancestor.

So he didn't speak and waited quietly for the Yipo Ancestor to continue speaking.

Then the poor ancestor did not embarrass Meng Fan and continued to say:

"The trouble you mentioned about Lin Tianxing is much more serious than you think.

The person who wants to take Lin Tianxing's soul is a demon king from the demon world.

The power of the Demon Lord is actually beyond the imagination of monks in the ordinary world.

Even if your master holds the Demon Suppressing Sword at full combat power, he will still be at a loss in front of the Demon Lord.

Now the souls of your master and Lin Tianxing have been collected into a soul flag by the Demon Lord and brought back to the Demon Realm.

However, your master still has a ray of heavenly soul in the Demon Suppressing Sword, so I say that in a sense, your master has also returned to the sword pavilion. "

The amount of information the poor ancestor said was so overwhelming that Meng Fan couldn't even react.

Demon Lord?

In fact, he is not unfamiliar with the word Demon Lord. When he was in the Hongxuan World, he once pretended to be the guard camp of the Demon Lord in the Demon Realm.

But he didn't have the slightest understanding of the Demon Lord's strength.

When he was in the Hongxuan World, he had always heard of the Demon Lord's reputation, but he had never seen the Demon Lord.

It turned out that the Demon Lord came to Hongxuan World with the Demon Emperor's soldiers, and he had the opportunity to meet the Demon Lord.

But when the demon emperor's soldiers broke through the Tongtianlin Immortal Formation, he happened to have left Hongxuan World and returned to Tianyuan World.

In Meng Fan's understanding, although the Demon Lord is strong, he doesn't understand how strong he is.

As a result, the poor ancestor just said that even the master holding the Demon Suppressing Sword at full combat power was no match for the Demon Lord. He even described it as being vulnerable to a single blow. Only then did he realize how powerful the Demon Lord was!

In this way, it can be foreseen how terrifying the human king of Hongxuan World is?

Even if the Human King at that time could not say that he could defeat the Demon King, he could at least compete with him.

Meng Fan looked at Elder Lin in the coffin, and then connected with what the Yipo Ancestor just said, he had a guess in his mind.

"Ancestor Yipo, you just said that my master's soul was collected by the Demon Lord into the soul flag and brought back to the Demon Realm.

Doesn't that mean that my master's soul is still alive?

By keeping my master's body here, does it mean that as long as you take back my master's soul, you can bring my master back to life? "

Hearing Meng Fan's words, the poor ancestor raised his head and glanced at Meng Fan, thinking that this kid's mind is quite fast.

Indeed, bringing back the souls of Lin Bianyun and Lin Tianxing can bring them back to life.

But this is almost impossible to accomplish.

Even if he were not restrained by the seal under his body and went to the Demon Realm in person, he would not dare to say that he would be 100% able to steal the soul from the Blood Soul Demon Lord.

“Theoretically, this can indeed be said.

However, things are not as simple as you think, and the possibility is very low!

First of all, the Demon Lord is so powerful that human monks have almost no match for him.

Even land gods are vulnerable to him. Unless a true immortal comes, they may be able to steal the soul from the Demon Lord.

Secondly, the Blood Soul Banner of the Blood Soul Demon Lord is a treasure.

The Blood Soul Demon Lord absorbed so many souls into the Blood Soul Banner just to nourish the Blood Soul Banner.

In other words, the souls in the Blood Soul Banner are nutrients in a sense, or fuel.

Although that boy Lin Bianyun is indeed not weak, it is hard to say how long he can last in the Blood Soul Banner. "

The poor old man's talk made Meng Fan's expression become increasingly ugly.

These words hit him hard.

Because it was too sudden!

Before that, he thought his master was safe and sound.

As a result, he suddenly received such a bolt from the blue, which was really unacceptable to him.

For a moment, Meng Fan felt that his mind was a little blank.

After a long time, Meng Fan suppressed the panic and confusion in his heart, and then asked the poor ancestor: "Ancestor, how long can Master's soul last in the Blood Soul Banner?"

There is no doubt that when Meng Fan heard the news, his first reaction was to find a way to save his master.

But the second reaction was that there was nothing we could do!

Because the Demon Lord is too strong, and he is too weak.

Wanting to save the master is simply nonsense.

Only when you become stronger can you have this hope.

But can Master afford to wait?

Meng Fan believed that he would be able to rival the Demon Lord in the future, and even surpass the Demon Lord sooner or later.

But how long this will last, he really doesn't know.

That's why he couldn't wait to ask this question to the poor ancestor.

As long as he is given a specific time, he can work hard for it and try his best.

"Your master's soul is incomplete in the Blood Soul Banner of the Blood Soul Demon Lord. After all, the Heavenly Soul is not there.

This is a good thing, but also a bad thing.

If it is a complete soul, with your master's ability, there is no problem in surviving in the Blood Soul Banner for a thousand years.

But since his soul is incomplete, he can only survive for a hundred years at most.

This was even if the Blood Soul Demon Lord did not specifically target him. If he specifically targeted him, he would not be able to survive even one day. "

After a pause, the impoverished ancestor glanced at Meng Fan, who had a look of despair on his face, and then comforted him.

"But your master's soul is incomplete and not worthy of being targeted by the Blood Soul Demon Lord, so basically he can survive these hundred years."

This is indeed true!

Because if the Blood Soul Demon Lord really needs to use the souls in the Blood Soul Banner, he will give priority to selecting high-quality souls.

A defective product like Mr. Lin's soul would be safer.

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