Xueying had clearly absorbed something from Lingyun Sword just now, and then left with satisfaction.

But obviously, what Xueying absorbed was not the origin of the sword, because the origin of the sword is still here and is being absorbed by Meng Fan.

In fact, Meng Fan didn't know what the special energy in this sword was.

The origin of the sword is just a name he gave himself, not the real origin of the sword.

Speaking of which, this thing is quite weird.

Meng Fan absorbed the origin of this sword from many swords.

But after those swords absorbed the sword's origin, there was no change, no loss at all, no weakening or anything.

That’s weird!

Moreover, the sword origin of Lingyun Sword is obviously different from the sword origin that Meng Fan absorbed before.

It’s hard to describe specifically.

It's like an upgraded version of the origin of the sword.

In fact, it is quite normal, after all, it is a fairy sword.

Meng Fan had also absorbed the sword's origin from the Demon Suppressing Sword before, but the feeling was different from absorbing the sword's origin from the Lingyun Sword.

However, the demon-suppressing sword that Meng Fan came into contact with at that time was the demon-suppressing sword after it was sealed, otherwise he would not be able to touch it.

"The sword's origin of Lingyun Sword is so refreshing..." Meng Fan couldn't help but moan softly while absorbing the sword's origin.

If you were to absorb the origin of the sword before, it felt like drinking boiled water.

So absorbing the essence of Lingyun Sword at this moment is like drinking Coca-Cola.

It’s so refreshing, this feeling is really out of this world!

"No, the origin of the fairy sword, can I bear it?"

Meng Fan suddenly thought of such a question.

In his calculations, it would not be a big problem for him to absorb the sword's origin from the Dao Sword.

There will be problems if you absorb the sword's origin from the Divine Sword, let alone the Immortal Sword.

The origin of Lingyun Sword won't burst itself, right?

The origin of a divine sword, not to mention myself, even if it is coupled with the Hong Qi Sword, it will all be exploded.

If it doesn't work, continue to ask Xueying for help!

Meng Fan thought of a solution that was not a solution.

If the origin of Lingyun Sword was really terrifying, he would have no choice but to ask Xueyingjian for help. He would first abandon the Hongqi Sword, and then let Xueyingjian temporarily become his own flying sword.

In this case, with Xue Yingjian's "physique", there would definitely be no problem with bearing the sword origin of Lingyun Sword.

Not to mention that Xueying still owes her one thing. Even if she doesn't owe her one thing, looking at the situation, absorbing the origin of the sword is also a good thing for Xueying Sword!

After a while, Meng Fan realized that he had thought too much.

Because the sword origin of Lingyun Sword was not as much as he imagined, and it did not burst him.

"It seems that the Lingyun Sword was broken into dozens of pieces, and the sword's origin was automatically divided into dozens of parts.

Every fragment of Lingyun Sword contains a part of the sword's origin.

This is simply made for me! "

Meng Fan was a little excited.

With a flash of consciousness, he put all the fragments of Lingyun Sword into the storage ring.

Every fragment here contains the astonishing origin of the immortal sword, which is a panacea belonging to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan ordered the sword origin of this fairy sword to be the origin of the fairy sword, and the effect is indeed much stronger than the ordinary sword origin.

"If I absorb all the sword origins of these Lingyun Sword fragments, I may be able to directly push my cultivation to the realm of the soul! Even the innate sword body will be greatly improved."

Meng Fan came to Lingyun Sword Sect this time to use the Tongtian Sword Pond to improve his innate sword body.

As a result, even before he came into contact with Tongtian Sword Pond, his innate sword body already had hope of becoming stronger.

At this moment, Meng Fan had just absorbed the essence of the sword from a fragment of Lingyun Sword, and his body was already filled up.

Even though his body was full after only absorbing 20% ​​of the sword's origin, he sent the remaining 80% into the Hong Qi Sword.

Fortunately, Hongqi Sword has been promoted to Tao Sword, otherwise it would be really unbearable. Even if Meng Fan is not stretched to the point of explosion, the Hong Qi Sword will be!

"If the essence of the sword is absorbed from all the fragments of Lingyun Sword, then..." Meng Fan didn't dare to think that not only would he be able to ascend to the realm of Yuan Shen, but the Hongqi Sword might also be elevated to the level of a divine sword!

Although it is said that Hongqi Sword absorbed the sword origin of countless swords before it was upgraded to the level of Tao sword.

But the origin of an entire fairy sword is many times more terrifying than all previous swords put together. This is no exaggeration at all.



Meng Fan muttered these two words, and the corners of his eyes and mouth were filled with a smile that he couldn't hide.

But when he thought that he still had a demon enemy waiting for him, he couldn't laugh again.

The road is long and far away, I will search up and down.

"Donor Meng, don't snicker in a hurry. It's better to look at what's in front of you first. Although the Lingyun Sword has been destroyed, we are still in the Burial Sword Pond and have not returned to the Lingyun Sword Sect!"

The old monk's voice sounded in Meng Fan's mind at an inappropriate time, as if a basin of cold water was poured on Meng Fan's head.

Meng Fan's expression suddenly became serious.


I was happy too early.

Although Xueying came out to "deal with" Lingyun Sword, she was still in the Sword Burial Pond and did not go back. She was still trapped here.

The underlying problem has not been solved.

"This...it's all due to Senior Brother Xiao's ink stain. He's been talking nonsense for so long, why didn't he get to the point earlier!!!"

As soon as he mentioned that he should find Lingyun Sword, he stopped, and he didn't say what he would do after finding Lingyun Sword.

If Senior Brother Xiao had stopped talking about the nonsense mentioned above and just focused on the key points, we wouldn't be in this situation now.

Time is really money. It’s a waste to say one more nonsense, let alone so much nonsense.

"Senior Xueying? Senior Xueying??" Meng Fan called to the storage ring, trying to get little Lolita Xueying to come out again to solve the predicament at hand.

The old monk's voice sounded in Meng Fan's mind.

"Benefactor Meng, Xue Yingjian is probably at the juncture of promotion and has no time to deal with you. And she doesn't actually know what we don't know. It seems like she still has to figure out how to leave here."

When Meng Fan heard this, he immediately became unhappy.

"This little girl was so awesome when she first appeared. She said she could solve problems, but her relationship can solve her own problems!"

After saying this, it was enough to satisfy his taste. Meng Fan did not dare to say more, for fear that this little loli would settle the score later.

It seems that it is better to rely on oneself than relying on parents.

Meng Fan calmed down and began to look at the Sword Burial Pond carefully.

There is nothing around, all nothingness. There is only the Sword Burial Pond in this space. If you want to leave, you still have to start here.

"If nothing else happens, there should be some formation hidden in the Sword Burial Pond." Meng Fan began to mutter and think.

When he used the [True Explanation of Sword Dao] to integrate various sword formations into the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, Meng Fan's formation attainments had also been greatly improved.

With his own formation attainments, he might be able to find some clues.

After a while, Meng Fan gave up.

Found a shit!

He admitted the fact that he was a piece of trash.

"Master, the atmosphere here seems a little different." At the last moment, Xiaoqing came out, swam around in the Burial Sword Pond, and then said to Meng Fan in the corner.

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