Zhao Xifeng does have a glimmer of hope, but his father, Zhao Yuanjiang, the head of the Tianlong Sword Sect, is already doomed.

Even if Li Kun, the head of the Lingyun Sword Sect, went to the Tianlong Sword Sect to deal with it, he could not save Zhao Yuanjiang.

But at least the altar can be destroyed to prevent the Tianlong Sword Sect from making mistakes again and again!

In this situation, Zhao Yuanjiang, the head of the Tianlong Sword Sect, is doomed to die, just like Lin Tianxing before.

Lin Tianxing, even Lin Lao couldn't save him, and even put Lin Lao in the end.

In this comparison, who else can save Zhao Yuanjiang, the head of the Tianlong Sword Sect?

Unless someone of the level of Yipin Patriarch takes action, there will be a glimmer of hope.

But second-rate sword sects such as the Tianlong Sword Sect and the Lingyun Sword Sect don't even have someone of Lin Lao's level, let alone Yipin Patriarch's level.

This is an absolute dead end!

"My skills are inferior to others, and there is no point in saying anything. Forget it, I will go back to Lingyun Sword Sect with you." Zhao Xifeng said with a helpless tone.

He was not the kind of person who did not know the current situation. He recognized the reality at this moment and did not continue to resist.

Because he knew very well that the result of resistance would only be worse.

As the son of the head of Tianlong Sword Sect, he still had some knowledge and was not so stupid.

He who knows the current situation is a hero.

"Take you back to Lingyun Sword Sect, you don't need me for this." Meng Fan showed a smile at the corner of his mouth and saw a sword light shooting from a distance.

That was the breath of Senior Brother Xiao, which he sensed very clearly.

The person who came out of Lingyun Sword Sect to look for Zhao Xifeng must be Xiao Longhu with the strongest cultivation, so it was reasonable for him to come first.

"Junior Brother Meng, you..."

After Xiao Longhu rushed over, he found Meng Fan and Zhao Xifeng opposite, and his face showed a little surprise.

He sensed the violent energy fluctuations here, and instinctively realized that there was a problem, so he came as soon as possible.

"Brother Xiao, I happened to meet Zhao Xifeng on the way back. I guess you must be looking for him, so I kept him." Meng Fan said casually.

The surprise on Xiao Longhu's face has not dissipated. Zhao Xifeng and Meng Fan left Lingyun Sword Sect at the same time. He was not surprised that Meng Fan could meet Zhao Xifeng.

What surprised him was that Zhao Xifeng stayed there honestly at this moment, obviously suppressed by Meng Fan.

And according to the energy fluctuations just sensed, it proves that a fierce battle took place here.

Judging from the current situation, the result of the battle is also very clear.

Meng Fan won.

Zhao Xifeng lost.

This is a bit outrageous.

Xiao Longhu knew very well that Meng Fan was only a cultivator of the fourth level of the Induction God, while Zhao Xifeng was a cultivator of the Yuanshen realm.

"Junior Brother Meng, Junior Brother Meng, I underestimated you before. I didn't expect you to be able to pin this guy to the ground and beat him. No wonder that old guy contacted me and insisted that I do you that favor. You are indeed worthy!" At this moment, Xiao Longhu finally understood why his cheap father insisted on doing him this favor. This kind of genius of the demon level is indeed worth cultivating, and it is worth cultivating with all his efforts! Before, he also asked Meng Fan how far he was from the level of sword soul. Now think about it, it's quite ridiculous. How could a cultivator in the realm of induction who could press Zhao Xifeng to the ground and rub him not cultivate into a sword soul? "Senior brother, you think too much. I just happened to see him here, and he was injured again, so I just protected him." Meng Fan said with a smile. Zhao Xifeng on the side, there was no smile on his face, but MMP in his heart. This Xiao Longhu actually called the guy opposite him Junior Brother. It seems that his guess just now was correct. This must be a big guy who hid his cultivation and teased him. I said it, how could someone beat me like this at the fourth level of the Inducing God Realm?

"You said so." Xiao Longhu also showed a smile on his face, and said to Meng Fan: "But I really have to thank you this time, otherwise this kid might not be found if he hid."

"Brother Xiao is too polite, it should be me who should thank you."

"One thing is one thing, it is indeed me who should thank you for this matter."

"I should thank you."

"I should thank you."

"No, I should thank you."



After a hypocritical polite exchange with Brother Xiao, Meng Fan threw Zhao Xifeng to Brother Xiao and left.

Zhao Xifeng could only follow Xiao Longhu back to Lingyun Sword Sect obediently.

This kid may not understand now, but he will understand in the future that Meng Fan actually saved his life today.

If he really returns to Tianlong Sword Sect, it will be a dead end.

Meng Fan flew on his sword overnight and soon returned to Shushan Sword Sect. As soon as he entered the Sword Pavilion, he saw someone waiting for him in the hall.

Ye Qingyu.

I haven't seen this girl for a long time.

Meng Fan practiced in seclusion in Jian Pavilion all day, and Ye Qingyu also practiced alchemy in the Alchemy Hall all day, so they didn't have much interaction.

So Ye Qingyu appeared in Jian Pavilion and stayed in Jian Pavilion waiting for him. Something must have happened and she wanted to find him.

It seems that this is quite urgent.

"Senior Sister Ye, what brings you here? Why are you waiting for me in Jian Pavilion?" Meng Fan walked into Jian Pavilion and said to Ye Qingyu with a smile.

"Deacon Meng, please don't call me Senior Sister. I don't dare to be one now." Ye Qingyu saw Meng Fan and smiled.

This kind of "iceberg beauty" who has always been cold and cold is still very amazing when she smiles.

However, Meng Fan firmly believed in the truth of "There is no woman in the heart, cultivate the God of Nature", so he automatically blocked the smile on the other person's face, and did not feel surprised at all.

"Senior Sister Ye, you have now entered the realm of condensation. In terms of status, you are also a deacon. Please don't say such polite words to me." Meng Fan shook his head and said.

"By the way, Senior Sister Ye specially waited for me at Jiange. It seems that there is something urgent. If there is something urgent, just say it. Don't be polite."

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Ye Qingyu also showed a serious emotion on his face.

"Junior Brother Meng, I really need your help this time." She stopped being polite and continued to call Meng Fan his junior brother.

Meng Fan still had a good impression of Ye Qingyu.

Although this girl asked me for help last time, in the end, she gained more than herself.

Under normal circumstances, when someone comes to ask for help, anyone else would subconsciously find it a bit troublesome and resistant.

But when Ye Qingyu said this, Meng Fan was still patient, at least he wouldn't find it troublesome to resist before hearing the content.

"If anything happens, senior sister, just tell me directly, you're welcome!"

You have to tell me in advance, whether you can help or not will be decided after you finish talking.

Meng Fan is still very realistic about this.

If it's a small thing that can be done casually, Meng Fan's natural adult beauty will not refuse.

But if it's something particularly troublesome or even dangerous, then you can't blame Meng Fan for being unkind.

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