Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 542 The sword light falling from the sky...

When Meng Fan heard Xiao Qing's words, he immediately came to the corner where Xiao Qing was.

Since this space is completely empty except for the Sword Burial Pond, it is impossible to tell the direction. It is not clear whether this is the southeast corner or the northwest corner.

"Xiao Qing, what did you sense?" Meng Fan walked over and asked Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qing was swimming around in the corner of the Sword Burial Pond, with some confusion on his face.

It held it in for a long time, and finally said: "I can't explain clearly, but it's just a little different."

When Meng Fan heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes.

However, there must be a monster when things go wrong, and Xiaoqing is a monster in the first place. Since he has sensed an abnormality, it is definitely not an innocent target.

He also carefully inspected this corner.

After a long time, Meng Fan's face showed a little helplessness.

Nothing was detected.

Xiaoqing felt something unusual at least, but he didn't notice anything unusual at all.

It seems that we still have to rely on Xiaoqing!

"Master, I seem to know something." Xiao Qing suddenly jumped on Meng Fan's shoulder and said to Meng Fan.

"What?" Meng Fan asked quickly.

Xiao Qing did not answer, and then spit out a demon pill from his mouth.

This is not its own inner elixir, but the dragon inner elixir that Mr. Lin gave it.

After the demon pill appeared, it suddenly turned into a ray of light, shot into the bottom of the pool, and then stuck to one place.

Meng Fan had inspected it many times before and was sure that there was nothing abnormal here.

But the inner elixir of the dragon is stuck here, which has proved that there must be something abnormal here.

"Old monk, can you sense anything?" Meng Fan asked the old monk.

"Almsgiver Meng, I can't sense anything either." The old monk's tone was a little helpless.

"Xiaoqing, what about you?" Meng Fan asked Xiaoqing again.

"Master, this seems to be connected to somewhere, I'm not sure."

After hearing Xiao Qing's words, Meng Fan nodded, his eyes gradually showing some determination.

He still has things to do and can't be stuck here for too long.

As Meng Fan's eyes became more determined, he also took out the Hong Qi Sword.

Since you can't find a way, then use brute force to break it!

If you are sure there is a problem here, just cut it. If there is any need, cut it with a sword first.

"Collect the elixir." Meng Fan said to Xiaoqing.

Xiao Qing quickly swallowed the dragon inner elixir into his mouth again.

Meng Fan was holding the Red Qi Sword, and struck the spot where the inner elixir had just landed.

If there are really any restrictions and formations here, then this must be the formation eye.

If you can't unlock the formation eye, then just destroy the formation eye.

As long as the formation eye can be destroyed, the formation can also be broken.

The red sword bloomed with divine power, the sword light poured out, the sword light reached the sky, and it was about to crush this empty space.

It's been a long time since Meng Fan took action with all his strength.

When this sword was slashed, it really felt like a hearty and refreshing feeling.

However, when his sword technique slashed into the Burial Sword Pond, all the power had already dissipated before reaching the bottom of the pond, and was completely removed by the pond.

"Fuck!" Meng Fan said the quintessence of Chinese culture directly.

Brutal force can break the formation, there is no doubt about it.

But it is a pity that Meng Fan's brute force is not strong enough and is actually a bit weak.

"It won't work. I feel like it won't work even if my strength is doubled."

Meng Fan felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

In fact, this is also a foreseeable thing, saying that Po Tian Meng Fan is just a monk in the realm of attracting gods.

No matter how defiant he is, he can be comparable to the realm of Yuanshen, or even the realm of transformation into gods, he can't make a difference in this place!

You still have to follow the rules.

"Indeed, if brute force is so easy to defeat, then Senior Brother Xiao won't be helpless outside." Meng Fan murmured to himself.

From Meng Fan's point of view, he was really annoyed at this time and felt somewhat helpless.

After a while, he was wondering if he should take out the small wooden sword that the poor ancestor gave him and try it?

After hesitating for a moment, he gave up.

Because this small wooden sword was the means he used to save his life. It was very precious, and it was unlikely that the poor ancestor would give him another one.

And he didn't know if this small wooden sword was a one-time consumable. If it could only be used once, it would be a pity to waste it here.

It's better to save this thing for when your life is in danger and you are in a dead situation.

It can save lives!

After all, he is just trapped now, not dying.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan suddenly relaxed a little. After all, if you think about it this way, you still have a trump card, and you are not considered desperate.

If you really have no choice in the end and are forced to do something urgent, you can still use the small wooden sword given to you by the ancestor Yipo.

"Master, I found it!" Xiao Qing suddenly shouted in surprise.

Meng Fan's eyes lit up while he was deep in thought, and when he came to his senses, he found Xiao Qing digging at the bottom of the pond with a pair of small claws.

It actually dug out a small fragment.

The material looks like dark iron or red copper, but I can't tell what specific material it is.

"This... seems to be a fragment of a sword." Meng Fan frowned and muttered.

If he hadn't personally put all the Lingyun Sword fragments into the storage ring, he would have even suspected that this fragment was just dropped by Lingyun Sword.

Meng Fan bent down and picked up the fragment.

The moment he came into contact with this fragment, there was a sudden roar in his mind.

The next second, he found himself in a mountain range shrouded in mist.

Although this situation is strange, Meng Fan has long been used to it.

Sword evil memory!

Unexpectedly, just touching a fragment could trigger the memory of the sword demon. When I first came into contact with the Lingyun Sword fragments, I had no memory of the sword demon.

Therefore, in a sense, the complete sword before this fragment should be even more terrifying than the Lingyun Sword.

Lingyun Sword is already an immortal sword. Is it a sword more terrifying than an immortal sword?


Meng Fan immediately thought of Fuxi Sword.

Could it be that the complete sword body before this fragment was actually comparable to the Fuxi Sword?

To be honest, Meng Fan was a little surprised.

This small Lingyun Sword Sect, a mere second-rate sword sect, has already brought him too many surprises and horrors.

"What is this place?" A thought came to Meng Fan's mind.

He has also seen many memories of Jian Sha, and even some memories of Jian Sha related to the demon world.

But this time, the memory of Jiansha still has a strange feeling of strangeness.

At just the first glance, Meng Fan could feel that this was a world he had never been exposed to before.

Human world?

Demon world?

Ghost world?


Meng Fan's intuition told him that it didn't look like it. Anyway, it wasn't like any other world he imagined.

Of course, it's possible that he was thinking wrongly.

This mist-shrouded mountain range seems to be endless, with no end in sight.

Just when Meng Fan was thinking wildly, a sword light fell from the sky...

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