Meng Fan had a smile on his face and looked at Ye Qingyu with a smile.

Ye Qingyu, who was on the side, suddenly became embarrassed when he saw the smile on Meng Fan's face. He seemed a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Junior Brother Meng, actually, it's quite embarrassing to talk about this."

Meng Fan heard this and nodded with a smile on his face.

"If you're embarrassed, then don't say it."

These words immediately confused Ye Qingyu, and he looked at Meng Fan a little at a loss.

Meng Fan looked at Ye Qingyu's expression and burst into laughter.

"Just kidding to lighten the mood. Are you not so embarrassed now?"

Ye Qingyu rolled his eyes. This joke was not funny at all, it was scary.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Meng Fan continued to ask.

Ye Qingyu was indeed no longer embarrassed now and spoke out his request to Meng Fan.

"Junior Brother Meng, have you ever heard of the Ascension Pill?"

A divine elixir?

I really haven’t heard of it.

"Never heard of it." Meng Fan told the truth.

"The Ascension Pill is a pill that strengthens the soul, and its effect is amazing.

From the realm of condensing pills to the realm of transforming into gods, this ascension pill has effects.

And even monks in the realm of divine transformation can have their soul power skyrocketed after taking it!

However, this divine elixir can only be taken once.

After taking it once, if you take it a second time, it will have no effect! "

Ye Qingyu explained to Meng Fan the specific functions of this divine elixir.

After hearing this, Meng Fan's face was full of doubts. He had no idea that this Ascension Pill had anything to do with him.

"So, what does the Ascension Pill have to do with me?" Meng Fan asked curiously.

Ye Qingyu talked about the Ascension Pill for a long time. Isn't this just nonsense?

I don’t have the divine elixir!

"Junior Brother Meng, this time the Medicine King Tower is opened, as long as you can get through the sixth floor, you will be rewarded with a divine elixir.

I would like to ask your help to break into the Medicine King Tower.

Medicine King Pagoda only allows monks in the spirit-inducing realm to enter, so I came to you for help.

After all, you are the most powerful existence among the monks in the realm of leading gods that I know. "Ye Qingyu said a little embarrassed.

After all, she was asking for help, so she didn't have the confidence to speak, which would make her a little embarrassed.

"Then you just told Yaowang Pagoda. Why are you talking to me about the Ascension Pill for a long time?" Meng Fan said helplessly.

"Besides, I'm just a young monk on the fourth level of Yin Shen. Even among the Shushan Sword Sect, there are many senior brothers who are stronger than me. Why do you have to look for me?"

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Ye Qingyu's face showed shock, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "You are already at the fourth level of leading the gods?"

She didn't know that Meng Fan had already reached the fourth level of leading gods!

Meng Fan rolled his eyes even more when he heard this.

You don't even know that you are on the fourth level of Shen Ling, so you come here to find yourself?

Didn't this girl just think that she was at the level of attracting gods?

At the level of guiding the gods, it looks like it is the peak of guiding the gods.

She actually has such strong confidence in herself, this girl really thinks highly of herself.

"Junior Brother Meng, you have reached the fourth level of guiding the gods, so your confidence is even greater." Ye Qingyu said a little excitedly.

"Senior Sister Ye, there are senior brothers from the Shushan Sword Sect who are at the peak of the Yingshen. Why didn't you ask them for help instead of looking for me?" Meng Fan asked.

Ye Qingyu said with determination: "Even seniors who are at the peak of Yingshen, I don't think they are better than you!"

This... is simply nonsense and unrealistic at all.

Of course, from Meng Fan's perspective, there is nothing unrealistic about this and there is no problem at all.

But from Ye Qingyu's perspective, this is definitely unrealistic.

Why does this girl believe in herself so much?

Apart from anything else, the last time Ye Qingyu saw him take action was probably when he was in the realm of condensing pills.

Times have changed, can you still have such great confidence in yourself who is in the realm of leading gods?

"It's rare that Senior Sister Ye trusts me so much, so I'll give it a try by breaking into the Medicine King Tower." Meng Fan said casually.

This is not something dangerous, it is something that can be done casually.

Ye Qingyu Ye had helped him refine elixirs several times before, and even helped him free of charge. If he didn't help with such a small thing, Meng Fan himself would feel a bit unjustified.

“Junior Brother Meng, don’t worry, I won’t let your help go in vain.

My master has half a prescription for the Ascension Pill. If I can get a finished product of the Ascension Pill, I will most likely be able to figure out the refining method of the Ascension Pill.

At that time, I will return you ten divine elixirs! "

Ye Qingyu said seriously.

Hearing this, Meng Fan did not refuse and nodded with a smile.

In fact, he didn't understand the Ascension Pill at all and had never heard of it before, but judging from Ye Qingyu's reaction and performance, this Ascension Pill should be an extremely valuable elixir.

Ten divine pills are definitely a big deal!

At that time, everyone in the sword pavilion will have one. Hongqi, Shu Changsheng, and even that kid Wu Tian can all reward one.

It seems like I overlooked something...

Senior Brother Luo?

There's really nothing we can do about it, it's not that Meng Fan is stingy, it's that Senior Brother Luo himself doesn't live up to expectations!

Senior Brother Luo may not be able to reach the realm of pill condensation in this life, nor can he meet the minimum standard for taking the Ascension Pill.

"Okay, I know about this. Come to me tomorrow morning and I will accompany you to Yaowang Tower." Meng Fan said to Ye Qingyu.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Meng!" Ye Qingyu saluted Meng Fan.

Meng Fan immediately held Ye Qingyu's shoulders to stop her from being so polite.

This is not to take advantage, it is just a courtesy. After all, everyone knows that Meng Fan has no woman in his heart and only focuses on cultivation.

"Don't be so polite. You've helped me make pills before." Meng Fan said with a smile.

If Ye Qingyu hadn't helped him refine the Hunyuan Fruit into the Hunyuan Pill before, he wouldn't have been able to break through to the state of attracting gods so quickly.

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Ye Qingyu smiled, with a slightly relieved expression on his face.

To be honest, she was quite worried that Meng Fan would reject her and not want to help.

After all, if you really want to calculate it, I am not very familiar with Meng Fan, let alone others.

In total, I haven't had any contact with them a few times.

"Then I'll go back first and come back to you tomorrow?"


After saying goodbye to Meng Fan, Ye Qingyu returned to the alchemy hall.

After Ye Qingyu left, Meng Fan didn't take this matter too seriously, because it was really not a trouble for him and it was a piece of cake.

The Shushan Sword Sect has always had a Medicine King Tower.

It's just that Meng Fan is not a disciple of the alchemy hall and has never been exposed to alchemy, so he has never paid attention to it.

Trying to break into the Medicine King Tower was like playing a game to Meng Fan.

After all, within the Shushan Sword Sect, even if you fail to break into the tower, there should be no danger.

Then, not long after Ye Qingyu left the sword pavilion, Meng Fan also walked out of the sword pavilion and came to the Demon Locking Tower.

He had to report the situation of Lingyun Sword Sect's Tongtian Sword Pond to Patriarch Yipo, and he also had some questions that he needed to ask Patriarch Yipo for advice.

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