
Meng Fan repeated these two words in his mind.

In a hundred years, can I grow to the point where I can rival the Demon Lord?

There is a saying that the level of the Demon Lord is beyond the limits of the human world, far beyond the land gods.

You must be truly the first person in the world to reach this level.

This is so difficult!

Anyone with any sense would not daydream like this.

Just a moment later, Meng Fan's face showed a determined look.

Now it's not a question of whether he can do it, but he must do it!

Mr. Lin is the most important person to him in this world.

Even Li Xuerou, the "sister", can't compare with her.

Most of the relationship between Meng Fan and Li Xuerou is the memory of the original person. After he came to this world, he actually didn't have much contact with Li Xuerou.

Although the existence of his original memory affected him and made him have some special feelings for Li Xuerou.

But this feeling, to be honest, is incomparable to Mr. Lin.

After coming to this world, Mr. Lin took too much care of Meng Fan. To put it bluntly, what he experienced after coming to this world was Meng Fan's real experience.

"You kid, look at your expression, you're not thinking of reaching the point where you can compete with the Blood Soul Demon Lord within a hundred years, are you?" The Yipo Ancestor smiled and joked to Meng Fan.

No one can reach a level comparable to the demons from the realm of attracting gods in a hundred years.

Even if there is an immortal emperor reincarnated, he can't do it!

The road to immortality is bumpy and bumpy every step of the way. It is not as simple as imagined.

Each step may take you countless hours to cross.

Even if I spend my whole life, I can't even take a step forward.

"Don't think so much. The Shushan Sword Sect will not leave your master alone. When that boy Lin Jinghong comes back, he will definitely find a way. I will also find a way." The Yipo ancestor comforted Meng Fan again.

Meng Fan was not actually comforted by these words, because he knew very well that even if the leader came back, there would be nothing he could do.

The leader is indeed stronger than Mr. Lin, there is no doubt about this.

But this so-called strength is extremely limited.

Especially Mr. Lin, who holds the demon-suppressing sword. The leader is not much stronger than him, and may not even be stronger.

So although Meng Fan didn't know how strong the Demon Lord was, it was foreseeable that there was a big gap between the leader and the Demon Lord.

As for the Yipo Ancestor in front of him, Meng Fan knew that the Yipo Ancestor was very strong and was definitely beyond the level of the leader.

But the poor ancestor was obviously affected by the altar below and could not leave here at all. Otherwise, he would not have allowed Elder Lin to be persecuted by the Demon Lord.

At this moment, Meng Fan knew that he could not rely on anyone but himself!


What no one can do, maybe he can do it?

"Ancestor Yipo, why did you bring this disciple here just to tell him about this? If the disciple guessed correctly, you must have other arrangements, right?" Meng Fan asked Ancestor Yipo.

An ancestor of this level would easily never show up at all. Now that he has shown up, it will definitely not be that simple. There must be something going on with him.

"Not only is your talent amazing, but you are also very smart. You are indeed very good." A smile appeared on the face of the poor ancestor.

"I just said that when that boy Lin Jinghong comes back, I will find a way to save your master. This is actually a word of comfort. I believe you can hear it.

Originally, your master was facing a dead end, and there was no possibility of rescue at all. Trying to save people from the hands of the Demon Lord was tantamount to provoking an immortal with a mortal body.

Three words, impossible!

The reason why I met you is because I heard your master praise your amazing talent before, so I wanted to see what your talent is like.

If your talent is really that terrifying, then your master may have a chance. "

The poor ancestor looked at Meng Fan seriously, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Meng Fan still didn't understand what Yipo Ancestor meant, because although the other party said a lot of words in one breath, there was no key point in them.

"Does the disciple's talent satisfy the ancestor?" Although he didn't know what kind of medicine Yipozu Ancestor was selling in his gourd, he still followed Yipozuo Ancestor's words.

"Of course I'm satisfied. Your talent is even more amazing than what that guy Lin Bianyun said." The tone of the Yipo Ancestor's voice was full of satisfaction.

"Then my master's chance of survival..." Meng Fan asked expectantly.

The poor ancestor looked at Meng Fan, hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke.

"I see that there is the aura of Fuxi Sword in your body, so you should know that our Shushan Sword Sect has three artifacts, and Fuxi Sword is one of them.

If you want to save your master, there is only one possibility, and that is to surrender to Fuxi Sword and become the master of Fuxi Sword.

But this is almost impossible. Shushan Sword Sect has been passed down for countless years. There are indeed many people like me who can mobilize a ray of power of Fuxi Sword, but no one has ever been able to become the master of Fuxi Sword.

However, your boy's swordsmanship talent is something I have never seen in my life. Maybe you have the slightest possibility of becoming the master of the Fuxi Sword. "

Hearing the words of the poor ancestor, Meng Fan showed a hint of astonishment on his face.

Become the master of Fuxi Sword?

He had seen the Fuxi Sword with his own eyes. It was definitely the best sword in Shushan, and even the best sword in the world.

Even the Demon Suppressing Sword, a famous fairy sword, was insignificant in front of the Fuxi Sword.

I didn't even dare to touch the Demon Suppressing Sword, and I had to watch it carefully from a distance, let alone the Fuxi Sword.

What the poor ancestor said is like saying nothing!

The Shushan Sword Sect has been inherited for so many years, but no one has become the master of the Fuxi Sword. Although Meng Fan thinks highly of himself, he will not be inflated without thinking.

"Don't worry, you really can't become the master of the Fuxi Sword now, but that won't be the case in the future. I can see that you have an innate sword body, and this is your capital."

Innate sword body?

Meng Fan does have an innate sword body. After absorbing enough sword origins, his physique automatically advances and transforms.

"Lao Tzu, according to what my disciple knows, this innate sword body is a relatively common or even relatively low-level sword body among the many 'holy bodies' of swordsmanship. This doesn't seem to be anything special, right?"

Although having a special sword body is indeed a sword cultivator's dream, practicing it also has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

But it's just an innate sword body, and it's really not worth bragging about.

"Low-level?" Ancestor Yipo smiled, shook his head, and said nothing more.

But after thinking about it, he still explained.

"Compared to other sword bodies, the lower limit of the innate sword body is indeed lower, but its upper limit is also very high!

It's just that there are very few people who can maximize their innate sword body.

In other words, it might be easier for you to understand.

The innate sword body is a relatively rare sword body that can be improved! "

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